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Happy Friday ya'll! Today we filmed two more reaction to the Harry Potter series! Movies #4 & #5. Hope you enjoy the uncut reaction to Harry Potter & The Goblet of Fire I'll be uploading the next here soon.




Goblet of Fire is suchhhh a good standalone movie but they leave out and change so much from the books it’s criminal 😭


Lets go, Just made my day much better!!


Ayyyyeee! Happy Friday 🥳 time to make some popcorn 🍿 & watch


💯 agree, book club is reading GOF now and everyone that’s only seen the movies is like “Winky?”


cant wait to watch yall reaction on 4 onwards, it only gets better


ngl twilight kinda fire u guys should deff react to it


Avada Kedavra


I have the first one recorded, I actually did it a while ago but never uploaded it. I may have to get that one posted! -Adison

Christian Zwisler

J.K Rowlings original plan was to put Hermione and Harry together, but it changed as she wrote the final books... Guess it was just too much of a cliche in the end..

Christian Zwisler

sad u didnt catch the fake moodeye lip lick infront of his dad... D: constructive critisism going forward, at "downtime/when the story paces/slows down" u talk alot over crucial plot-lines/twists. I DIG your reactions alot, thats why i subbed lol. Keep it up. Just keep in mind, over all the banter, context is missed out. Especially if u havent read the books. D:

Christian Zwisler

oh yeah btw, Voldemort killed his own dad and grandparents while still attending Hogwarts. because he was a muggle and also screwed over his mother, even tho she had him sipping love potion to like her. when she thought he would still love him after years and years, she stopped giving it to him, and then he was like... nah, im leaving u. xD


honestly, i'm kind of glad they missed it, i really believe that lip lick is too obvious, especially the way it went from that to the pensieve scene where barty does the same thing like 5 minutes later. anyone paying close attention would catch it.


Victor Krum is 18 to Hermione's 15. He is older than her yes, he's in 7th year and she's in 4th. Because it's never actually explained, Voldemort killed his father, a muggle man named Tom Riddle Sr, along with his grandparents. The house that we saw at the very beginning of the movie that Voldemort was staying in was Riddle Manor. It once belonged to his father and grandparents. He killed them inside that manor at the dinner table. His mother was the witch, and she bewitched Tom Riddle Sr to get him to "love her." she married him and got pregnant with Voldemort. When she took the spell off him, hoping he'd stay, he left. Cedric Diggory dies in the books as well, so it wasn't because of Twilight. Robert Pattinson (who plays Cedric Diggory) was in Harry Potter first. The movie came out in 2005. The Twilight movies weren't filmed and released until 2008. And yeah, Cedric was a genuinely good person. Kind and loyal and brave, and I think part of the reason Harry was so crushed over his murder, is because Harry feels guilty. He saw someone who was his peer die in front of him for the first time in the most traumatic circumstances, and he feels if he'd only just taken Cedric's offer to take the cup, he'd be alive. Also, Cedric was just genuinely a good person and didn't deserve it, so Harry's deeply hurt about it.

Lucile Byrd

Dude, Ron is an A-hole in every book/movie!


Alright if you thought my explanation for the third movie was long. This movie (in my opinion anyways) should have had two parts. The book itself is almost as long as the final book which actually got two parts. There’s a lot here, I’ll once again try to condense and explain it as best as I can without spoiling too much of the last movies for you guys. <3


So let’s start at the beginning, That house we see the Muggle Caretaker, Frank, going to was Tom Riddle’s parents. Now I see some people have already explained Tom and his Parents however they never explained it in the movies so I can’t really say it’s a spoiler. It’ll just help you understand later. Tom Riddle’s parents, his dad, Tom Riddle Sr. was a muggle. We learn this when Tom talks about not wanting to “keep his muggle father’s name” so he crafted himself a new name. Aka Voldemort. Now his mother was a pureblood witch named Merope Gaunt. The Gaunt’s are directly descended from Salazar Slytherin himself, which is how Voldemort can speak Parseltongue. We know Harry can speak it because Voldy passed some of his powers to him unintentionally. So Tom’s parents were a muggle born and a pureblood. Which makes Tom what they call a Halfblood. We know from the Chamber of Secrets that Pureblood is strictly Witch and Wizards in the family. No muggles in the ancestry we also know muggles don’t have magic in their blood. So Tom is a Halfblood. (Harry is also a Halfblood. His father, James, was a pure blood, and his mother, Lily, was a muggle.) Now Merope Gaunt used a potion called Amorentia, a love potion, on Tom Riddle Sr. to get him to “fall in love” with her. Amorentia does not create feelings of love. There is no spell or potion that can create that. What it does create is feelings of obsession and lust. So something important here is that Voldemort was born out of “fake love”. This is important for the next movie Order of the Phoenix. I’ll explain that in that movie’s comments.


