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Both the Mac and PC versions are in the link below:

On the PC version, the game launches via the RunGame.exe file

Yep, we're here! It's go-time!
The game will be here in early access for probably a weekish. Mostly just wanna make sure that I didn't somehow miss any extraordinary problems, and that it runs fine on other people's computers before throwing it up on Itch.

In the interest of receiving proper feedback, I'll be allowing spoilers in the comments of this post.  If you haven't played yet, consider avoiding the comments until you do!

I'll also be starting on a guide soon, like I made for BreedTown 2 (also 1, but that walkthrough was crappier)

This is honestly the hardest I've ever worked on any singular thing in my life. While I ALREADY know things I'd do differently if I were to do it all over again, I can honestly say I'm proud of the game as it is.

So, more than anything, I hope you enjoy it! Thank you for supporting me on this journey! And happy breeding! ^^

EDIT 1: First major glitch that has been brought to my attention: if you close out of the game, then your saves will disappear. That wasn't an issue BEFORE today, so not sure why it's happening now.
I'm looking into it, but if you play this early access version, then be aware of that fact.

EDIT 2: That first major glitch should be fixed. I've updated the current build, so redownload it if you downloaded it already.
The issue is fixed by saves now being stored in a folder in your computer's Users folder, called BreedTown 3 Saves, rather than in the directory. 

EDIT 3: Seeing a few minor issues, but so far I'm pleased that nothing else game-breaking has shown up.
Addressing a couple other common questions I've gotten:

All the scene data and character models (the ones that are mine, that is) will be added to the drive soon. I'll also be doing a "BreedTown 3 Characters" post on Pixiv that will link to the ones that aren't mine. I may also make individual Pixiv character release posts.

I've gotten some DMs asking for help with progression. I do apologize, but I'm gonna be making a guide soon, so please refrain from DMing and asking me directly 😅

EDIT 4: Okay, got the guide PDF finished! It's been added to the folder in the link above, so feel free to use it if you're struggling with certain parts. And, let me know if there's anything in there I missed, or feels incomplete!

Also...while feedback has mostly been positive and constructive, some people have expressed that there are ways they're disappointed in certain parts of BreedTown 3. I do apologize to those who feel that way. My goal is always to make content that is both horny and interesting; to me personally, and hopefully, to you too.
I have too many thoughts to write out right here and now, but I think after the game's been out for a little longer, I'll do a big "BreedTown 3 Retrospective" post here on Patreon.

I'm planning the public release on Itch for this weekend, since it seems there aren't too many major glitches popping up here in early access.

EDIT 5: Updated the game with a few bug and typo fixes. On account of the saves now being stored outside of the game folder, you can delete BreedTown 3 and redownload the new version without losing your save. Cool, huh?

Also, JetJaguar reached out to me and let me know that Noe Dua is one of his old cards, so I've updated the credits accordingly. How fortunate!

Lastly, just in general for letting me know about bugs: in order to fix it, I have to be able to either know what causes it, or replicate the bug (if I can replicate it, then I can find out the cause)

EDIT 6: Quick update to the Mac version: since Mac tends to change certain file names, some people were experiencing crashes. I've updated the offending file names to hopefully fix the problem.

EDIT 7: Okay ANOTHER quick Mac fix. I had to take out the save plugin I added in the 2nd edit,  since on Mac it would prevent saving.




What's the Decryption Key?




Is this using Renpy?


Time to irresponsibly inseminate random women on the backdrop of the Yuland-Weytani merger!😈


So, I don't think my game is saving. Or at least its not remembering the saves after I close and reopen the game.


Hmm...Joiplay says that the game type isn't supported even though RPGM MZ is listed on supported game types. I tried the Bootstrapper.exe and the Game.exe. Any thoughts on what I might be doing wrong?


Er, I can look into it, but I don't have an Android or any personal experience with JoiPlay. Saw some people recommending this video, maybe it'll help? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pOpygbwjDvQ


Unfortunately, I already watched that one. It didn't really have any new information and I followed the steps in it already (the "standard" Joiplay install instructions). I also tried fiddling with the settings a bit, but no luck. Verified I'm running the latest Joiplay and RPGM plugins too.

Kee Burnett

Hello, can you send another encryption code for the files since i had to delete mine due to my antivirus program deleting some of the content in the game?


