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Is this the best episode of this show?!?



Brandon Duckett

Stopped watching the Secret Invasion halfway thru to switch to this!!! Spaccccce!


Hahahaha excitement level is over 9000. I’m just waiting for the their next AOT upload


I'm so hyped to watch this later.

Aldo Cassola

Speaking for myself, I definitely don't mind the lower quality vfx shots. With this show, you know something good is coming from that department that they had to put the resources elsewhere. Last season there is the incinerator shot and a couple Bobby in the elevator shaft that are not the best, but then you have the Arbogast getting disassembled to the bolts and the hybrid burning up in the drive. I will take the trade any day.

Tom M

and another one because I was "supposed to write two comments". Alex. I think it is not only about a lack of self-awareness or hypocrisy, but also how important his relationship with Martian Navy was. Martians serve in the military. Obligatory service creates certain bond and armed forces are often a very important part in nation building - a unifying factor to bind and create a sense of community you learn to defend together. If it is done in the right way it also offers no easy (ideally NONE at all) way to avoid the service for rich and privileged making it a necessary step in their education. Especially if they are forced to serve as ordinary soldiers. In fact in some countries obligatory service is considered as a way to re-forge some sense of community in a fractured societies of our time - because it forces you to cooperate with people you might never meet in your life - either because they are poorer, live in a different part of the country or have different political views. I don't know much about Alexes marriage but it could very much be shorter than his obligatory military service. Plus he is a born pilot and is in his element when in space so I could very much imagine that loyalty to the uniform is more important to him than loyalty to his wife or even to his own child. It is interesting how Amos would judge that though - we have seen that in some exchanges they had dealt with this subject, but not for long. Anna. Such a great character who is quickly established in this episode in just four scenes. I 'love' casual racism of the UN team which talks about the Belters as greedy sub-humans. Such a great way to show this super-arrogant, colonial, imperialistic sense of superiority - much like the little speech of the imperial commander about natives in episode 6 of Andor. The Expanse RPG. Ehhh, I wish we could play in our local RPG group, but half of active players and it spoil them too much if we started a campaign. Good luck to you and take care! BTW When you are around episode 2 of season 4 you might want to buy "The Art of Making the Expanse", Titan Books and Alcon Publishing 2019. It is a brilliant book with a lot of designs, concept art etc, but don't get it too early because it will spoil a lot of from season 3 and a bit from season 4.

Amber A

Green Ronin's TTRPG for the Expanse is really good. It's an interesting system, and once you get the hang of it, it's really fluid and really does lend itself to creating the kind of tense scenarios from the series, whether you're talking space combat/shenanigans or political intrigue. But yeah, this episode was so excellent. Loved the commentary about Alex's oaths, absolutely spot on. He's a work in progress, trying to do better, but he's definitely not exactly been loyal to his family. Anna's a fun character, by the costuming, it makes her seem like the Angel on the SG's shoulder, where Errinwright is wearing full black, perhaps the devil.

Adam Pacio

There is literally an entire Stephen Sondheim musical entitled Anyone Can Whistle which is, ironically, featuring a heroine as the protagonist who absolutely cannot whistle. It didn't do well on Broadway in the 60s because it was way too far ahead of its time, but they did an AIDS benefit charity performance in the 90s in Carnegie Hall with Scott Bakula as Dr. Hapgood, Bernadette Peters as Sister Nurseapple (the heroine), and Madeline Kahn as the Mayoress, with Angela Lansbury as the Narrator. When the show originally opened Lansbury held the role of the Mayoress. If Clarus happens to have Bernadette Peters's range, the role absolutely revolves around the fact that whistling is NOT something anyone can do because there's no lessons you can take to learn it. Just saying. Clarus, there is a role for your non-whistling self, and Nerdy is technically wrong. You either know how to whistle or you don't. No one can teach you if you can't 'feel' the proper set for your own mouth. But the musical is trippy AF and incredibly relevant today. One of Sondheim's prescient musicals with some real great scenes.

Josh Reineke

It is a great episode, but there are several this season that qualify. This is definitely the most bonkers of seasons. Wait until the back half - you’ll probably pee your pants.


Easter egg. The header with the encryption code on Bobbie’s message was TK4.21. And we all know who TK 421 is and why he wasn’t at his post, also the message ends in 1138. 1138 is a reference to THX 1138 by George Lucas.


I can’t wait for the stretch from episode 6 til the end of this season. Wish we could get 2 episodes a week. At the very least, you have to do episodes 8 and 9 together. I don’t know how people were able to wait a week when these were airing on SyFy.

Ezra Wyrd

Honestly I think the pain of the cliffhanger endings in that stretch of season 3 is one reason the #savetheexpanse campaign was as feral as it was. I definitely recall the exquisite pain of a couple of those week-long waits, and it was almost all I could think about until the next ep dropped