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The Female Titan is ready but is Eren? Sync up and find out!



Ray Quigs

Levi is injured and out of commission, due at least in part to Mikassa's not following orders when fighting the Female Titan in the forest.

Patrick Crawford

Do you have plans to watch the OVAs?

Ray Quigs

Humanity is facing a true existential threat, which informs their mindset.


If you see this before watching the finale, there’s a post credit scene in the final episode.

Chloe Root

I think the show just wants us to accept that the Military Police are so grossly incompetent that Annie being missing for an entire day or two goes unnoticed, or at least unremarked. Which like, on the one hand police are grossly incompetent so sure, but on the other hand it's pretty absurd that none of her cadet "friends" didn't at least notice.


Nerdy, you're making some serious assumptions without /any/ context or information to back it up. This is one of those slow burner series. you'll get answers in time.


For now, I think you can watch "No regrets" (which is only part of Levi’s backstory) right after season one and "Ilse’s notebook" after S2 episode 1

Natasha Crandall

Back when Hange's Titans were killed Annie wasn't apart of the military police yet. The only recruit that was already part of one of the three sections witin the military was Eren.


I really love how many questions you guys have because it's a great show for that, for wondering what's going to happen, how things work, etc., and all that thought absolutely will be rewarded. Don't get too caught up on trying to figure it out early because there are tons of puzzle pieces you don't have yet. As for the worldview thing, pretty understandable. Some of these characters have (or have developed) a really extreme mindset. After all, the Survey Corps is comprised of the kind of people who would willingly join the Survey Corps. We're zoomed in on very extreme people in a very extreme situation. On the question of whether or not the show itself is trying to preach their beliefs, though, I think there's a lot more nuance to that and it'll definitely be something to discuss as the series goes on. I hope you get back to enjoying it more in the future Nerdy!


Absolutely get Nerdy's point about the worldview of many of these characters, but also completely understand where that worldview is coming from in the show. The most extreme situations breed the most extreme worldviews.

Rob Not

The points about the logistics of Annie don’t really require new information to explain. The biggest thing to know is that Annie can move incredibly fast as a titan and can leisurely make it from wall to wall in 6 hours. With it being mostly empty space out there, doing this at night without being noticed would be very easy. After the battle of Trost all of the surviving cadets were effectively on a break without real duty for a week or two before picking a regiment. Annie already always kept to herself, so not being around when she didn’t have to be wouldn’t raise any eyebrows. She finds out where Eren is, goes there, sees the captured titans and kills them, and leaves. After that everyone chooses their division and she gets sent off to Stohess (the MP operate across and within the whole inner ring rather than only being in one place). At this point there’s no further spying by her on the Scouts, but that’s literally impossible for anyone to know. Now she just has to wait for the next big event which is the expedition scheduled in about a month, which she takes a day off duty for. I think there are some vitally important pieces of info you missed about Erwin, the expedition, and the follow-up plan, but that’s it’s own thing. This show is a lot denser than it seems, and trying to understand everything as it happens is quite literally impossible.

Rob Not

The stuff about Erwin's plans being good or bad is *much* simpler than this. There are some nasty and awkward constraints that Erwin is aware of and has to deal with but which Nerdy, in watching the show, either never picked up on or forgot about. The biggest thing is this - anything short of undeniably successful results from the Scouts means Eren being executed because the politics within the walls are completely unreasonable.

Frank Decker

I don't think they're gonna get it. I've tried. I think they should just stop the series all together. I've never seen a single reactor be this disappointed of season 1. I don't think I've met anyone who sat through the whole season one be as upset/disappointed as Nerdy Nightly. Maybe it's just not for them. Maybe they're just stuck in western (more specifically marvel/DC tropes) shows' storytelling. Whatever it is, they're obviously not enjoying themselves. And we shouldn't force them to watch a show they don't like, only for them to rag on the show.


"the spy isn't in the survey corp so he's wrong" kekw, they're already on s4 so it's fine for me to comment this lol