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Martyn Mcaulay

The great fire of London was only a couple of years after the fire in this show. just putting it out there.

M DeVries

Apologies, Nerdy, but in this case you're definitely wrong on the invention of trains. Steam locomotives weren't invented for nearly another 130 years -- in 1784, by Scottish inventor James Watt. The first full-scale locomotive was built in the UK in 1804, and the first small-scale railroad in China was only built by Western interests until decades later in the 1860's. Even the famed "Orient Express" didn't go any further than from London to Istanbul, and that was in 1883. The Trans-Siberian Railway was the first to actually connect Europe to Asia, and it was completed in 1905 -- some 250 years after Mizu would have set sail. Sailing ships, and then steamships, were definitely the rule for quicker-than-horseback transportation up until widespread railroads and the advent of airplane travel.