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!Full Book Spoilers!



Scott H.

What I believe, and I'm not sure anyone agrees with me about, is that they entirely altered the nature of the Two Rivers. In the show, it's not an isolated backwater. It's just a regular town. Fain doesn't share news of the outside world(Tam just knew stuff). There's no purity culture. Egwene and Nyneave both have sex before marriage. It's just not the same place as portrayed in the books.


It's so interesting to have you rewatch the series now that you have read the books. So many good points were brought up by both Nerdy and Clarus. Now you can appreciate the reaction from book readers to this "adaptation". I first found Nerdy Nightly when you didn't know the books and were reacting to the Amazon series. I followed your journey through the books, and I am glad to see that you are coming back to the series with a new perspective. Season two is a huge improvement on season one. I look forward to seeing your reactions to that.