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Sync Up for some Inner City TURMOIL?!?



Ray Quigs

Sawney and Bean were killed prior to the cadets choosing which regiment they joined.

Ray Quigs

Explanations come....but rarely as soon as you would wish.


You're asking good questions. :D


They didn't just skip rescuing Eren. Eren wasn't in the convoy to begin with. It was Jean perpetrating Eren and Eren was already walking around Stohess.


Thank you for switching to 2 episodes per video for next season !! Since episodes are shorter than a regular show I think it will be perfect !

Frank Decker

The whole premise of this episode before the Annie reveal was all about how corrupt And lazy the military police were. They never explain exactly how Annie was able to sneak away from the military police, but it is implied that it wouldn't have been hard at all. Whether it was delegating tasks to the new recruits, playing cards on the job, not doing a thorough check on eren (decoy), or selling ODM gear to the black market. Military police aren't thorough or precise at all. I'm sure if Annie decided to stay in bed all day, they wouldn't have notice. There was no roll call or anything when they were being briefed on their duty for the day. Now in terms of how Annie reached them: Remember that Trost was blocked off so the Corps had to take that huge detour? Annie must have sneaked off to Trost and transformed out. She must have borrowed a horse to get there without rising too many suspiction on herself or left during the night to get in position before the Corps left then waited for them to get close. Again, none of this is explicitly explained, but everything I said is reasonably within the realms of this world. All your other questions gets explained. Questions like how she was able to gather information on the mission when she was in the millitary police. And questions like how they knew/suspected it was Annie. All that gets revealed next episode. I would say you guys, and especially Nerdy, should watch the show with the understanding that the answers will not always be revealed immediately. And just because you don't immediately understand the reveal doesn't mean it was a bad reveal. I think you guys are a little confused and disappointed in the reveal because you guys didn't notice the hint sprinkled in the previous episode. I promise you, if you rewatch the episodes you'd notice how it had to have been Annie all along. You guys are some times a little too critical on the show because of a lack of information. Information that would have been handed to you in like the next episode. If you guys want all the information to be neatly handed to you right here, right now, this show is going to pretty hard for you guys to watch. I can see how hard it would be for some of your fans to hear you say something like "It makes me not buy in to the structure of the world" and not just spoil the whole thing to you. Because you're discrediting the show over insufficient information. The information that is available, but will spoil the show for you guys. All I'm saying is to enjoy the show and trust that the answers will be revealed. Or stop watching the show if you guys don't believe that the show is capable of creating a coherent storyline. I dunno, being critical is not at all a bad thing, but you guys are negatively judging the show because the question you guys have wasn't instantaneously revealed to you. Just relax and enjoy the show.


Wow well said my friend. Totally agreed with you and thank you for explaining to them. I was getting annoyed with Nerdy being so critical with the show. I didn't even want to write any comments about last 2 episodes because there is no point of writing it. I think Nerdy has bias with this show from the very beginning. AOT should be the last show to criticize because there is no other shows or story that can compare to it imo. You are not just watching the show. You are literally living in the same world as Eren, Mikasa and Armin and going thru exactly the same thing what they are going through. Anyway, I hope you understand what I am trying to say and I hope you will trust the process. BTW, I believe Clarus likes AOT but I think she doesn't want to keep arguing with Nerdy for every episode, so she tries to accommodate.


Double episodes is gonna be great! Good questions too, keep watching and find out the answers.


Just wanted to say I've really enjoyed the discussions you guys have been having at the end of the episodes. It feels like you're invested in the world and the storyline and I'm not sure how that's being taken as you guys not liking the show. Hope the comments don't ruin your enjoyment of it though I'd understand if they did. I've been loving seeing this show again through a different set of eyes and I hope it continues. Keep up the good work guys!

Rand al'Thorfinn

Super excited about the double dipping on episodes going forward. Also, has anyone made you two aware of the OADs (Original Animation DVD) at all? There's some extra content in those that dive into some cool stuff, though they aren't necessarily crucial to the plot. OADs (usually called OVAs [Original Video Animation]) in the anime industry are extra episodes not aired on tv that studios sometimes put out as a bonus on the physical copies of the BluRays/DVDs, and Attack on Titan happens to have a bunch of them. Luckily they're available on Crunchyroll, though you don't want to watch the majority of them until after season 2 or 3. 2 of them are mostly comic relief type episodes, but there are 2 that follow Annie which should be watched after season 2 if you do decide to, and 2 that show Levi's backstory, which should be watched after season 3 part 1 if you want those ones as well. The rest of the OADs are alright in my opinion, and they're not vital to the experience or anything, but I would highly recommend the 2 about Annie and Levi respectively, once you guys finish season 2 for the former and Season 3 part 1 for the latter.


I did the math though and crossing just the middle section to the outer section would be at least a 3 day ride on a horse. I'm not wrong in saying the math aint mathing on this one.


I think you may be getting caught up on the purpose of the spy. Your under the assumption that she was there specifically to spy on the scouts. As far as i know that was never Erwin's assumption. He and Levi just thought there was a spy inside the walls, and that they were responsible for killing the captive titans. Annie was there at the same time as the scouts because the cadets hadn't chosen what regiment to join yet, and after the titans were killed they inspected the ODM gear of everyone present to see if any of them had used theirs recently. That was when Armen noticed that Annie was wearing marco's ODM gear. Presuming Annie was inside the walls for more than just spying on the scouts, being posted in the interior and closer to the seat of power for the government makes a lot of sense. The simple answer is that at this point in the story, you just don't know what her endgame was, but hopefully understanding what was revealed in this episode and how it ties in with everything thats already been presented clears things up a little for you.


I’ll keep this short, but u guys r asking very good questions… this show plays a long game w/ these sort of reveals


Just curious if you are CommonSwift on the aot fandom wiki, because part of your comment was word for word part of one of their comments about this. xD


Annie can't be the spy huh? Interesting... Kekw