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Claroos and I are NOT on the same page... Sync up and find out why!




That’s the best post-episode discussion you’ve had so far 🤣


I’m willing to bet you’ll both end up having Erwin in your top 10 best Aot characters by the end of season 3

Rand al'Thorfinn

A couple things Nerdy. First, they don't tell you immediately, but Erwin has only personally been the commander for about 5 years. Early on in the season, when the survey corps came back and they gave Moses's arm to his mother, the guy who was doing the talking in that instance was actually the commander of the Scouts at the time. Erwin assumed command shortly after when said leader resigned or was relieved of duty (can't quite remember). So Erwin doesn't hold the blame for the losses incurred under his command. Second, you kept bringing up the 1/3 stat, but I really don't think that's accurate, at least in terms of repeated ventures led by Erwin. Again, the heavy losses suffered before the original attack on the walls by the Colossal and Armored Titans were the "fault" of the previous commander (if we're putting all the blame on a single person). I also think you might be including the government forced venture from the 2nd episode where Armin's Grandpa died in your "1/3 of everybody always dies bc of Erwin statistic". This one wasn't something that the survey corps planned or initiated, it was a government led scheme to essentially sacrifice people to save food, and the vast majority of those people sent to "reclaim the walls" were civilians, not soldiers. I also don't think there's evidence that the survey corps was even involved in that mass exodus, though maybe there's a scout cloak on one of the characters that I'm not remembering. All that in mind, this current expedition that the scouts are on is only the FIRST major failure at Erwin's hand. Since he's taken command, he's actually started turning the survey corps into something much more than they were before under previous leadership, which is why so many of his troops trust him so much. I know the method and order they give information to the audience can be messy at times, which can lead to frustrations while watching (like it seems you're having with this arc), but they tell you more about some of this Erwin stuff later with a flashback episode which sheds some more light on it. Anyway, tldr: you're lacking some information, but yeah I'm with Claroos, you're being too hard on Erwin bc of limited knowledge in my humble opinion.

Rand al'Thorfinn

Another very important point to remember is that they're only using smoke signals and messengers on horses to communicate. With Erwin being at the head of this quite spread out formation with this limited communication, the information Erwin is getting regarding his troops is extremely delayed. He doesn't know immediately how many of his people are dying unlike us the audience.

Rand al'Thorfinn

Enjoyed watching this one with you guys as usual, Nerdy I definitely agree with you on Jean being great even if I disagree with you strongly about Erwin lol. Also, the recap stuff does get better eventually, to where they're not constantly giving the same information over and over again at the start of the episodes, but unfortunately the first couple seasons are pretty heavy with that.


Interesting post discussion. Can't wait to see what it looks like at the end of the season.


I love these kind of discussion after an episode. But sorry Nerdy, this time you should listen to Clarus. and I am so glad that Clarus stands her ground. AOT is so well written that you have to be patient with the story telling. The author is not trying hard to be mysterious. There is a reason for everything. In same way, you trust the show will deliver, you should also trust Edwin with his intent and resolve.


I wish they put out more AoT episodes per week. I wanna see them get to the future episodes.


we need more episodes. This anime is too good


I think some of the other comments on this video aren't giving Nerdy enough credit. Erwin sacrificed many men and yet still his plan for the expedition failed. Nothing that happens subsequent to this changes that. I don't exactly agree with Nerdy and he gets some details muddled, but the idea that future episodes will force him to change his stance on this is not really true.


how dare you doubt Erwin.