If you would be willing to work with me a bit, I would be happy to test out an Android port of the game and help you with porting it. There's a pretty good walkthrough here: https://youtu.be/baEBrnkpbOY?si=tZGiCeYPbDBZLpgY

Joshua Garrett

When you make the guide, please send it to me.

NotSoAwesme .

Ok I've encountered something weird. I had to leave to get some dinner so I saved and closed the game, but when I came back none of my saves were there.


Minor bug report: in Shiori's room, you can walk on the wall


Yes, that was a glitch when I first put the game out earlier, sorry ;_; It should be fixed now though if you download it again!


Hey, slight typo i found. In DuPont's bathroom the trash can dialog says it is the receptionist's garbage.

Óskar Björnsson

Who's the number 10 on the other list?




How tf do I get the Gyaru into the building, can’t figure it out, am I retarded? I’ve talked to literally every character at least I think I have.


My brain is massive and I figured it out don’t worry, my 8 gorrilian IQ saved me this time.


Got to the point after returning from 3875 and talking with yandere (nice). But been stuck for more than an hour since.... any clues PLEASE


As in arresting someone? I've arrested 4 so far and those don't seem to be the full ending. Progress is also not at 100%.


May I check if I'm supposed to only arrest someone at 100% journal progress? Tried randomly arresting at 87.50% and keep getting duds.


No, the only thing you need to successfully arrest the culprit is to enter 3875, then return to 3874. You just gotta figure out who the culprit is, or if that fails, then brute force arrest everybody until you get the right person!


Great game but I'm kinda disappointed that Brandon didn't breed the receptionist 😞


Ok, I give up, I can’t find number 10. I tried for a full extra hour or more to try IDK and find literally anything and I couldn’t it’s so hidden that I literally give up. I got so tired of thinking that I tried to interact with every single item in the game and got I think like 60% the way through but I’m bored 💀. I did get number 9 though, so it’s not like im missing a location either.

Óskar Björnsson

Are there more than 2 endings for Nero?


Man I’m on a roll, twice in one day I complain about being stuck and then figure it out the instant I post the comment 💀 💀 💀 💀 💀


HOLY SHIT! You're gonna be getting some pissed-off comments about the Mia Halabi scene! Was your thought process there "How can I possibly include a scene that will make thin-skinned people who don't understand this is just a game even MORE butthurt than the Tomboy scene from Breedtown 1?" Definitely my fave scene so far! Don't let the haters get to you! 👍 It's a good thing these games don't get too much publicity or else you'd probably be the Salman Rushdie of pr0n game creators right now!


Did anybody else burst out laughing IRL when Hellen just straight-up dropped the n-bomb?


Are you happy door got me 💀, tf the password my g?


oh shit.... it never accured to me, but (potential spoiler) is Nero a woman?


I thought that was supposed to be obvious? In the very first scene before the game even starts, she gives her full name. Do you know any guys named "Rosine"? Also, when you talk to the Gyaru, Nero confirms at the end of the conversation that she's "into dudes" and isn't interested in women. Amusingly, one of the only people in the office to immediately recognize that Nero is a woman is the pervy old man in the bottom left of the office area, who starts hitting on her the moment she talks to him. (If this comment was tongue-in-cheek, I fell for it, you got me) Edit: On playing all the way through the game, although it's never spelled out in black-and-white, it's heavily implied that Nero is gender non-binary and prefers they/them pronouns.


Okay. I feel like the game was pretty fair up until now, but that security forcefield trap is some bullshit. It can easily cost a player a good 10-15 minutes. A little bit of red light is not a good enough warning to tell the player they can get insta-killed like that.


You mean the receptionist in the very end scene? The satanist girl? Yeah, likewise.


Yeah but what’s the password for the door, I be tired and stupid and wanna know. WHATS BEHIND THE DOOR.


Spoilers ahead. I know they're allowed in this thread but still, wanted to give some warning lol Nero is very interesting so far. Looking forward to seeing how things will go in the future there. Especially since Nero 'won' in what looks like the true ending. I'm also curious about Brandon's tone in this game. My guess is its because we saw him from the perspective of those who got bred, and not the other way around. Seemed like there was some "unreliable narrator" going on with some of the recollections. Even if just in his tone. But he seemed more 'himself' when we took control during the epilogue. Gameplay wise I didn't run into any major issues. One minor issue(very minor honestly) is during the search of 3875, when you have to defend yourself. If you played with a gamepad to move around, it doesn't show the cursor on screen so I got bad ended a couple of times and wondered if I gone to the building too early or something. I'm eagerly awaiting the guide to see if I missed anything or if you included some way to breed that receptionist at the Beast's Maw.

