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The Basement. Sync Up.



Andrew Chan

I'll cut them some slack because it's their first time watching. Most of their criticisms are due to missing details or not remembering explanations that occurred earlier, like they explained why Nerdy's plan wouldn't work. Once they lost the horses and had no means of escape, Reiner and Bertholdt could've retreated and waited them out. Can't even do a kamikaze run at the Beast Titan at that point to turn the tide.


Actually the last couple times I have watched this arc I always tend to think that the plan Levi suggests to Erwin in their final scene, abandoning the horses and fleeing over the wall, probably would have been the best choice. Just because the show rejects it doesn't mean the viewer has to. But it was a tough spot, who knows.


Nerdy is a lost cause around Erwin at this point. He doesn't believe in sacrificing personnel to achieve victory in the face of overwhelming odds.


I wonder if they watched the show in dub they might of have enjoyed it more. Maybe sub made them miss so many details

Aaron Wittwer

The problem is the longer they delay without a victory against the Beast/Colossal/Armored, and the longer they remain in the dark about their enemy, the more likely humanity would be to just fall to another attack. Granted, they didn't know exactly what they would find in the basement. But that was Erwin's hunch/gamble. That whatever they would find, would help them be prepared to defend against that unknown enemy.

Aaron Wittwer

I don't really understand the assertion that the whole episode was played like a comedy. Just because the key wasn't for what they thought it was? Just because they thought the drawer was initially empty? These things aren't like laugh out loud gags. It's just building tension and baiting the viewer along. Maybe there's a light humor to it, but to say that it's inappropriate to juxtapose that with the reveal? I can't say I agree. Totally ignores just the emotional trek back home and the inherent tragedy of finally reaching your goal at such a great cost. Both of which I think are way more tonally representative of the episode as a whole.

Jay Craig

Because it's a nonsense assertion. The episode has two moments that play with the audience, one hardly so as the false bottom makes sense as a security measure. To think the moment with the wooden door outweighs the incredibly deliberate and slow atmospheric walk through Shiganshina would be absurd, so pay it no mind. Don't try and reason with someone when they're being unreasonable.


Are they thinking of not watching season 4? That’s when the show fucking starts! First three seasons are the prologue!

Jay Craig

To me the big what-if with these reactions isn't 'what if these reactors over the last few months had done xyz differently', to me it's 'what if they hadn't faced such a strong, visceral, consistent negative reaction from the community'. This isn't even meant particularly as a rebuke to either side, I don't think the criticisms were largely wrong, but it was clear in season 1 when the Erwin stuff began that the comments put the reactors in a really defensive mindset, particularly Nerdy. In my experience, no matter how much someone gets ratioed, the act of getting ratioed in and of itself doesn't change someone's mind, even in the extreme types of situations you can see on social media where someone is observably and objectively wrong. It just entrenches them further into whatever viewpoint they have.


YOU GUYS DONT LISTEN. THEY brought Erwin up because his question that his dad answered was if theres more people outside the walls which his dad said yes in private and then Erwin told other kids and his dad died boom. IDK how its so complicated. Erwin is tied to the discovery because of that thing with his dad, PLUS ITS ANIME they are gonna be like that especially since Erwins a huge character even if you hate him unbiased hes a big character and we always be refered back to..


1000% Nerdy is Erwin, even has the same number of letters in their names. :^]


I find the Erwin hate pretty funny but a little unwarranted at times lol it definitely took a while but I think his character arch paid off in his last episodes. I like that his story ended with him acknowledging how he'd been selfish this entry time and sacrificed countless of his subordinates lives all while saying it was "for humanity" when all he really wanted was to prove his father right. Maybe even to alleviate some of the guilt he must feel from contributing to his fathers death. It honestly must have been torture and a miserable "dream" to be chasing all his life. No hate here. I like how unafraid you both are of being critical. Even if it's one of my favorite shows. I have my own issues with AOT. I just think Erwin's character deserves a little more credit. Or maybe I'm just being biased lol whatever


But unfortunately nerdy doesn’t see it as a “gamble”. Just as another failure.


No they’re definitely hating on Erwin way too much. Sure criticizing the character is fine but they just flat out hate him and think everything he’s done in the show has been a failure.


There's a difference between being critical and thinking he's a failure in all regards. They're the latter type. These two have no idea how military actually works.


Actually Clarus likes Erwin, it's just that she doesn't want to disagree with Nerdy too much because he is her boyfriend. Can't you guys see that. She has to be careful how she argue with Nerdy so he won't get too upset at her.

Mitchell Edward Newton

This show makes you think you understand the premise, then it dunks on you in the craziest way. Shock is the right reaction

ARS22309 IJustWantToLikeComments

haha....they're actually married and Nerdy probly wouldn't give 2 fricks if Clarus liked this Erwin character and said so. they'd agree to disagree, like they have about other things..

wheatfat (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-21 15:11:57 Why would anyone suddenly assuming this is set in the real world? And then the making jokes about the end credits scene as though it's so silly and they're just so intellectually above it all, not taking anything seriously, this does not bode well for the next episode. I'll be shocked if they haven't already decided they hate it or that it's stupid before it even starts.
2023-04-21 12:42:37 Why would anyone suddenly assume this is set in the real world? And then the making jokes about the end credits scene as though it's so silly and they're just so intellectually above it all, not taking anything seriously, this does not bode well for the next episode. I'll be shocked if they haven't already decided they hate it or that it's stupid before it even starts.

Why would anyone suddenly assume this is set in the real world? And then the making jokes about the end credits scene as though it's so silly and they're just so intellectually above it all, not taking anything seriously, this does not bode well for the next episode. I'll be shocked if they haven't already decided they hate it or that it's stupid before it even starts.


that's what i was saying too. they miss a lot with trying to react and read subtitles which to my always makes me wonder why most reactors don't react in their native language


you're shitting on Erwins plan... they wouldn't be here without it tho...