So going back to that scene with the Riddle’s house at the beginning. Two very important things to note here. The first thing is the snake, her name is Nagini. I’ll talk about her and who she is in Deathly Hallows Pt 1. The second thing is the other man you see in the room with Wormtail, is Barty Crouch Jr. Barty was a deatheater during the first wizarding war. You both learn this in the Memory that Harry sees in Dumbledore’s office using the Pensieve. Now this is never explained in the movies so I’ll explain it for you to better understand what is happening here. In that Pensieve scene, we see Barty Crouch Sr asking for names and Karkaroff gives away Barty Crouch Jr. So Karkaroff is pardoned for his crimes as a Deatheater because he gave away names of other deatheaters. Crouch is sent to Azkaban where he escapes by the act of his mother using Polyjuice Poison to swap places with him. Now Barty Crouch Sr. knew this was happening because he allowed his wife to swap places. She wanted her son to have a second chance at life. However, Barty Crouch Sr. Kept his son under a curse called Imperio after he escaped Azkaban. We know Barty Crouch Jr was Mad-Eye Moody because of the end of the movie. We also know that Mad-Eye showed us what Imperio does. It’s just a mind-control spell. Sadly we don’t see Mad-Eye use it on Harry as a demonstration in the movies. Harry however grew a quick resistance to the effects of the Imperius Curse so he can now fight it off. Can everyone fight off Imperil? Yes and No. If they have a strong will, are fiercely independent spirits, and have violent experiences are less susceptible to the curse.


Something else not explained in the Movies is what happened to Neville’s parents. Alice and Frank Longbottom were both Aurors, just like Mad-Eye. The reason why Neville got so upset when Moody used the Cruciatus Curse on the spider was because his parents were both tortured by that curse. Tortured so much that they had irreparable permanent damage done to their bodies and minds. Who cursed them? Bellatrix Lestrange. Bellatrix Lestrange (née Black) is Narcissa Malfoy’s biological sister. Something else not mentioned is that Neville is also another child Born at the end of July. July 29, 1980, to be exact. Why is this important? If you go back to one of my comments on the last movie, I mention Harry’s Prophecy. It says that the one with the power to vanquish the dark lord shall be born to those who have thrice defied him (Neville’s parents also did this) as the Seventh month dies. However, in the Prophecy it says that the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal. He chose Harry and not Neville. Why? Well, I can explain that in a later movie.


So I know Cedric didn't get any screen time in the first few movies that’s because they didn't have him cast yet. However, if we go back to the last movie. Remember when Harry fell off his broom in that Quidditch match when the dementors went on the grounds after him? Well, he was playing against Cedric in that game. Cedric is the captain and seeker of Hufflepuff. In the books, Cedric demanded a rematch for that game because it was unfair but it wasn't granted.


So something to understand about Ron is that, his parents had 6 boys. All they wanted was a girl. They finally had Ginny after Ron. So all of Ron’s life he was in the shadows of his younger sister. Now remember back in the first movie when Ron was in front of the Mirror of Erised, he saw all the glory and fame he wanted. He was Head Boy and Quidditch Captain, as well he was holding the Quidditch and House Cup. So yes Ron, is jealous of Harry because Harry is going to get all the attention even more than he already does for being the Boy Who Lived. (And yes, Ron was jealous of Hermione being taken to the ball by Viktor Krum, and yes he acted like a spoiled child about it.)


So someone we don’t see in the movies is Charlie. Ron’s older brother who deals with Dragons in Romania. Remember Ron mentioned Charlie in the first movie when Hagrid had that Norwegian Ridgeback Dragon. Something we didn't get to see in that movie is that Charlie was the one to come and pick up Norbert from the kids, not from Dumbledore. Well in this movie Charlie brought the Dragons for the Tournament, he’s also at the First Task to help keep them in line and make sure they don't get out of hand.


Alright now let’s talk about those badges that say Potter Stinks. They change when Harry is around. When Harry is near they change to Potter Stinks. When Harry isn’t around it says Support Cedric Diggory. We don't get to see or know who made them in the movies, Draco Malfoy made them. As much of a rude little obnoxious rich kid as he is, he is also an incredibly smart and talented Wizard. He’s exceptionally gifted at Arithmancy, Transfiguration, and Potions. Something else that isn't mentioned in the movie is that Hermione is first in their year for every class for every year they’re at school. Which we get to see throughout the movies by how intelligent she is. She’s considered the “Brightest Witch of her Age”. So who’s the second person in their year? That would be Draco Malfoy. Remember Lucius Malfoy? The reason why Draco is so mean to Hermione in the second movie is that Lucius got mad at Draco for being second in his class to a “Mudblold”.