Óskar Björnsson

Not sure about the guide but when given a blue and a red option at the motel, does Nero only have those two endings or variation of her own ending. I got the picture ending for all the characters, Just want to know if I missed something.


If you got the picture ending for all the characters, then you got every character's true ending. The only other endings Nero has besides the two choices in the motel, are bad ones when you make a wrongful arrest.


Thank you for the thoughtful comment! :D I don't know exactly when BreedTown 4 will be, though I do already know what the plot will be. But I'm glad you're interested in where things go!


10/10 game like usual wasted a ton of time tryna figure out if there was a way to breed nero, lots of hints and yandere teased this, something to do with remaining bullet count mayhaps?


I mean... have you gotten to the ending, where you arrest the correct culprit? Because, I mean... technically...


Yeah, i think there may be a slight chance of there being an alternate ending/ hidden scene with nero at the end though, bc she says she isn’t at max capacity (bullets in revolver) and it’s heavily implied by yandere that she will end up like her.


Nah, I was just oblivious. Used to have a friend with female name as second name (christian batpism tradition of giving 2 names to children). Only realized Nero was a women after first time riding elevator up XP + tought he was just gay after gyouru conversation XD


I am still trying to figure out who the correct culprit. You really didn't make the choices easy. I have narrowed it down to 3 people. 2 People don't want to give you the deets on how they got there and the other does and makes it kinda obvious.


You really need to fully interrogate the "mystery person" in the abandoned office building to figure out the culprit. The key detail is how long Reed spent with her. (I'm pretty proud to have gotten it correct on the first try :) ) If you haven't yet done the wine->beer puzzle for the shady guy in the breakroom, you're missing out on a significant chunk of neccessary details to legitimately solve the case. So, go do that first. If you have a keen eye for details, you might be able to figure out who it was even without interrogating the "mystery person" just by finding the computer.


Well I'm far too dumb to guess, interacted with everything I saw (even everything in 3875) and have no clue. Don't care about spoilers can I get a hint 🤡


Wait, I swear I arrested the correct culprit (the first suspect I arrested too) but it didn't show that I was correct, lack of evidence at that point?


Sad/disappointed with Rosine's ending. Hope to see more of them, big fan of the character and hope they get more "scenes" (and a different kind of "ending").


As expected, looking forward to that. Take your rest and wish you the best on the next works. One feedback though is requesting maybe more sex and porn stuff in Breedtown 4 (Breedtown 3 seems a bit tame sexually compared to previous 2 games, especially in regards to the writing). Also I never expected the "a" word in a Breedtown game, as a fan of the whole breeding theme that really turned me off. Regardless, thanks for the replies too wombat.


So finished the game and got the true ending. I had actually suspected that person about halfway through the game. I really aid attention to the anecdotal evidence which really is what gives it away. If you do a little searching and just enough digging you will notice someone is a little different from the rest. 10/10 game less complicated then the last game due to it being a single location and all. But I did love the attention to detail and detective work. Though I do wish we got more time to play as Reed.


Don't be too sad Something very different about this one is that as long as you understand the lore about reeds ability and listen to the last cutscene with Rosine then what you think is the truth may actually be a cover Kek.


It just occurred to me that even though it's never spelled out in so many words, Nero is actually a queer person with a non-binary gender identity. It's easy to forget that a person can be assigned female at birth, and sexually attracted to men exclusively (as Nero says they are while talking to the gyaru), while still being part of the LGBTQ community - specifically, the 'Q' portion. At first I assumed they were just a "tomboy", but in that case, they probably wouldn't pointedly refuse to answer when asked what their gender is. That being the case (SUPER ENDING SPOILERS) it would explain the shocking revelation of Nero being uniquely resistant to Brandon Reed's ability. It's kind of a 'Arwen from Lord of the Rings killing the witch king', prophetic twist kind of deal: during his introductory spiel, Reed specifically says "Every WOMAN I've ever had sex with has given birth to my kid". Nero doesn't consider themself to be a 'woman' so that part of the ability doesn't function. Just like the transgender waitress from BT2 did consider herself to be a woman, and Reed's ability functioned normally.


