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We learn a LOT this episode. Sync up and Learn with us!




I’m not sure what you think the original show was going to canonically teach you. It might have a more palatable pace, but I’m not sure I would agree that it would serve you to splice your viewings of both shows. In like 7 more episodes you’ll catch up to all the manga canon within the original FMA. The original is essentially its own thing under the guise of the source material. In fact I’ll give credit to the original show for keeping up interest in the manga, like all anime shows expect to do, and allow its popularity to provide completed source material for Brotherhood.

Vincent G

While these first episodes are definitely are lightning quick as far as pacing I think if you absorb what you can the series will absolutely fill you in later on and as you reflect of these episodes later on you’ll be more satisfied with what you’re given here. It is kind of a bummer but I think Brotherhood is tonally more in line with the manga than the 03 version. 2003 is definitely worth watching but maybe after completing Brotherhood.

Vincent G

Also good to mention if it hasn’t been mentioned before, the first episode is anime only. The events of that are pretty much filler and I do think the show normally has more consistency when it comes to near cataclysmic events. The inclusion of that episode is still pretty bizarre to me.

Samuel Eng

Please dont ever watch the live action.... the worst tonal comedicness is 100 times worse and its soooo much more jarring because its Live action

Aaron Wittwer

I feel like Nerdy has issues meeting shows on their own terms. It's similar to some of his complaints about AoT, These episodes are establishing the tone of the show. That juxtaposition of humor/silly gags and serious elements runs through the whole show. It is telling you what it's going to be, and you are saying "No, I want it to be something else." It's fair not to like what a show is, but if you are expecting it to morph into something else, you're going to be disappointed. So get on board, try to like it, or don't I guess. But if you're going to make a reaction channel exploring anime as relative newcomers, then I feel like you should be more open minded to how that medium might express things differently than you are used to, and cast less value judgments on that up front. Ironically, given Nerdy's take on the episode, I think this is the first episode in the show that doesn't feel rushed or overly compressed, and from here on it maintains a fairly good pace that doesn't speed through the ground laid in the 2003 version. But if you can't get over the tonal contrast of the sillyness and the seriousness. Or if you are going to keep calling every character an idiot because of exaggerations the show pulls for the sake of a gag or two...that stuff does not really go away.


I like the show, but on rewatch the comedy undercutting the heavy moments is really jarring. I get it's an anime trope but the delivery feels off.


don't really agree with any of this, even as a fan of the show and the original I can't really fault someone for having issues with the serious tone combined with the random gags. people have the same criticism towards marvel movies so it isn't really just an anime thing.


Discussion after this one was really interesting. Whether or not you want your serious topics to have side gags and levity inbetween them is a good discussion to have I think.


Winry losing her balance in the opening can symbolize how she wasn't physically affected by what happened like Ed and Al were but because she is so close to them, her life was still somewhat affected by it all, ergo she loses her balance.


There’s nothing wrong with having an issue with it. The original comment stated that. But if it’s that big an issue for you, then drop the show. Because the show itself has already made it clear what the vibe is gonna be so you can’t constantly get mad at it when you’re the one who decided to stick around. So it’s either you be open minded and see what’s ahead or you leave.


The show isn't aiming to be dark is the thing. Which is why the more lighthearted elements are there to counterbalance the tragic elements. And I think it's also important to distinguish between that and whether or not this specific joke with Mustang works. Which I think you can overanalyze if you want to. What it shows is that after being in command during a period of peace Mustang has lost his edge, he's not always instinctively evaluating his combat readiness. His gloves being too wet to work properly has, at a subconscious level, become an inconvenience and not something life threatening. So yes he fails to consider it when he gets emotionally worked up over Scar almost killing Ed and Al. But Hawkeye hasn't. Which very much fits with their dynamic.


"So it’s either you be open minded and see what’s ahead or you leave." I wish anime and television commenters would stop repeating this nonsense. It immediately deflects criticism, and it shuts down any differing viewpoints or discussion.

Joe G

I was amused that Nerdy's concerns about how the show's tone, etc was proceeding so far was basically what Claroos warned about when she was comparing how the two shows handled the initial worldbuilding, etc.