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I can't believe we are already 5 movies deep into this Harry Potter series! Last movie was kinda rough and they definitely turned up the "keeping things dark" knob on this one too. Hope y'all enjoy the uncut reaction to this!

P.S. I didn't say it last time but #RIPCED




Great reaction ! 😊


Lmao were you implying that Lupin and Sirius Black were romantically linked? 🤣


In another movie I heard snape say they were bickering like a couple or something and then they were pretty close siting at the table so I didn't know what was going on lol -Adison


James Potter, Lupin, Sirius Black and Pettigrew (Wormtail) were best friends when they went to school together at Hogwarts. Together they make up the Marauders who created the Marauders Map that we saw in movie 3.


The Cruciatis Curse is the torture curse. They explained in the last movie.

Christian Zwisler

Yes, exactly. :) 1 of 3 unforgivable/forbidden curses. Imperio curse is basically mind control and u can make anyone do anything u wish, wrong doings, self harm, jump off a bridge etc... Cruciatis curse is the torture curse (which was used by Bellatrix Lestrange on Neville Longbottom's parents to torture them into insanity, which is why he lives with his grandmother). Last one is Avada Kedavra, the killing curse, which u cannot survive (besides Harry once as an infant, which is why he is famous "partially") #teamkeepdudley ;)

Christian Zwisler

riding a broom is not traceable/trackable

Christian Zwisler

O.W.L's = exam. when fred and george went full crazy mode, it was an exam, not punishment/"detention" ^^

Christian Zwisler

The Malfoy's, are from a respected well known, rich, (pureblood) family, which has ALOT of influence and dates back as far as u can go. Lucius Malfoy is on the Hogwarts school board (why Draco could get his father to influence the rest of the board to for example, execute Buckbeak), and has very good connections/influence within the ministery of magic. Lucius Malfoy is a death eather, FACT. But only Harry knows (Because he have had encounters with him). To anybody else Lucius is not, because they dont know.


would you both be willing to take the pottermore quiz? it's basically a tradition that we encourage new reactors to the series to take it. it's the official harry potter quiz to tell you which house you'd be sorted in. =) there's also additional ones where you can know your wand type and your patronus. if so, i know everyone would love to see a video of you guys taking it!


The scene with the rest of dumbledores army riding on thestrals makes more sense in the book. Chapter 34 describes the riding on Thestrals in detail. The other three students indeed have difficulties, but they manage with help. Ron, Hermione and Ginny, however, were still standing motionless on spot, open-mouthed and staring. ‘What?’ he [Harry] said. ‘How're we supposed to get on?’ said Ron faintly. ‘When we can't see the things?’ ‘Oh, it's easy,’ said Luna, sliding obligingly from her Thestral and marching over to him, Hermione and Ginny. ‘Come here …’ She pulled them over to the other Thestrals standing around and one by one managed to help them on to the back of their mount. All three looked extremely nervous as she wound their hands into their horse's mane and told them to grip tightly before she got back on to her own steed. ‘This is mad,’ Ron murmured, moving his free hand gingerly up and down his horse's neck

Dana Launius

Oooooooo my favorite!


This was amazing. The story is full steam ahead from here and it’s a ride!! It’s going to be hard trying to be patient. Lol


W reactions


to be fair, wolfstar (sirius x remus ship) is extremely popular lmao


NEVILLE LONGBOTTOM'S PARENTS- Okay, now that we've seen this movie, I can explain more. So as you know, Neville's parents, Frank and Alice Longbottom, were two powerful wizards who were in the Order of the Phoenix (the resistance movement against Voldemort). What isn't fully explained is this: When Sirius said that they suffered a fate worse than death, he means that Neville's parents were tortured to insanity. They're still alive, but barely, they're more or less shells, forever confined to a bed in the wizarding hospital St. Mungos. Neville visits them but they don't know who he is or who they are, nothing really. THE PROPHECY HARRY HEARD- Here's another thing the movies never really explain; the prophecy was one made by Professor Trelawney (the lady who Umbridge fired and tried to make leave), years ago. The prophecy goes like this: "The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches... Born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies... and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not... and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives... The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies..." This very prophecy is actually the reason why Voldemort tried to kill Harry. He was paranoid because this prophecy he was told about said that the one who had the power to take him out was to be born as the seventh month dies (late July). And this child would be born to parents who defied him three times. Now here's the kicker. Harry wasn't the ONLY one who could have been chosen. Harry was one. The other? Neville Longbottom. Both Harry and Neville were born at the end of July, one day apart, and they both had parents who three times defied the Dark Lord. Voldemort marked Harry as his equal by choosing him. He chose Harry because he was a half-blood just like him. Neville and Harry are connected in this way in that they both could have been the potential chosen one. Whereas Harry's parents were lost to death, Neville's were lost to insanity. Oh, and by the way, the ones who tortured Neville's parents? Bellatrix Lestrange, and Barty Crouch jr, the man from the last movie who pretended to be Moody the teacher. Now that you know that, remember when he specifically asked Neville to come up and watch as he tortured that spider with the crucio curse? He was being sadistic, he knew he was the son of the parents he used this same curse on. THE UNFORGIVEABLE CURSES- As was explained in movie 4, there are three unforgiveable curses, they are illegal and will earn you a lifetime in azkaban. Those three curses are The Killing Curse (Avada Kedavra), The Torture Curse (Crucio/Cruciatus), and the Compulsion Curse (Imperio). Voldemort killed Harry's parents with Avada Kedavara, and Bellatrix hit Sirius with this same spell. Neville's parents were tortured to insanity by the Cruciatus curse. Viktor Krum was put under Imperius by Barty jr in movie 4, that's why he was attacking the french girl Fleur and Cedric Diggory in the maze.


Now drop The Half Blood Prince in 5…4….3….2….1… 😩😂

Kayla Alika

I’m sayin!!!! I’m most excited for them to watch these last three movies!

Kayla Alika

Ooouuuu! I love watching these too much, I even rewatched them because make me crack up lol. Now we need the next one 😂 it’s only going to keep getting better and slightly darker from here on out. So many surprises and twists coming up! This next movie makes me laugh a lot and then cry my eyes out.

Ghael Blackmont

Definitely can't wait for these next three movies to be watched by them. Going to be exciting time of reactions.

Gustavo Cabral

Loving your videos, man, I met the channel because of the Harry Potter series! Sending some love from Brazil


you guys are literally the only reactors I have seen making that connection with harry and neville! its a much bigger plot in the book ofc but im glad yall picked this up just from the few moments between them in the film.


YESSS when i did my marathon of going through, the ending movies were so good, my favourites


I’ve aged at least 84 years waiting for HP6 😭


Could you guys react to the Harry Potter 20th anniversary after you finish the series? ❤️ it’s on HBO! It’s a great way to finish the series. It features the actors and crew talking about their experiences filming. Tributes to actors who have passed etc. it would be great if you guys posted it as well!


The historical reason for witches riding brooms is because they caught women…riding…broomsticks


I didn't see anyone mention it, but one of the things the movie leaves out is that evil creature Dolores Umbridge is the one who sent the Dementors after Harry at the beginning of this one. Also, if you get expelled, they break your wand. So, it's not just as simple as not going back to Hogwarts.

Tatum McCormick

Hagrid is half giant. His mom was giantess and his dad was a wizard. Grawp and Hagrid share a mother. Hagrid took Grawp because he was the smallest of the giants and was constantly being abused.