I think the end screen for girl 10 might unironiclly be the biggest boner killer I’ve experienced in my life. I’m unironiclly sad rn, so disappointed I’m….. bro shoulda at least given us a decision at the end to choose or not…..💀 💀 💀 💀 💀. Actually the reason I was so hype about the game, now I am sad 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭.


Dosent change the fact it was the biggest boner killer mankind has ever experienced. For what purpose was it added? I don’t understand, god it ruined the entire game for me.


I feel so tired now NGL, think I’m gonna take a nap just to sleep the extreme disappointment off, that shit came out of nowhere. I’m sad cause now I won’t be able to nut the that scene anymore, knowing the outcome kinda kills the entire purpose of the scene and removes everything that was hot about it. Like, getting someone pregnant isn’t the hot part, it’s the fact they’re going to have a kid that is. Like, whatever, your choice, but it’s porn, I was hoping for more. It’s just so disappointing is what it is. I didn’t play 7 hours of a breeding game just to have them say “they got an abortion, your entire play through was a waste of time.” Way to kill the mood fr. It just comes out of nowhere, you know? Like wtf fr, what was the point of the scene? I would have preferred to have NO scene than this. I would unironiclly pay for a commission for an alternate ending cause it bothers me to such an insane degree, it makes no sense, it just ruins the mood of the game for absolutely no reason. UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, imma say it rn, the entire reason I played the game, joined the patreon, and took the time and played 7 hours was purely for this scene. Having the abortion at the end completely ruined the entire thing for me. It literally killed my 8 months worth of hype, I’m unbelievably disappointed. The game itself before that went super super super super hard though. I could rant for another 4 paragraphs on why it doesn’t make sense to me at all from a creation standpoint but that would be cringe, so I’ll leave it at that.


I'm sorry you feel that way ;_; If it makes you feel better, I did intend for it to be sort of a "Gotcha!" moment for the player, and to build up tension for the potential of Brandon taking a second crack at knocking up Nero in BreedTown 4.


I comes completely out of nowhere and doesn't make sense to me, it’s an impregnation breeding game, throwing an abortion in there kinda ruins the whole point. Instead of a gotcha moment it’s more of a total fuck you moment to the player. The main problem is the entire game you have the anticipation build up, thinking. “I can’t wait to breed her” and then at the very end, your reward for playing the entire game and getting it right is, “haha, fuck you it didn’t work, abortion in impregnation game, enjoy your ruined experience.” It’s a forced and cringe plot twist for no reason.


Don't know if it helps, but remember that Nero is basically a rival or a foil/opposite for Reed. She did what none of the others have been able to pull off, and that sets up a big final showdown for Breedtown 4. Especially with the Yandere foreshadowing that Nero would eventually become like her(or at least not be able to resist Brandon either)


I assumed what combatwombat posted above was going to be the case but glad to hear it confirmed from the horse's mouth. It was a bold and shocking move. I support it, but I am sure it's gonna catch a lot of flak from fans simply because Nero was such an object of hype (and lust) for the development cycle. It was simultaneously disappointing but also exhilarating, if you come at it with the right mindset. I almost wanna say that some kind of non-canonical secret ending where things go a different way would make it go down easier, but otoh that kinda defeats the purpose. Maybe a 'mission failed successfully' secret ending where Nero ends up fooling around with someone else during the investigation, so people will know it isn't the canonical ending due to a lack of Reed's involvement? What I would say is... audience members should trust a creator with their own story, in the same way that creators have to understand that if audience members have a storng reaction to the story not going the way they wanted, that just means they like the characters enough to have a strong reaction.


Okay, I want to get it out of the way while it is still fresh in my mind. This will be an introspection on Nero as a character. Many think that Nero is trying to avoid the gender topic because they think themselves of a different one. I will assert that through my playthrough, I have come to the conclusion that Nero believes and also identifies themselves as a girl. Why do I think so? First, let's explain how Nero’s personality comes across in the game as a Detective: very serious, almost to the point that it’s a character for the job rather than a personality trait. When you see Nero’s true self in the very small moments that the inner dialogue comes out, you can understand that Detective Nero is very much a character for the job type of thing. Nero seems to be a very cheerful and joke-loving person in private. She also seems to prefer beer over expensive fine wine. Nero has a twisted sense of justice against Reed. You notice that any good information about Reed is automatically deleted, while any bad info is automatically absorbed. I also don't think she is immune to Reed's ability. Rewatch the last scene of the true ending; let's see if you catch what I caught, kek. Also, due to Nero's twisted sense of justice, this makes her a very contradictory type of character. Remember one big thing: Nero is willing to do anything if it's to catch Reed, and she means anything, as perfectly demonstrated for those who have encountered that dialogue and scenes. Wombat can say I am wrong If I am.


