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Season 1 of GoT is something else....here is our uncut reaction to 1X7. Let's get it!!!



Brian Clancy

Lfg thanks y’all boys

Juliana Jelezoglo

A couple of things you guys missed the dialog on: The opening scene was Tyrell Lannister butchering the animal. He is Jamie, Cercei, and Tyrion’s dad. Fun fact is that he had one session with a butcher to learn how to clean the animal, and he looked like he had done that a thousand times. He is a great actor. In the beginning you guys asked when did Ned find out that Joffrey was not King Robert’s son. Remember when Ned was talking to his daughters and Sansa said Joffrey was a golden lion? Ned went to the book and all Baratheons were black of hair, except Joffrey. It was never said, but that’s when he connected the dots. Also, Baelish (little finger) did not mean he would follow whoever paid him. He said that the gold cloaks would obey whoever pays them. Meaning that they obey him since he is the master of coin.

Kristen Matthews

I love these so much, need 8 and 9 ASAP! Ned assumes everyone is honorable like he is and they’re NOT. He should’ve learned that by now smh

Nisa Faro

Game of thrones was basically the creator of the term “sexposition” and combination of “sex” and “exposition” ; basically meaning sex scenes that include important lines imperative to the plot, sooo basically when you when skipped that scene in the brothel you were missing key info about the plot 🤣in the long run it won’t matter but it’s funny that you skipped it lol

Nisa Faro

Also, Dothraki is a real language constructed by the show, the have a Dothraki dictionary you can buy to fully learn to speak conversational Dothraki lol


I feel your outrage, poor Ned…