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Brandon Duckett

Don't know for sure, but I like the idea that he does have an unused metal bar or brick in his arm that he can use for different functions. sword, pickaxe, ect.

Zekrom XI

Hange dies Eren KILLS 80% of the ENTIRE world! Spoiler alert my bad, clowns.

Zekrom XI

I work 2 jobs (technically 3, but the 3rd one is inconsistent work). So, yes, I go outside almost everyday! I wasted $5 on these 2 clowns, NOT for their reactions, but to SPOIL the SHIT out of them for being condescending fucks! They’re PURPOSELY hating on Attack on Titan because All Of their “criticism” have explanations to them. All they do is actively look for anything dumb to say about the characters and the writing, and you know what? They’re gonna get karma! I WILL successfully spoil their asses! They don’t give AF about AOT anyway!

James Rob Ross

Did he just cum blood? No but I like where your heads at.


mf is out here being grinded down by capitalism and siphons his misery onto random online people. you incels are too much LOL you gonna do the next school shooting? when's the manifesto coming out?

Yasiru Jayasinghe

Never in my life have I heard of someone use "I work 3 jobs" as a flex before this manchild


I do think we have different nuanced ideas of what I consider characters as, tropey or "tools" if that necessarily bad , Independently of Hughes, but in greater anime context , Something to keep in mind is people sometimes like simpler characters. Not just younger people but also older sometimes people don't want to think too much about characters.in mon character driven stories. This does not mean every character can remain one diff thru the story however I do have my critiques of fmab on that Also anime is usually watched 14 and up . And pretty sure has a sizeable audience of young-adults around the globe

Ancient Hydra

On the note of "we are the only species that drinks another species milk" we as a species evolved to be able to do so. Lactose intolerance was the norm for the longest time. Eventually, thanks to agriculture and raising of livestock, the more rare trait of being able to process lactose beyond childhood became advantageous. Those people had an added source of nutrition and during times of hunger were more likely to survive into adulthood and raise their own families. There are genuine benefits to drinking milk as adults but you are right that it's not the SUPER FOOD it was made out to be in the 90's (you can get the same nutrients from other sources). The manga was written in the early 00's and the "Got Milk?" campaign was at least known worldwide. Hence the running gag of Ed and his hatred of milk.


Ooh nerdy coming for the magic system. I agree with Clarus that there are limits to this system. I can understand why at this point nerdy believes it to be a soft magic system although I’ll disagree vehemently with him. I tend to think of alchemy as an extremely flexible formula. I believe it’s understood as comprehension, deconstruction, and reconstruction. The formula can be applied anywhere as long as there is prerequisite knowledge. That said the show does go into the limits so I’ll wait and see if nerdy’s opinion of it changes.

Ancient Hydra

Another failing of the truncation of the first 2 acts of the 2003 anime in Act 1 of this anime. Along with not giving characters like Hughes enough screen time to develop his full persona as a intelligent investigator and political maneuverer, etc. They wait a long time to really explain the mechanics of their magic system and how while all have access to it 99.99% of citizens can at best only do what Ed and Al accomplished before their mom died.


It's really a shame that they turned Hughes into a caricature in this version of the show. Without the original as context, I can see why nerdy isn't fond of him. In the 2003 version, sure he has his goofy moments of gushing about his wife and daughter, but he is shown often to be a competent and complex character who is someone the brothers can rely on and consider a friend.