Besides the sentiments I share with Trixe I think there are other objective criticisms to be said about BT3 (especially compared to the previous 2 games). I’ve been infrequently following wombat since before BT1’s release and would like to share my “review” when the guide comes out (checking if I missed anything). Perhaps it can contribute something for future game(s) 😅


Man that ending actually left me disappointed. Out of all the girls I saw on pixiv of course the one that caught my attention before I even played the game is the one that doesn’t end up with a bump. Oh well. I didn’t run into any major bugs and the puzzles were pretty good, overall good game, but man…….


I'm not good at English, but it was a good game. I didn't like Nero's body type, but when I finished playing the game, I really like her. Sophie's acting was amazing, especially. If breed town 4 comes out someday, I want to see her definitely conquered! Cheer up, Reed! Thank you for making a good game.


If you were responding to my comment, to clarify, I wasn't saying Nero is transgendered, i.e. a trans-man. That pretty clearly isn't the case. Several characters like Alejandra give Nero the opportunity to say "I'm a guy/man" and Nero pointedly refuses to do so... except in the case of the crazy murderer, in which case, Nero's internal monologue says identifying as a guy was a bluff and a matter of self-preservation. Nero never corrects anyone who refers to them with male pronouns OR female pronouns (as Caroline does). Also, they'd have probably changed their legal name to something less feminine than "Rosine" in that case. You're right that there is a more lighthearted and humorous side to Nero/Rosine that they keep hidden, but that has nothing to do with gender identity. As for the rest... there really isn't a whole lot of "good' information regarding Reed for Nero to absorb. At the very end, when Reed describes his circumstances, that he's literally owned by Fertech, Nero is visibly shocked and looks very conflicted - they weren't ignoring that revelation at all. ...it's just that in the very next breath, Brandon confirms that Nero's initial assessment of his motives from the opening monologue at the beginning was completely correct, even using the exact same words Nero did to describe why he does what he does. I am gonna go rewatch that scene though so I can see what you caught.


Some good character analysis here! But I'm comfortable allowing people to speculate on Nero's gender identity without confirming one way or the other for now though, haha


Unfortunately it's crashing every single time I go to speak to "Sophie." Really enjoying it though. Gonna keep powering through to see if I can get the scene to continue.


...Crashing when you speak to Sophie? Uh, when exactly is it happening? Like in the motel room itself, or outside? What kind of error message are you getting?


No error message at all. The screen flashes and then the window goes black. I managed to push through it by just closing and re-opening the game. However, now I'm stuck at the ending. There's almost no point of sending a screenshot. It's a black screen. (trying to keep it vague to prevent spoilers. It's crashing during the ending conversation with the police chief. Like there will be a sentence, screen flash, black screen.)


And this wasn't happening at all before now...? Has anybody else reading this had a similar issue? Regardless, I'll look into it 😖


To be blunt, it's been happening throughout my entire playtime. It started happening more and more as I went through the game. I'm pretty much a lurker so I only mentioned it when it started to become egregious. I'm sorry to put a damper on your mood! Hopefully there's a solution somewhere. I'm just annoyed cause I got all the requirements for the perfect and and I can't actually see it haha.


Interesting…does there seem to be any specific, consistent trigger? Like say, an animation loading up, switching, or being cleared from the screen? It hasn’t been an issue for you in past BreedTown games, has it?


There is a bug: If player open the door to the bolier room before talking to Varga, the game will be stuck there.

