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Get ready for TEARS. Sync up and cry with us!



James Rob Ross

How dare HBO make me , a straight dude, fall in love with in love with this adorable gay couple./s This was an amazing story that anyone can relate to. If you haven't seen some of the interviews with those guys about preparing for their role you should really give them a watch.


I’ve been waiting for this one with you two since it came out, and I’m stuck at work 😥


So glad you guys are doing these reactions! You keep me great company. 💛

G. T. Blackwell

Nick Offerman is a goddamned national treasure and if this episode doesn't win EVERY possible Emmy I will be very upset. Every aspect of it was perfect. The writing, the directing, the acting, the set decoration, the cinematography, the editing, the score... Just stellar.


My best friend watched this episode with me and kept yelling, "They had long, fulfilled lives!" at me near the end while she cried.