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This is where the big reveal happens! We did record the audio wrong, sorry about that but please sync up and enjoy!




Honestly these reactions make my week. I'm so excited for you guys to experience this amazing universe


You two are doing a SO much better job of paying attention to the details of the plot than I did on my first viewing, but there are still many MANY reveals to come. That surprise of "wow this situation is so much worse than I thought" will be making some return visits. Love watching these.

Shawn Anomaly

Oh yes...it's time to gets wild. The crazy part, this is just the beginning and I can assure you you're not ready for the direction this is going to take!

Ryan Hughes

Great reaction. Really excited for you guys to see how to story develops from here. My only disappointment is that we only get one reaction per week! :)

Thomas Menard

So the scopuli was the ship julie was captured on and brought to the anubis where she escaped on the shuttle to eros. The end of the last episode the cop miller was talking to said in his communication that a shuttle from anubis had landed there and thats why miller is headed there.

Thomas Menard

Also interesting tidbit millers hat was his hat. And also why its so unusual is what use does a hat have in a place that never rains and has no sun. Thats why people give him shit about it.


I don't know why, but I can't seem to keep in sync with your full lengths when streaming from patreons page. It just randomly buffers for 2 or 3 tenths of a second every thirty seconds or so and throws everything off. Happened on previous episodes as well.

Christopher Jack

I really hope you do both remaining episodes as one reaction. They really feel like a 2 part finale to me.

Deana DeWall

Don't forget that even though the Earth storyline is made up for the show, it will be very important later on. The show is a lot different from the books.

Amber A

I'm loving the enthusiasm and the theory talk, you're just toeing your way into the thick of it, you've got a big storm comin'. You're both picking up on the details they've scattered throughout season 1 really well, I'm glad you're so invested already! The next two episodes are generally meant to be watched together, but it's not a game breaker if you don't. There's only one set of episodes where you'd lose a bit by splitting them up, I'm sure others will bring that up when we get much closer to that point in the series (and hopefully not before then, since it can be an indirect spoiler of sorts).

Dan Pettit

Ah... the joy of watching new reactors being consumed by this world. Never gets old.


As to the knob-like controller Alex is using, I assume it's a SpaceMouse (a real product, google it) or a prop based on one - it's used for navigation in 3D CAD/modelling software because it gives you a full 6 degrees of freedom (3 axes of rotation, and 3 directions of translation)

James Rob Ross

Look at them putting the pieces they have together so well! So they blew up the Anubis with a nuke. Most warships have them along with conventional warheads. You wouldn't want to waste a nuke when the opponents defense is still operating so they aren't used often in combat.

Tom M

Yeah, the last moments are a hard blow to absorb. I'd strongly suggest to watch the last two episodes one after another, without the usual week long break. The Expanse offers interesting two parters and it will be the first of them, though there will be much, much better ones in the future. Alex the pilot. Interesting detail - he was not supposed to shoot during the fight in the shitty motel. He was supposed to crawl and hide behind a cover - he might be a former military, but just a pilot, not a badass fighter. The actor insisted so it is how it is. Take care!

Virginia Wilson (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-13 23:05:00 Haven't seen anyone mention it yet but James & Ty (who wrote the books together under a pen name) are from New Mexico so statistically they've likely had a fair amount of exposure to Mormons. Also TCJCLDS is basically a huge business. They have both the enormous funds and the theological drive to fuel a generational voyage like that.
2023-03-04 05:43:20 Haven't seen anyone mention it yet but James & Ty (who wrote the books together under a pen name) are from New Mexico so statistically they've likely had a fair amount of exposure to Mormons. Also TCJCLDS is basically a huge business. They have both the enormous funds and the theological drive to fuel a generational voyage like that.

Haven't seen anyone mention it yet but James & Ty (who wrote the books together under a pen name) are from New Mexico so statistically they've likely had a fair amount of exposure to Mormons. Also TCJCLDS is basically a huge business. They have both the enormous funds and the theological drive to fuel a generational voyage like that.


That was an amazing and well thought out summary Nerdy! that reaction at the end did not disappoint! Finding Julie like that in the shower is a true gut punch, especially for Miller. If you check out at 25:34 of your broadcast, you can see Daniel and Ty (the duo writers who comprise James SA Corey) walking onto Eros station just in front of Miller. They got their little cameo this episode! It is a non stop roller coaster after this and you will get your answers!

Virginia Wilson

Crap, Daniel, yes. In my comment above I was thinking his name and typed Holden's first name instead. Oops.


Hey, I found a workaround. I run the reaction video using Microsoft Edge instead of Chrome and it fixed the stuttering and freezing.


I love watching yall try and putting the puzzle pieces together. It makes m me hyped for the show all over again.