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I do think that all the immense hype by the AoT fans is what is the main cause behind your criticisms about the show. It's clear that you came in with a certain level of expectations and mindset which is preventing you from experiencing the work the same way as someone without much pre-knowledge of the series. Because these things have been hyped incessantly, it's understandable that you have high expectations for every facet of the show which either don't reach that standard or is not overtly satisfying to what you've been promised. I am a fan of AoT too and have read the complete manga, however I always felt it was a mistake to portray it as some perfect story the way its most ardent supporters do since I don't consider it perfect, or the best series; the hype gives unrealistic expectations and assumes that everyone has the same taste or reaction for certain elements. Attack on Titan does have its problems, though the problems I have with it likely will differ from yours. To me, it's similar to a few of your Wheel of Time book club readings where your expectations of the books set by the fandom are not manifesting in the same you expected, so the unmet standards adversely affect your enjoyment of the series. I feel that if you experienced the series the same way that many in the fandoms have (without an immense amount of hype, talk of being the best ever, or needing to follow a set schedule in consuming it) then you'd come in with a completely different experience and outlook on quite a few of your reactions.


The reason why Mikasa and Levi are able to be as ruthless as they are is because of their pasts Mikasa having experienced cruelty from humans early on in her life made her pretty quickly apathetic like you said, Sasha and Connie don't have those pasts so I disagree that everyone should be as equally ruthless, considering it's only two young usually goofy characters it still.makes sense . however I slightly empathize that yes it was a bit exceeding for them to be that crybaby .and are hesitant because they looked up to Reiner as a brother figure which was mentioned in s2.


You guys are overthinking things. The main plot of this anime and the characters are great, enough so that it goes directly to my top tv shows ever (not just anime). Even if there are indeed small details (like Annie's quick traveling, Reiner's consciousness moving, etc) that might not be fully explained, yet I don't feel like they're a big reach after knowing more about the world. I would split the anime into two: before the basement and after the basement. And it is true that before the basement, the plot is basically one of survival that keeps us engaged with both wanting answers and the action scenes / fighting for survival. After the basement though, the fact that the story is told this way starts making a LOT of sense. It is unfortunate that you are overthinking small details enough that it makes you not enjoy the show as much. It reminds me of a friend I have who works in making movies and now he can't enjoy the movies as much because he's constantly thinking about how the scenes are made and what they could have done differently, instead of just letting go and diving in what's happening. It is fine, AOT won't be as good for everyone as it is for me. Although I do feel hope that you'll mostly come around when you finish it. There's some real epic and amazing well written story coming up. The next episodes btw, are also amazingly well written and executed. Even if in terms of the plot, they're just "the fight", the details around it are really something. You'll love them too :)


I am more interested in their take once they catch up to the show. I have given up hope on their takes for now. But it still makes a interesting reaction


They simply don't appreciate the shonen archetype he evidently mocked it back in s1 ep 12


Lol it’s funny that y’all still trying to make fact of certain things of the show that have not been confirmed. Hypothesis are cool, but the story isn’t ending. There’s a whole other season left. Plot tests happen and it’s part of what makes the show good. And not sure how the show is supposed to be taken as “realism” when it’s about giant human like monsters who eat people lol. At this point it seems like y’all aren’t enjoying the show and are just forcing yourselves to watch it for the views. That may not be the case but that’s how it seems.


I need dislike button 😞


Lol I’m not sure if they are really enjoying aot every time they nitpick the most pointless things lol but I think we will know once they caught up


I think everyone here is being a bit dramatic 😂 they’ve clearly said they’ve enjoyed s3 a lot. Just because they have criticisms doesn’t mean they don’t enjoy watching it. You’re free to argue whether or not you agree with their criticisms but it doesn’t matter that much. Tbh reaction videos would be boring if everyone had the same opinion.


