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I will say, one of the biggest knocks against Oda's writing is the perviness he adds sometimes. Not fun in my book. I still love One Piece and Oda is Goda, but there are a few notable flaws. The perviness being a glaring one for sure.


I think, because I grew up with anime, older anime pervy moments don't bother me because they are products of their times. I take them as bad gags and move on. *Sometimes,* I might even laugh. It's rare, but *sometimes* I find it funny. For more recent franchises, it will make me avoid a series, but I'm so into One Piece that I just gloss over it. There's only two times Oda takes it too far even for me, and those aren't for a few hundred episodes.


Also, not to generalize, but in my experience, women still LOVE Sanji. God knows why, but I know more men that HATE Sanji because of his perviness than I know women who hate him. I'm not among them. I like him, but his perviness is... a detractor from his character for me. (Now Live Action Sanji, there's a man I can get behind!)


You have to remember, Japanese and Western culture are very different especially in the early 2000s. You also have to remember OP's core audience is shonen, which is young boys and what are young boys into? That's right hot girls. Oda knows his audience and knows how to pull off a gag to get a laugh. You can't bring your Western 2024 sensibility into a Japanese story from a foreign culture almost 25 years ago. That's my opinion anyway. Ride with the story and try not to get too offended in gags and just pretend you're a young adolescent boy enjoying a action packed comedy anime.