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To Nerdy's comment about the writers of the show making it harder for themselves when it comes to the story later down the line - everything makes sense once you realize that the writers of the show haven't actually read the book series. Rafe already confirmed this in an interview. Some writers of the show have more knowledge of the source material than others which is why there's such a wild inconsistency between each episode. Makes you wonder why Rafe doesn't consider it important for his writers to have intimate knowledge of the actual source material for which they're writing for.

Sean Vieira

That's not how writer's rooms work, though. Someone may get primary writing credit for each episode, but each episode is put through the writers room and each of the writers contribute to each episode. Sarah Nakamura talked about this on twitter. So if someone who hasn't read the books comes up with something that is inconsistent, that's what the ones who have read are there for, including Sarah. Rafe specifically mentions he has a diverse writers room specifically because he wants people in there who have both read and not read the books, as the show is targeted at readers and non-readers alike.