Bryan Davis

What's the file marked with guide called, can't seem to find it, nevermind had to use the whole link


My thoughts after 100% completing this game. The plot and characterization were excellent, and this is a successful execution of an ultimately disappointing final concept. Because all of the sex scenes were "past tense" I personally got little pleasure from them as the impregnation had already occurred. I'm unsure if this was intended to be depressing, but all the post-sex regret; and boner-killer dialog in the sex scenes just brought down the mode constantly. Going in and throughout the game, the only character that motivated me was Rosine, her sex scene was the best and the only one I got off to (compared to nearly all multiple times in BT1/BT2) The abortion bit killed the last bit of sexual satisfaction this game held. Still, the plot and quality throughout will continue to hold my support for future projects. I'm excited for BT4, but while BT3 sets a high bar in quality it misses the mark for what makes this series so fun.


There is a 10th person in others and I'm at the end of the game with all the others in the journal. I have no idea how to get this.


Stuck where exactly? I just tested going into the basement without talking to her first, and nothing seemed wrong.


I went to the basement, looking into the trash pipe before I got clue about Varga from the office. I talked to her, then went to the boiler room and looked into the pipe again. But the gunshot scene didn't trigger, therefore I stuck.


this one?https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HumLDpYexHmQ_nsXJjatpwtHH4sizQG7/view?usp=drive_link


I'm not able to replicate your glitch in my game. When I go down to the basement before talking to Varga, the shooting scene doesn't appear, but when I go talk to her, the shooting scene triggers when I examine the pipe. If you go talk to Varga in your game, is she in her second stage? Like, is she reacting like you already spoke to her before?

Bryan Davis

Now finishing the whole game, I can say for certain that I enjoyed it. Rosine was definitely unexpected, but I can't complain she has earned my love. Though I will admit, she did surprise me in the end, that was dedication to the job and being able to resist having Brandon's kid is some strong willpower. Makes me think on what happens in BT4 when they meet again. Though I will say she probably made the right call to do it only once with Brandon. If she went again, even her strong will might falter and who knows how many kids she would've ended up with. I know you just finished this game and can't wait to see more of your work. I must say though at the end of it all, something tells me Rosine might end up biting more than she thought and may end up having the child or children after all.


Yes, she kept telling me to open the boiler room for her.


Found another glitch: In 3875, after I was attacked by the shadow figure second time, I went to the top floor to access the computer. But when I stepped into the room, I was attacked the third time (your guide said that it should happen when I went out, not went in)


Not sure it's an attack. The eyes just appeared, I shot (check the item and the bullet drop to 2/6). Then the game stuck there. I tried three times and the eyes appeared at three different places.


The shadow figure is attacking you as soon as you enter the room with the computer...? I'll be blunt; neither of the issues you're describing are possible with the way the encounters are programmed. Alejandra being in her second stage and the shooting stage triggering operate off the same variable. And the intruder is only CAPABLE of attacking you when you try to exit the room with the computer. I have absolutely no idea how you're getting either of these glitches 😭 What version are you playing?


I tested it and it's not truly an attack, the eyes just appeared, but I could walk through it just fine, and it didn't trigger off-the-head bad ending. Here is my screenshot: https://i.imgur.com/wUUOoAH.png


When I walked out of the room, the third attacked was triggered. The problem is that when I shot, the gunshot scene triggered twice, the bullet drop to 1/6, and then I stuck.


Uh...huh. Okay 🤨 There's MAYBE one slim way I could think of what would trigger that. I'll patch in a countermeasure. But the issue with the garbage shooting scene not triggering is ACTUALLY impossible. Again, what version are you playing? Are you on Mac, or PC?


