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Are we even Nerdy and Claroos? Sync up and find out!




Meh. Not great writing - too much telling and not enough showing ("The blip changed you.") (Minor spoilers) -------------- Also, some obvious questions arise on further reflection: 1. Why did Skrull Everett call Maria for extraction? 2. If the bomb-maker was a Skrull, why wasn't he just with the rest of them? 3. If you can look like anyone, why live in a nuclear reactor? Why not a gated community in Florida like the rest of the nutballs? All in all, it's no Andor. I was hoping for something a little more like 'Futureworld' in its premise (very deep cut, I know)

Brandon Duckett

They did mention that Skrulls aren't affected by radiation like humans, so near Chernobyl would be relatively safe for them to be themselves without humans interfering.

Brandon Duckett

Hoping the intro used ethically sourced AI.


It would be hilariously meta if the show revealed that the creators of DALL-E and ChatGPT were Skrulls.

Christian Kleman

To be fair, the Skrulls were expecting somewhere they could be their own sovereign nation, so a bit trickier than your average immigrants / asylum seekers. Also, the Asgardians did help in the battle with Thanos, so they had at least that bargaining chip. Still, you're right that in a whole galaxy, you'd think they'd have been able to find *somewhere* for them in the last 25-30 years. Hopefully, we get a bit more insight into that.

Eric Torres

i didnt enjoy it at all