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Aldo Cassola

Believe it or not, whether Anderson Dawes' name and Anderson station have something to do with each other is answered in Book 1. Nothing spoilery or plot-relevant. Just little nibbles of world-building. The OPA's presence is the Belt in different dwarf planets, asteroids, and then on inhabited moons and stations by the gas giants. The farthest manned station is in one of Neptune's moons. Why call them planets? Some moons are as big as planets, why not?

Dan Pettit

Hang in there guys. Book 1 has been described as half Noir Detective story and half SciFi. The cuts from one to the other can be jarring. I think this ep was 1/3 Miller's detective story progressing, 1/3 our people getting settled in the Roci, and 1/3 a long slow introduction to Fred Johnson. All the seemingly unrelated threads will start weaving together soon.

Matt G

I'm sorry if people have made you feel like you couldn't react as yourselves. As a super-fan I hope I can inject some positivity by saying I love hearing your commentary. It's really nice to hear a perspective outside my own.

James Rob Ross

At this point you are still getting puzzle pieces. You will be able to get a sense of how they fit together eventually. Clarus is clairvoyant apparently and just nailed the prediction of Fred's back story. This great stuff and I promise there will be more exciting episodes to come.

Austin Fisher

As a person who read most of the books and finished the tv series, this is great! Please make more than one episode per week.

Jefferson Ogata

I like that when Nerdy wants to say something to Clarus, he politely turns to address her, but i think he occasionally misses a visual detail because of it. An example is that when Miller tossed the hand terminal Dawes had given him into a recycler before walking into Tech Noir, it didn't look like Nerdy saw it. Tough situation to resolve, but i do enjoy both your reactions. And kudos to Clarus for nailing the Fred Johnson thing. That was remarkably prescient.

Ashley Snow

Please make Remember the Can Not merch! I would buy that so fast!

Amber A

Yeah, Steven Strait does kind of look like a mix between Jay Baruchel and Kit Harrington, it's kind of uncanny. Agreed re: the cinematography on the space shots, it's a neat little way for them to give those scenes their own vibe. Yeah, this is definitely still in the "Getting there" stage. Pieces are being put on the board, and we're still figuring out where they are and what they do. This season is really paced like a book, so there will be sections like this where there's just a lot of set up, with the pay-off coming later on. You're both paying attention to all the right stuff! I love the commentary Anderson Dawes was named after the company his parents worked for, Anderson-Hyosung Cooperative Industries Group. Not really a spoiler or anything, just a somewhat fun fact, a belter named after an Earther corp. Outer Planets = everything from the asteroid belt and outwards. The inner planets are Earth and Mars (and Venus/Mercury).

Tom M

I feel kinda sorry for you because you really cannot just stare at the screen and absorb EVERYTHING. There is always something you will miss. The world building never ends in the series, even in season 6 there are new pieces. Unlike in the real life of 2023 there is no 100% evil person in the show. Ok, there is the one who does something most horrible, but other than this person people on the wrong side are more complicated. Character development is in my opinion one of the strongest qualities of the show. In many ways, in the end it is actually... really optimistic tv series. Not utopian like in Star Trek TNG, but humanity is still pretty good despite many issues like injustice, inequality etc.


One thing I like about this show is how it deals with death. Yes, they kill a lot of people off on the show but at no point does it feel trivial. They try to humanize or add weight to death. They try and make it matter that people die. A lot of shows will kill large amounts of people off but do it in a way that desensitizes the viewer, The Expanse doesn't do that.