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My previous upload of this had a few volume issues so let me try this again. We finally got the chance to check out the 5th Element for the first time and we had Jae join us! This movie was hilarious and I don't think I will ever forget this role that Chris Tucker played lol. Hope ya'll enjoy!!!



James Germain

i missed this too the first time i watched it granted i was 8 when i saw it but never the less the hand that leelou grew out of or cloned from wasnt the same hand from the temple it was from ship that was attack by the ugly mutant ninja turles lol when they were trying to steal the stones for first time she was just passenger in a space suit

Nik Vann

This has been one of my favorite guilty pleasure movies for as long as I can remember, and watching with y'all was a blast. Did you notice Zorg, the bad guy, was played by the same actor as Sirius Black from Harry Potter? Also, if you liked this, I highly recommend Luc Besson's other movies. Specifically, I think you guys would enjoy Leon: the Professional and Columbiana.