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Where do Ymir's loyalties lie?!? Sync up and find out!




Interesting discussion 😏can’t wait for s3


And yes, Nerdy’s right about Armin being the narrator


Friendly reminder/request not to leave spoilers (including excessive clarifications) in the comments.

Bronwyn Turnquist

Ymir backpack is one of my favourite things, and I love it every time.

Sam M

Anyone know when the next episodes are dropping or if there's an upload schedule? Apologies if I've missed it

Aaron Wittwer

I feel like you should take this and episode 9 as a pair. You say nothing happened in the previous episode, but it's absolutely necessary to understanding the decisions made by the characters in this episode. It's good that you watched them back to back.


They have one for youtube, these get dropped when edited. This ones release tuesday, so the next one for sure before thursday.


You're right, 100 years is definitely not long enough for everyone to forget something. Makes you think, and you guys have some good thoughts this time around for sure. Also you guys noticed way more about Ymir's flashback than I did the first time around so props for that.


They said Thursday would be the next episode at the end discussion so hopefully Thursday.


I know you guys want to get there but just think of it like this it’s a long ass trip but once we there it’s the best shit ever lol


watching this from the perspective of our characters you are immediately have a world characters who you can empathize with on your frustration I don't get how you weren't into the show.


i really hope you don't start to assume that stuff you don't know about yet is a plot hole