This next thing I’m going to mention really annoys me that they never mention in the movies. So they do not explain or talk about Fleur Delacour at all. Fleur is a Quarter Veela. Veela are described as having breathtaking beauty and the ability to entrance all men attracted to women. That is why when Ron asked (yelled at) her to go to the ball with him he acted like a fool. Because he was not thinking properly because of the Veela in her was causing him to be entranced.


Okay, so something else we don't get to see in the movies is how Viktor Krum begins to hang out in the library more because he likes Hermione. Viktor turned Eighteen before the school year started. Hermione turned Fifteen right after the school year started. Some people say that the age difference is too big. One, they’re both still in school. Two, Hermione is much more mature for her age. Hermione even shows him how to pronounce her name in the book. We don't get to their “relationship” develop in the movie which is why I think a lot of people find it strange they went to the ball together.


Oh, something I forgot to mention in Chamber of Secrets, one of you have said that Moaning Myrtle sounded like she was young and old at the same time. The character was 14 when she died in the bathroom, the actress playing her at the time of shooting the films was 37 years old.


Fun fact, Daniel Radcliffe aka Harry Potter didn't have enough time to learn how to Waltz on film because he was too busy shooting the underwater scenes for the Second Tournament. So everyone else knew the dance and choreography for the Yule Ball Scenes. Which is why you see Parvati Patil “leading” them. Because she had to in order for them to stay as close to synchronization as the other actors as possible.


It’s time to talk about Snape and how he was a Deatheater in the first war but turned spy for Dumbledore. I can’t explain all of Snape’s backstory but I’ll do some of it so you have a base understanding of his involvement with the Potters. I’ll explain the rest in the final film. In a comment on the last video. When I mentioned the Prophecy that Trelawney made to Dumbledore, after Dumbledore heard that he found out from Snape during the first war that the Potters were going to have a baby at the end of July. How did Snape know this? Lily and Snape were friends when they were younger. Snape had insider information from being a Deatheater that Voldemort was going to go after the Potters. Which is why they went into Ministry Protection. There’s more I could add to this but it would spoil so much. I’ll have to wait even though I really don’t want to. 🥲


So during the final task in the Maze, Krum got put under the Imperio curse by Barty Crouch Jr. Now something everyone wanted to know at the beginning of the movie. Everyone believes Igor Karkaroff put Harry’s name in the Goblet of Fire. He did not. We don't get to see who did it but we know from the book that it was Mad-Eye Moody (aka Barty Crouch Jr.) Now something to remember, Barty Crouch Sr. Had his son under the Imperius Curse when he was released from Azkaban. Junior got resistance to the Curse and went to the school as Mad-Eye Moody. Junior used Imperio on his father to ensure the Tri-Wizard Tournament went his way and that Harry would arrive in the Graveyard with Voldy. Now something to note, Barty Crouch Sr. was killed. By who? Barty Crouch Jr. Why? Just cause he could do it.


I’ll be honest. Amos Diggory’s reaction to Cedric dying is probably the one that always makes me cry. The actor did a fantastic job showing his despair. The one death that would have made me cry more would have been Sirius’ if they kept in the audio of Daniel screaming. They removed it because according to other actors on set at the time said it sounded so “Guinune and painful” that they silenced it out of respect because just days before they filmed that Daniel’s grandfather passed.


Awesome! I won’t be able to watch Order of the Phoenix until tonight but that film doesn't have as much missing from it as the third and fourth. At least not in terms of having to explain a lot of back lore and things like that. Lol

Pamela Chandler Rash

Ron has issues but they all do, just different ones. The movies are the biggest disservice to Ron, making him like some idiot. Most of his lines or things he did were given to Hermione in the movies. He's a teenager with teenage emotions.


Voldermort gave worm tail that hand also because he bewitched it so the next time he did something cowardly the hand would choke him


had to return n watch this in long format its a dope vibe

Tatum McCormick

Though it’s not really mentioned or further explained, but there is much more in this book about house-elves and in fact Dobby also is in the fourth book. And Hermione leads an organization for elvish welfare which was also not included in the films sadly. And I am also sad that I never got to hear Dobby say “Harry Potter’s Wheezy” when trying to say Weasley 😂

Tatum McCormick

How has no one left a comment about “DID YOU PUT YOUR NAME IN THE GOBLET OF FIRE!!!!!” 😂 It’s always the first thing brought up when comparing the books and movies, lol.