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Yes, it's true: we didn't make the February deadline. My shame is immeasurable 😭

But! I'm currently working on the very ending of the game, which means completion can't be more than a week away!

This will be the last normal update for BreedTown 3.

My plan is this: I'll finish working on the game, before doing some final playtesting. After that, I'll release BreedTown 3 here on Patreon in early access. And after a week or so of the game being here in early access (and fixing any issues y'all catch that I missed by myself) I'll publicly release it on Itch.

We're at the finish line. Folks, it's been a MUCH longer journey than I expected, but it's coming to a close. I thank you all, sincerely, from the bottom of my heart, for supporting me throughout 🫡

Once again, the game will be done and early access will begin sometime before the 15th of March. I'll see you all then, and as always, please look forward ^^

One thing I forgot to mention: I'll be adding all my currently listed Patrons to the credits of the game. If you'd like your name to be excluded for any reason, just DM me right here on Patreon and let me know.




Yes we get to fuck them and the story!