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Honestly, the fake out deaths don't bother me. But they are a trope Oda uses a lot, just accept it now, it'll make things a lot easier.


I actually think there's an interesting comparison to be drawn here... I completely agree that Cobra is still brave and amazing, even after we find out he didn't succeed in killing Crocodile. But if we flip that on its head, isn't Crocodile still a horrible person even after we find out he didn't successfully kill Luffy? I would argue the intent is what's important in both cases (as the characters, in-universe, understand it). I totally get not liking the "fake out deaths," I really do, but they're not going away. it's true they'll be somewhat less frequent after Alabasta, but Oda just doesn't like killing characters, despite liking to have battles to the death and villains who are wiling to kill. It's an incongruity from a meta perspective as the viewer, but I maintain it's actually internally consistent within the One Piece universe; characters keep expecting people to be dead, and they keep not being dead. This is obvious to us, but it will never be obvious to them, and that's just how the One Piece universe is. I understand that derails emotional moments for some people; personally it doesn't for me, but hopefully being aware that this is just how the story works makes it less annoying for you going forward.