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He can absorb moisture specifically through his hand. His devil fruit essentially makes him the physical embodiment of "dryness", hence there is no limit because magic. If he gets water ON him, his sand clumps up and he can no longer be intangible, but even that is limited to however long it takes him to dry himself off again.


First off, I really enjoy your reactions! Just as I know your criticisms of One Piece absolutely do not mean that you're not still enjoying it, know the same is true for me and your reactions! But I care too much so... I just wouldn't think of it as absorbing water... he's basically destroying it (or evaporating it? whichever). Also, gotta say, you exactly described one of my favorite things about One Piece... Oda comes up with rules, and then plays within them. I don't see Crocodile as any different. The rule is: if he's aware of water he can destroy it with his right hand. If he's caught unaware or it hits him anywhere else, he gets wet and can't turn intangible (but we're in a dessert, so it evaporates pretty quickly). Luffy's water punches never stopped working... the rules didn't change. The first few attacks just caught Crocodile by surprise. The thing that mostly stopped working is Luffy shooting water at him, because Crocodile and Luffy both know, even if Luffy has wet fists, he still has to _make contact_. And Crocodile can just disappear into sand to dodge _before_ the wet punches land as long as Crocodile is aware and ready. If Luffy manages to get _him_ wet, it not only allows Luffy to hit him, but it prevents him from disappearing. That's why his initial plan was to throw the barrel at him, and then Water Luffy with the squirt gun. Luffy has gotten some hits in, but he's not going to win as long as Crocodile has the sand "teleportation" ready. "Absorbing water wasn't his power previously" we saw him do it all the way back during Little Garden (Ep. 77, to a glass of water through a flower), he did it to Mr. 3 back in Rainbase, he did it to Luffy during their first fight. It just, understandably, became way more relevant when Luffy escalated to water; if Luffy is throwing water all over the place, of course Crocodile is going to use his counter to that a bunch.