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why is sloth super speed? Sloth doesnt have to be slow. Laziness isnt inherently stupid or slow, its lazy. An interpretation of sloth that is more accurate would be "intentionally untapped potential". Sloth in the show is the fastest homunculus, but as he said right before doing it the first time "going all out is a pain". All of them do have "second forms", sort of. Its more like a second interpretation of of the sin they embody. For instance, Lust isnt all about sexuality. Lust can also be more along the lines of impulsively allowing your emotions to guide you. Some others would say "bloodlust", as in a desire for violence. And Lust the homunculus' first instinct upon Al discovering part of the plot was to kill Al, even though at that point is has been mentioned a few times that keeping Al alive is important for Father's overall goal.