To be honest, I've seen far worse reactions.* Theirs is by far quite decent, and they occasionally bring up important points, even though they overthink sometimes, or dimiss some details as "plot holes" or bad writing too quickly. AOT is not perfect, just like any other show, but in my opinion, it's far suprior to most other shows of its genre that I have seen. *There was one reaction channel of a guy and his girlfriend. The girlfriend clearly liked the show and was intrigued by the mystery, but the guy kept calling the show "stupid" because he wasn't getting immediate gratification in the form of answers to the mystery. They ended up abandoning it eventually (though the girlfriend was reacting on her own for a while). Some people are just like that, and AOT is just not their cup of tea.


I just imagined that if they watch JOJO, OMG it's horrible😱

Thalita Veras

You guys watch Star Wars right? So you guys should understand what it is a FANTASY show. I really don't understand why you guys are complaining about "realism" in a FANTASY show.


Holy crap, this exploded, how do you manage it every time nerdy LOL


I think you guys coming into the show wanting to prove that this show is not the greatest show of all time because you heard a lot of people saying that this show is the GOAT. One thing I can say about the confusion you have in regard to the mystery writing of the show is that Hajime Isayama intended to wrote it this way because he wants us (the audience) to experience what Eren, Mikasa, Armin or any other characters in the show experienced. He wants us to feel and experience what these characters are going through in their lives living in this AOT world, how everything is hopeless and yet still want to fight for freedom and searching for the truth. This and many other reasons why Hajime Isayama is a genius in story telling and story writing. It is 100% why to me he is one of the best if not the best author ever existed. I would go as far as why our Universities and Colleges want to make students study stories written by authors like shakespeare and others. To me these writers are so overrated and outdated and that the people who are running these curriculums are so bias and stubborn. They will never acknowledge or admit that newer contemporary writers are better than the old classical writers let alone Asian writers. Just ask yourself this questions, if AOT was taught in Universities as a core English course, do you think students will study harder and willing to learn more in class and trying to put more efforts in writing better essays? Of course they will. The world is always changing and credit must go to those who deserve it and in this case Hajime Isayama should be praised for what he has accomplished as a writer and a story teller.

Jay- Esque

At least half of your discussion points are easy to debunk ngl

Minerva Ravenclaw

Yea it's like you're saying this show is terrible and doesn't make sense but hey I'm enjoying it... So I'm not sure which statement I should rely on🤣

Jay- Esque

Some of this shit take about 5 minutes of thinking to understand 😂


- This is what people are talking about when they say you guys aren't paying attention miss things. - "HOw diD MiKaSA bReak thrOuGh ERen's hArdening wHen tHeY coUldn't brEak thRough ANnie's???" - Eren this episode: Hardening that is concentrated into a specific place is denser and harder compared to hardening that is spread out, hence why he can beat Reiner's a$$ (Hence why their gear can pierce and break the walls, the pilllars in Rod's cavern, Eren's hardening and not Annie's super condensed hardening.) - Nerdy: Mr. "I've Watched A Lot of Shows", talking over the scene and not processing it as usual. - Pretty sure the thing about hardening was even hinted at earlier in the show

Kira W.

Jeez, these comments... I don't understand how so many people take someone critizing a piece of media they enjoy as a personal attack... I agree with most of what your saying C+N, many small things were jaring to me too on my first watch, especially the deus ex machina titan powers. Despite that, AoT is still a contender for best series ever for me.

Minerva Ravenclaw

Lol we're not taking anything personal, this is not the first AOT reaction we've seen, but this is the first absurd reaction we see. Are you not watching the same reaction? Just check how they're watching this show and try to understand the frustration. The only Deus ex machina titan power was that Reiner transferring his consciousness. Other than that it all makes sense since again we are watching fantasy genre not some documentary


I agree, there seems to be a lot of overly emotional reactions to their reactions, but I guess that's kind of the idea. People don't interact if they don't have some kind of emotion to drive them to it. The titan powers showing up conveniently does have a very deus ex machina feel to it at first, then you start expecting different powers to pop up. But it's hard to react to things you've already seen as though you haven't seen it before, which is usually why people watching reaction videos get so annoyed when the people doing the reaction don't pick up on minute details that seem so obvious to the viewer. But that's the risk you take when you decide to do reaction videos, I suppose. The insane amount of over-hype they got before starting this show certainly doesn't help though. Expectations make a big difference in how you experience something.

