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Let's have a space battle! Sync up and join the crew!



stuart greenley

Nerdy WHAT are you wearing!!!!


seems like this https://www.thewaypros.com/products/button-shirt-bo12012113


I really appreciate the blurry video, makes it much easier to resync if I have to pause during the reaction!

Adam Pacio

My dude, I understand that this is a reaction video, but this isn't the Wheel of Time book discussion. And you can't hit pause without messing up the watch along timing to have your side convos. I get it. I want to hear your thoughts. But in this episode in particular, you kept missing the cues for when important information was being shared, because you had a pithy comment or wanted to crack a joke. Usually you're muuuuuuch better at picking when to have your sidebar commentary, but today it's like you sat down thinking it was Wheel of Time book commentary time and forgot there was a show on. Here's a thought... if you want to understand the fast and loud moments of the Expanse, pay closer attention to when the characters get slow and quiet. Or you'll keep stepping on info, or distracting your lovely cohost. But a chatty Nerdy is better than no Expanse reaction at all I suppose. I just feel for Clarus. (Apologies for the spelling, I need to see it written out more! LOL)

Thomas Menard

This show is full of amazing quotes

Tom M

That trigger happy lady is Camina Drummer. She is possibly the best character in the show. Which... thinking about this episode is quite funny - after all she is pretty much a third rate character, less than a supporting one at this moment. She is just brilliant.... that is all I am going to say. Travelling to Jupiter wouldn't take much in this setting. The key is advanced technology - very efficient engines which provide constant acceleration, which means that reaching the Moon would take hours, Mars - days and a couple of months to reach Jupiter. That is why space ships have to flip to slow down eventually - like the Canterbury did in the first episode. Interesting that I've read recently a similar idea is one of future designs for space travel in real life. Hardly at any stage of actual development. So far. Communicationg with Fred in secret is very dangerous. This would take place during an official UN investigation which also clearly blames him for building stealth frigates which destroyed the Canterbury. He is branded a radical by Avasarala herself, he is one of known leaders of the OPA - an organisation with many terrorist factions and could be considered a traitor who turned his back on UN Earth. Avasarala is clearly willing to risk a lot and she knows it could kill her. BTW Great idea with the blurry images - it is easy to lose track when you pause or (worse) accidently skip the intro; which I did this time. I hope you will watch episode 4 and 5 one after another. It clearly worked with the last episodes of the first season so it shouldn't be an issue this time.


Yes! Expanse day is almost as awesome as book club day! I love that this is what happens Amos, a character that's immediately ready to do violence, shows up Nerdy: I love him, he's my favorite Fred Johnson's second, another character that's immediately ready to do violence, shows up Nerdy: whoa there, maybe that's a little too aggressive!

James Rob Ross

So cool little info about the stealth ship. It fires a rail gun that it has to aim with the whole ship. The blue glowing gas we see is a plasma discharge to extend the length the projectile accelerates outside of the barrel.


I am glad yall are enjoying my favorite show. I can't wait for more form you. Part of me is sad that we are only getting an episode of this show a week from yall but at the same time Im glad you are taking your time with this show, something I didnt do my first time watching the show.


Thanks for a other great reaction guys! Wednesdays are quickly becoming my favourite day of the week :)

Bryce Carlson

Amos Burton is played by Wes Chatham.

Bryce Carlson

Another example of the utilitarian ethics of the Belter. The Black Sky leader made his move on Fred. Fred reacted and the result was the Black Sky leader being spaced, which any of the other faction leaders would have done, without a thought.

Bryce Carlson

As of this episode, Diogo Herara believes himself unkillable. And the space battles only get better in the seasons to come.

Bryce Carlson

One of the first rules of urban tactical doctrine is to be careful when you turn a corner or go through a door because you never know what you are going to encounter which is what will make you dead.

Bryce Carlson

And the Josef Rudolf Mengele award goes to Dr. Dresden.


Everyones got their favorites. She isn't mine, but they haven't introduced my favorite yet.

Tom M

Of course. I cannot really say who is mine, though Drummer has to be close to the top. The show has this almost... effortless way to introduce and build great characters and even supporting characters of lesser importance are really good.

Deana DeWall

Drummer and Miller are my favorite characters in the show, and I'm at least glad that they recognized "Fred's second in command" or whatever SyFy called her.

Tom M

In the podcast "Ty and That Guy" they've explained that Cara Gee nailed her part so well that they had to give her more presence. Also the 3rd season where her character was given so much presence was still on SyFy. Still the channel was stupid enough to cancel the show.


Agreed. you guys miss so much with Nerdy’s banter and bad jokes, I couldn’t even make it through the first 15 min. I get you gotta be you but if your not gonna pay attention, why should we? I appreciate the the effort but just being honest as a paying customer. I’m still here for now but as a ‘one show’ subscriber I’m almost out, but I love The Expance so much I will keep checking in to see if it moves you like it did me. Keep watching! ❤️

Adam Pacio

After rewatch to make it through the whole thing, I think Nerdy just over-caffeinated or wasn't in the right mood to watch videos. Apologies, Nerdy. I forget that you go from video to video to video and everybody needs to take some time off and go play outside. If my tone was abrasive I apologize. Everybody needs a break to keep themselves from going nuts. I call them 'prism days' myself, when even though I don't have ADHD, the laser focus of my mind hits a prism in the ether and all I can do it look at all the pretty scattered rainbow sparklies all around for the day.


Sadly you missed a lot of smaller things in this episode. It is a very hard show to react to and not miss anything, there are so many small things to see or that get mentioned every second in that show. I prefer reactions, that discuss everything at the and and just focus on the show during the show. Gets better reactions and better and longer discussions after it. One comment on Dresdens view, there is no way to defend what he and the others did to the Belters on Eros, but it's not just some insane-supervillain-talk, who wouldn't be scared and wants to understand it, if some alien-virus was found that probably should have landed on Earth. Not the right approach still, but something to think about. And now Miller shot the one person that did all the research on this very dangerous thing, even if he deserves to die, get some answers first, then imprison him or kill him.

Jonny shaw

I hear what you're saying, I do love Nerdy's little jokes or quips but this isn't really the show to do it for. It's frustrating because it's actually quite hard to pick moments to say something as even a single sentence can have a payoff down the road. I certainly don't expect them to pick up on every nuance the show has or remember everything that has been foreshadowed (that's what makes the rewatches so great!) but with this show it may pay to hold onto thoughts until there's a gap in conversation or until the end. Having ADHD myself I get how hard that can be, but it's worth it so that less of the story gets missed.

Jefferson Ogata

Nerdy, pay attention to the show, dude.


You asked how they had time to put their names on their helmets. Space is big and the show often doesn't take the time to accurately show how long it actually takes to travel from place to place. for example Tycho to Eros is a several week trip one way so between them leaving and getting back to Tycho over a month had passed.

Ian from wine country

Nerdy is 100% right about "cybering". To "cyber" was to have sexy chat with people. It was short for cyber-sex. Blurry window improved sync ability tremendously, thanks. This show does space battles with more realism and excitement and stress than any Trek or Wars show out there ever came close to.


Cyber used to reference flirting is putting it incredibly mildly. LMAO