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LET THEM FIGHT! Sync Up For The Bout!




Happy you enjoyed watching this ! 🔥 And Nerdy I love your shirt


On the point about villain motivations impacting the appeal of the fights, as a general point I agree completely that knowing the motivations tends to make fights more interesting since you're more aware of the stakes for each side but I think when you reveal motivation too early it can start to feel a bit cheap. There are a lot of anime shows that will drop a new character on you, then immediately give you their backstory/motivation just to make a fight that otherwise has little to do with the rest of the show more impactful and I think it can become a bit of a crutch for writers. In this case I like that they held off on revealing more about the antagonists because it gave time to wratchet up the tension, and I also think if they hadn't spaced out the reveals as well as they did it might have been a bit overwhelming. That being said I agree that it drags a bit towards the end of Season 1 but I wonder if they had revealed the information we had now sooner, would this part of Season 2 be the part that dragged instead? Not something I have answers for but it's interesting to mull over. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the writing/pacing/motivation Nerdy, I find them interesting to mull over. I'm curious if you have any formal education in writing or just a general interest in the craft side of shows? Either way I enjoy hearing them.


Aot is a mystery shonen ,Season 1 tried to frame itself as a tragic mystery fight and showcase other things it's supposed to make you question the world of aot , I disagree with needing motivations known. It seems like a very closed minded standards , this idea of balance that you try to apply