Minerva Ravenclaw

Ofc high expectation has an impact. And frankly it's ok if they miss stuff, I'm sure all of us have watched plenty of reactions before and we know that reactors always miss some points BUT they at least try to be well informed in order to come up with proper analysis and discussions. And they don't call the story silly every two or three episodes, they don't go disrespecting the author by saying this is bad writing and talking things like they know much better and "they've watched so many series and movies". Their attitude is not appealing and unprofessional.Ofc they are free to do whatever, it's their channel but since we are the audience we are also free to respectfully criticize this attitude, and point it out.

Thalita Veras

Exactly!! I watched a lot of reactors, and most of them missed some points and didn't understand some parts. But I never saw them calling the show "silly" or saying that something is a plot hole just because they didn't understand. N and C are always making funny comments about the show and disrespecting the autor, almost like they actually think they are smarter than the autor. It's ok if you don't like something, but at least try to really understand what the show is trying to present to you, before jumping in conclusion that everything you don't understand it's a plot hole and "silly".


To be fair, they have said that they like the show multiple times. And s3 doubly so. I think they are just talking about however they are feeling about it. Are the critiques totally on point? No, but some are here and there. And some of it might have to do with that aforementioned "watched a lot of series" (also being involved a bit in the industry), since that experience is going to come from network/western series. They haven't seen that much anime. Not saying that explains all the missed criticism, but those preconceptions and assumptions can have a domino effect.


LOL all these comments. I thought their reaction and discussion were fine haha 😂


From my earlier comment ,Aot is near realism not hard realism in physics unlike something like Vinland saga,(which is a seinen ) which allows us and the show to have incredible action sequences, I think something You should know about anime it's from its history I see it's designed with emotion first in mind and other things later. Sure aot definately adds a lot of technical but that's to be appreciated not be entitled too.Because of the nature of animation you can quickly change perspectives much faster than you ever could in a live of action. Mangaka for shonen think about what would look cool first and foremost as that is the priority to get a good selling Shonen in manga. Considering its drawing they don't think or know about the laws of physics. You guys trying to nitpick that isn't a flaw of the show at all rather it's just on of the nature of the medium. Whether you have a valid critique of the physics or not is a pretty nuance discussion but 98% of time here prob not ,Secondly in regards to the horses while there may be some explanations, from a lot of anime I watched some things are considered background things if they don't really matter in the grand emotional impact of the situation. Maybe in a live action you would have equal distribution of attention between humans and horses but here we quickly switches scenes, to characters faces ,actions, and builds more hype which overshadows the other things.


Adding from my earlier comment ,Aot is near realism not hard realism in physics vs something like Vinland saga,(which is a seinen ) which allows us and the show to have incredible action sequences, I think something You should know about anime it's from its history I see it's designed with emotion first in mind and other things later. Sure aot definately adds a lot of technical/ yams tried to make this as technical as possible to mimic near realism but that's to be appreciated not be entitled to critique like you seem to,.because that was never the norm for anime trends to begin with back then .Mangaka for shonen think about what would look cool first and foremost as that is the priority to get a good selling Shonen in manga. Considering its drawing they don't think or know about the laws of physics. You guys trying to nitpick that isn't a flaw of the show at all rather it's just on of the nature of the medium. Whether you have a valid critique of the physics or not is a pretty nuance discussion but 98% of time here prob not ,Secondly in regards to the horses while there may be some explanations, from a lot of anime I watched some things are considered background things if they don't really matter in the grand emotional impact of the situation. Maybe in a live action you would have equal distribution of attention between humans and horses but here we quickly switches scenes, to characters faces ,actions, and builds more hype which overshadows the other things. Another thing is an anime characters are focused in expressing themselves with their eyes many of the time rather than their mouths like we see in Avatar. But if you're going to not be able to take it seriously in the overall sense just because of the laws of physics obscure you and rather than focusing on the emotion which is extremely consistent and then that's you and the show is not for you because that's just a mismatch of mindset and experience. It's a bit worrisome now I can see you complaining about other things. Noticed at least you realize how heavy these episodes are. Atleast


yep you just keep misunderstanding things, i think i'm gonna skip your discussions until season 4 lol