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What's up!!! Here is another raw reaction to the Hunger games series. This is movie 3 and we also are joined by Hunger Games super fan Carianna! Hope ya'll enjoy!



Trang Le

no hate but i hope y’all react to the final movie without any special guests. i’m sorry carianna was quite distracting and the fact she already watched the movies i feel like her commentary and facial expressions when certain characters new or old came on screen gave a lot away and took away from y’all’s first reaction as a viewer


3 is too many. So much talking results in missing key lines and plot points. Imo

Ms Afro Majestic

I am so happy they are watching these films. I love their insight and I am ready for the next film.

dontrell Durant

I never understood the Peeta love. He was trash throughout the entire series. I just don't see the hype for him.


I agree. I just think for anything other than comedy, 3 is too many.

Giorgia M

The first clips of Peeta were from when they first took him, to make it seem like he was on their side and cooperating. As if they were ever gonna bring him on to talk badly on the Capital? He was there under duress. Gale acting as if he could withstand any torture or threat is just weird to me, we know in real life contexts, people always crack.

Kelly Melvin

How was Peeta trash throughout the series? He was literally one of the purest and genuine souls in the whole franchise lol


Welcome back, Carianna!! Nice job with the targeted questions for the guys. After all this, Ballad of Songbirds & Snakes is gonna be 💥💥💥

Juliana Jelezoglo

Quick note, district 12 had 10,000 residents, only 915 survived and got to district 13, not the other way around.

Rebeca Pereira

Notice how in the first time Peeta is interviewed his collar looks like a knife to his throat.

Giorgia M

Maybe from book lovers? I’m not sure. He’s defo Peeta 2.0 in the books. While the movies don’t really show him being good at much or having that much personality, compared to the books. I find that the people who don’t really rate him, usually it’s because they think he’s weak and unskilled. Can I ask who you are a fan of?

dontrell Durant

That's my main point. Everytime I call Peeta trash, people bring up the books. We aren't reading the books. We're watching the movie adaptation. And in the movies he does nothing. He literally joined a group that was chasing her down to kill her in the first movie. What? Peeta was going to kill all of them once that caught Katniss? No! He was gonna watch her die. Then he hid the rest of the movie and kept getting saved by Katniss. Second movie, he did nothing. Got saved by Katniss AGAIN. Then... Nothing. Rinse and repeat. Katniss love for him seemed to be out of pity. Gale did waaaaaay more and seemed to actually care about Katniss and her family. Don't care what the books say, as we're watching the movies.

Kelly Melvin

Bruh even in the book it's obvious how much Peeta saved her. You don't need to read the books to see that. The star-crossed lovers romance he came up with helped save her life. He was literally leading the career pack alliance away from Katniss. He took a knife in the leg keeping them away from her. The second movie he saved Kaniss again from the fog and the monkeys taking most of the heat which is why he was injured by the fog. It was because he came back for Katniss. Gale didn't care about Katniss more. He cared about his own feelings. She literally comes back from surviving a death game and has trauma and Gales all like yeah that sucks, but do you love me. Your take is ridiculous. Peeta saved Katniss numerous times. Peeta was the smart one of the group and always played the people, which Katniss was terrible at. Katniss didn't love him out of pity. She loved him because he was genuinely a good person and she realized how much he has risked for her.

Kelly Melvin

Carianna definitely partly has these feelings about Gale because of the last movie. However, she is right that in this movie and even in the previous movie Gale constantly needs to be validated by Katniss despite her having bigger issues. That's what makes Gale selfish. Peeta loves Katniss but never asks or pressures Katniss for anything in return. Gale on the other hand is so wrapped up in his feelings for Katniss and her liking him back. He just needs to chill a little. He's just constantly like do you love me?


I see a lot of discussions in the chat already. I’ll ask a question instead. If the first game was Gale and Katniss instead of Peeta. Do you think their team would have had a chance? Because remember, while Peeta is physically challenged, he came with intelligence and knew how to win the crowd. Would Gale have hesitated to kill Katniss at the end?

Pamela Chandler Rash

It's because Peeta was the only selfless character. Katniss being almost there but closer to the end it was more and more about what she wanted over everything else. Gale whined too much. In the books Peeta was disabled by the games and Gale was still like "What about me? Why does Peeta get everything from you?" it was gross.

Pamela Chandler Rash

I think Gale is way too much like Katniss. I think they would have stayed together until the finales and parted so they wouldn't have to kill each other. I don't think it would ever occur to Gale to play a long game like Peeta, and I don't think Gale's sole purpose would have been what Peeta's was too. All Peeta wanted was Katniss to live, Gale would have tried to do something to anger the Capital in the games and end up being taken out by something just sent after him. He's just too impulsive like Katniss.

dontrell Durant

I I I I..... I clearly said I haven't read the books and only watched the movies. It's an adaptation from the books. You can't keep trying to force the books onto people. The creator was fine with them changing Peeta and Gale. Again, this is how I felt about Peeta. I felt he was the weakest link in the franchise and was trash. You feel different. That's ok. 🫣🫣🫣

Christina Matzen

I really enjoyed Carianna’s expressions every time Coin came on the screen 😂 She did a great job of not verbally spoiling anything! I just kept thinking “Girl, same” 😂

Jaci Henley

The "big daddy metrics" should be a real measurement... 🤣🤣🤣

Jaci Henley

The sad thing about the Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes, Snow started out one of the good guys but his true nature came out.


This girl annoying only bc she talking over the movie she already seen, compared to them.