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Oh I must have missed it, I didn't know you are a wrestling fan, should come as no surprise, but Oda is a huge wrestling fan, too. Specifically japanese, but american too. Should in a way inform you of how fights in One Piece will go sometimes.


On a side note, I don't know if you know about the 4kids english dub, but it is notoriously bad and was heavily edited. Ex. Sanji does not smoke, he just sucks on lollipops lmao. Anyway, one of the biggest changes is in this episode, were the iconic image of Croc impaling Luffy is instead Luffy hanging by the hook making the scene really dumb and awkward 😂 The dub ends at literally the first moments from the opening scene of the next arch. I would recommend watching a compilation of what changes were made to the original on your own time (After Alabasta) for a quick laugh. A lot of really dumb and inexplicable censorship made the series fail on its first run in the states. Only good thing about it is the opening song, which they do change from the original, but would love to see your reaction to it 😂