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It's Female Titan Time! Sync up your Crunchyroll and watch with us!




Just a friendly proactive reminder/request to please let these two figure things out on their own. Even minor comments or clarifications could be very spoilery.

Rand al'Thorfinn

I second this, I love how much Nerdy and Claurus theorize and guess about stuff, but I'd hate for them to get spoiled on something.

Rand al'Thorfinn

I think this episode is where I really fell in love with the show on my first watchthrough. I had already been throughouly enjoying myself, but episode 17 kicks off where AoT started to become a favorite for me.


Jean's name isn't pronounced "Gene". It's pronounced exactly how they say, even in the English dub. "Jyan"

Bike Murns

"it's like a human centipede, but one" haha y'all, I'm so pumped to be catching up on these reactions. Glorious.