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Let's Meet A Martian! Sync up your Prime and get on it!



Chloe Root

R.E. some of the things Nerdy was talking about after the episode. There is no evidence that the ship that blew up the Cant is Martian, that was an assumption based on the fact that the transponder was Mars tech and that the ship was stealthed. The Donnager is asking about Naomi/OPA because their working assumption is that the OPA is trying to frame Mars for blowing up the Cant and they believe Naomi is part of the crew who organized that. Also the ship that blew up the Cant never fired at the rescue crew, they were just in between the mystery ship and the Cant. It's likely the mystery ship didn't even know they were there.


Ceres makes up almost a third of the asteroid belt's total mass, but it is still far smaller than Earth's Moon. Ceres is heavily cratered with large amounts of ice underground. Considered a "dwarf planet", it is 946 km in diameter. https://solarsystem.nasa.gov/planets/dwarf-planets/ceres/overview/


So a little bit of background that adds more detail without spoilers - That was indeed a Mormon missionary. I'm not sure how familiar you are with Mormons but what's great is that it actually really makes sense that they seem to be around in the future in space. The Mormons have a wild amount of beliefs surrounding space including that essentially there is a star named Kolob that the planet god resides on orbits. Without giving anything away, you will see Mormons here and there in the show. Additionally as a group Mormons in this day and age have amassed a large amount of wealth which gives more likelihood to their sticking around in the future. - The pill that the Martian takes during the interrogation is commonly known as a focus drug. It enhances their senses like you thought so they can read things like pupil dilation, micro expressions, involuntary movements.This is why he kept asking to see Naomi's hands, because it helps him read her reactions to what he is saying as he asks who responded to the distress call and he goes through the names. - The crew's sole reason for thinking it may have been mars was because they assumed it was due to the ship that blew up the Canterbury having stealth components given that only Mars makes them. Avasarala later confirms that it wasn't Mars giving them their components through that gambit with the Ambassador. - Finally, Millers hat may not be odd on it's face but it is definitely odd for a Belter to have, in space a hat like that provides no real value, it is entirely an affectation that Miller choses to have for one reason or the other even as it is very definitely more of a symbol of the Earthers as something like a hat with a brim would never really have been created in space as there is no reason to have it. (Millers jest in the first episode of "It keeps the rain off my head" being a tongue in cheek reference to such)


Also to add, the reason Ceres has gravity is because it was "spun up" so its basically spinning around its central axis and everyone is standing "upside down" on the inside of the surface of the asteroid. The nicer areas are closer to the surface because as you go deeper into the center the rotation is more noticeable.


Last piece, the language "Belter Creole" is basically a mash up of languages that amalgamated from all sorts of people that first began to explore the belt. The reason for the hand gestures as well is because they read well nonverbally when in something like a space suit which belters would have all been used to using. Finally that word you were asking about is Kopeng, which is basically taken from the French word Copain (Meaning friend) and Mandarin péngyou (meaning friend as well). Just like in English though, it can be used in different ways, it doesn't always literally mean friend, the context matters.

Shawn Anomaly

Great reaction, next comes...THE EPISODE! Can't wait to see you two react to it!


"This show is a murderers row of supporting talent." Boy howdy! No spoilers, but the supporting cast will continue to be amazing throughout the series. No small roles. The cast and crew of The Expanse put a lot of love into this show. So, lots of reactors have upgraded this show's frequency to 2/week because it's kind of binge-worthy. Just a thought. :) Kopeng - belter creole for _copain_ from the French


They don't think Naomi blew up the ship they think she was working together with the people who blew up the ship

James Rob Ross

The pill was a sensory enhancer. It allowed him to more perceptive of how they reacted to each question like a human lie detector. Great guess! Also yay! Nerdy and I are team Amos.

Ashley Snow

I’ve never laughed so hard at an intro 😂




The ship that killed the Canterbury was a stealth ship. Likely invisible to the Donnager when she was so far away. Naomi has two advanced degrees in fusion drive technology and design. The Martians probably assume she sabotaged the reactor of the Canterbury causing a fusion overload/nuclear explosion.


"Amos needs therapy" ... lmao, oh, you have no idea...


Never trust anyone who calls you "friend" it's never friendly.


I found Claroos' intro reasonable - after all, she's a Canadian, not a Can'tnadian!