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Наталья Новохатская

This fillel is a mixed bag, on one side, canonical geographic info, on the other side, contradictions with the next saga, but at the same time accidental foreshadowing of something that will happen in a thousand episodes. Mixed bag at its finest Also, don't worry, we're not leaving anytime soon. If One Piece fandom is famous for one thing, it's patience


In real life we have the "doldrums" (and also the "horse latitudes" near the equator) where weather is generally calm and there might be no wind for days or even weeks: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intertropical_Convergence_Zone In the age of sailing ships, people absolutely did perish by getting stuck with no wind. Also, Smoker's "Billow Bike" is powered by his devil fruit; it doesn't have a combustion engine.