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Kenny bares all?!? Sync up for some BACKSTORY!




This episode was really good on first watch but it turned out to be one of my favourite episodes on 2nd watch đŸ€Ż It just hits so hard when you know the why’s and how’s of this world. Kenny’s "everyone was a slave to something" monologue is some of my favourite lines from this show.


In the anime it didn’t made much sense why historia wanted to punch Levi because they changed the events in the manga that resulted in that scene. In the manga, the decision to make Historia queen was told before Eren and Historia got kidnapped. At that time Historia didn’t have the resolve to accept that fate, she was scared and couldnt decide if she should accept or not. Levi lost his patience and grabbed Historia by the collar, raised her and screamed at her, saying that they didn’t have time and that she should amke a decision right there. Before Eren and Historia were kidnapped Reeves was there with them and told her to punch Levi when she became queen, and Eren laught and said he would want to watch that. So it was not Mikasa’s idea like in the anime. The punching scene in the anime is exact the same as in the manga, but in the manga there was a better reason for Historia to want to punch Levi. It was payback for how he treated her that one time.


Most Questions will be answered eventually, diamond will be touched upon more, edit :really good ep for lots of reasons , Also nerdy " I'm worried the show will go back to titans"" , when a show called attack on Titan shows u attacking titans đŸ˜±

Aaron Wittwer

Material hardness is just a real thing. And if we can accept that titans with that hardening ability can harden at all, then I don't think it's a stretch to say they can control the hardness to some degree. Annie's crystal is a diamond structure is specifically intended to protect her, so she'd probably want to make it harder than standard titan hardening or the scout's steel.

Ferenczi Laurentiu

You know diamonds have different levels of durability in real life right? I don't get your obsession with this topic but hey you need a thing to whine about every aot episode and I guess Erwin finally got a break so...progress?


I am totally with you on how diamong/hardening stuff may be confusing. For now, you just have to trust the visuals of the show. If Annie's crystal LOOKS different from what Eren did in this season and what Reiner did to harden his nape in season 2, that means it IS somehow different. Also, it is unfortunate that the logic behind Annie's abilities isn't told very explicitly, but, trust me, it is quite easy to deduce as soon as you know the whole story.

Minerva Ravenclaw

The nitpicking is crazy 😅 even in the previous episode when the scouts were trying to slice Rod Reiss' titan nape they were like "what are they attached to?" I mean it shows they are attached to the titan pieces flying in the sky but still I mean why would someone ask thisđŸ€Ł at this point nothing makes any sense in any sci-fi movie or series. The absurd part is that they are Star Wars fans and if I begin to count the inconveniences,by their standards, in the movies and series, I won't finish till tomorrow đŸ€Ł

Minerva Ravenclaw

Clarus love, diamond hardening differs depending on the concentration. The show doesn't have to spoon feed us everything 😅 there's simple logic that we can understand by ourselves. Annie's hardening was clearly made for protection therefore it was hard to break. Eren's hardening,not to mention his first time ever, was just a test and it wasn't concentrated. If the show wants you to think that these two things are the same the characters would have mentioned it already. But apparently Eren's hardening was different.


@marimYeah it was pretty evident from the get-go the laws of physics aren't really respected , its near realism not hard realism unlike Vinland saga


I think the diamond thing can be looked at as, Annie herself did the hardening to her body outside the Titan. Eren hardened his Titan form and left the nape open, which is where Mikasa chipped away a few small pieces. Also, I was surprised that y’all missed a few episodes back that Levi’s mom was Kenny’s sister. It was in the episode where Kenny first visited his grandpa and learned about the Ackerman bloodline


Or more importantly, earlier in this episode when he says “my sister” and they didn’t even acknowledge it.


Isayama asked to remove the ligting scene I believe


Yeah lol. I get it’s easy to miss things when watching and reacting, which is why I always find it interesting that more reactors don’t just watch the dub. AOT’s is pretty good for the most part.


The sub purists tend to get zealoty about dub watchers. It's an absurd mindset, but it's one they probably need to take into account. Personally, I love the dub.

Aaron Wittwer

Doesn't Thorkell throw a tree like half a mile in Vinland Saga. I don't think I'd call that hard realism.

Aaron Wittwer

I don't mind the dub, but I generally think that there is just a lot more emotion in the original performances. And, as a response, I think people tend to have a more emotional experience when they watch the original language track. And there are some dub voices I just don't like (Hange's for instance).


Yeah I figured that might be a reason why some people don’t react to the dub. It’s definitely silly for people to try and gatekeep how to watch a show lol. I think that AOT has one of the best dubs overall


I 100% percent agree that the dub is much more emotional, but when reacting and making commentary I think the dub is better since you can easily miss something in the sub when discussing a scene. When it comes to dub, AOT is one of the few I can watch in either sub or dub and they are both good


I and many others think this show is one of the best ever, but i guess it just isn't for you guys since you look a little too hard into some things and not hard enough into others, at least you still enjoy it tho