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A couple thoughts? Father doesn't think enough of humans to believe they can avoid the destiny he has planned for them. And knowing there was a city wide transmutation circle in place since back in like episode 7, they only need their sacrifices within the city limits. And it's not laid out as clearly in this version, but Ed is the darling of the People. It serves them better to not stir up the populace and just threaten Ed with Winrys safety, keep him on a long leash, close enough to call him back to the city when it's time. They don't need the people rising up in panic. But...Ed went AWOL with Greed. And in Gold tooth's defense, he doesn't know where any sacrifices are. He was obviously sent to find and make Mustang a sacrifice, and to activate the circle at the appointed time to bring all sacrifices (those who have opened the portal of truth and survived) within city limits to the Father. And you wouldn't want to activate that too soon, or you give your heroes more time to rally and fight back. Last minute would be best. Remember, Marcoh was also a potential sacrifice. But they lost him. It all hinges on Mustang for number five.

Nate Perkins

I think that while there is some of nothing the heroes do matters, however it really isn't much, without all of the things our heroes have done throughout the story there wouldn't have been enough conflict here for Father's plan to not just happen. The villains give Ed and Al enough leash they can call them back to central when its time but they also look down on humans so much they can't comprehend the fact that humans can impact their plans. The reason not everything is going according to plan is because of the heroes actions. Also if you do things too early then you give your enemies time to respond and retaliate, so doing things in the last few days when you know you can makes sense.


Lots of commenting defending the show for shit that just isn’t in the show. I get that the manga and other show exist, but it’s really a hindrance on this adaptation that people keep telling me I’m missing the context