Alright so I've confirmed that there was nothing I missed based on the guide, except the guide shows 100% at 9 entries for "Others" while the game has 10 entries hence stuck at 96.88% even at the end of the game after correct arrest (Should be a bug). Would like to share some of my thoughts in regards to BT3 and want Wombat to see so I'll just write it here. A few spoilers for the games below. Main criticisms: 1. Variety and Content. BT3's roster is much smaller at only 10 girls compared to BT1 and BT2 (BT1 having almost 20 girls and BT2 having more than 20). Additionally BT3 has less gameplay (BT1 and BT2 had more "quests" and objectives) and the gameplay seems more repetitive. There isn't much variety too, either as a consequence of the office setting or the office setting highlighting the lack of variety. Most interactions are similar (Rosine/Nero questioning others) and the majority of sexual encounters follow the same format. 2. Sexual appeal. This is linked to my first criticism about variety too. In short, most of the girls wear stereotypical office attire and have no unique/striking body features, so none of them really "stand out" especially compared to previous games' cast. There isn't much friendly dialogue either (in fact a lot of dialogue is contemptuous or apathetic) so characters are less likeable. These, combined with the mostly serious tone of Rosine/Nero, makes it hard to find the game erotic. Noticeable positive features: 1. Environmental animation. Though there are only a few, adding simple animations like taking the elevator and dispensing food is great polish that makes the game less "static". 2. Character depth. Characters are quite fleshed out especially from their personal room investigations. The game also highlights personal relations between NPCs further adding to their depth. 3. Music. Despite not being an OST, the background music blends well into the game. Also appreciate having different songs being used for specific/special scenarios (more recognition). 4. Plot focus. Though the plot is limited, it isn't too simple to follow while also having good continuity. Dialogue was written carefully to avoid logical mistakes. There are other positive features about the Breedtown games but these are what I think stood out for BT3. Personal opinions: I have a lot of thoughts I want to share on Breedtown since I am really invested, but I have tried to cut it down since this is just a Patreon comment. First I think BT3 needed more development time to be a fitting entry. Don't want to rant on all the reasons why but one reason would be the feeling of lacking in content, especially compared to the previous games. I believe that most of the audience doesn't mind waiting longer for more content so I would suggest trying to "expand" (even if its just extras and not linked to the main story) for future games. One of the best features of Breedtown is the variety and amount of content and this is where BT3 falls flat. Secondly, I think Rosine/Nero is an interesting character that doesn't need the "different gender in mind" characteristic (if that is really the case). No matter her sexual orientation a simple mentality shouldn't affect the "rules" set by BT1 and BT2 about Brandon Reed. I like the BT games having distressing topics, loved unique characters like Eliana (transgender bar waitress), and find the racism in BT3 funny (Wombat seems to not favor the British 👀). However, unless there are physical reasons why, Rosine/Nero should just be similar to a tomboy/lesbian/bisexual (or went through transgender surgery) to not complicate her character and the precedence of the story. Finally, as with what few others have already commented, the abortion is extremely out of place in a Breedtown game. I feel that if the purpose of the abortion was to show how much Rosine/Nero hates Brandon and how dedicated she is to her goal, it would have been enough to make her unable to get pregnant (maybe completely immune to Brandon's abilities). To set her up as a "predator" or natural enemy to Brandon that would have fit more as it provides a real challenge to Brandon to try/evolve and actually get her pregnant etc. The abortion meanwhile creates a scenario where Brandon's ability somehow only partially works on Rosine/Nero (confirmed pregnancy part) and makes the "loss" feel unfair (no option to prevent the abortion). Additionally having an abortion occur in a game all about pregnancy and impregnation porn really breaks the theme. Personally, it makes Rosine/Nero a much less appealing character (not in a good way like a character meant to be hated). In closing, I respect Wombat for writing their own story and experimenting. However I would say the "formula" of BT1 and BT2 are amazing and BT3 should have been more similar (writing style and character visual design). Hell, I would prefer having MORE and/or similar content to BT1 and BT2 over having animations. I still remember BT1 and BT2 characters fondly, like the biker girls, ruffian, muscular band girls, Eliana, Jessica (Courier), Ife Ibrahim (Pornstar) and many more, and would like to see similar characters in future Breedtown games. (More muscular tomboys like from JetJaguar and Valiance would be nice 👀). My rating for BT3 is like a 6.5/10 (maybe higher if it was a standalone). BT1 is a 8.5/10 and BT2 is a 9/10. Excuse me for the long wall of text.


Thank you for the thoughtful critique and analysis, and for taking the time to write all this out. I agree with many of the points you listed (some of the issues I even realized myself mid-development) but disagree with others. I mentioned it in the post above, but I plan on doing a “retrospective” post here on Patreon after the public release has been out for a bit. I’ll be sure to keep your write-up in mind when I type it all out.


Thanks a lot for reading and the consideration. I look forward to the retrospective post. (Btw forgot to add on that I like Rosine/Nero's random quirky dialogue, among us etc., and it strangely fits her character)


I feel like it's the transition to a new character image loading. I've never had this issue before.


I think you'd really benefit from having a partner to help you out with your projects, so you can focus more on one end of your projects, like visuals and animation and the other can focus on the writing and programming. I've helped a developer before with their grammar and scripts for their game (My Office Adventures), if you'd ever be interested in getting help with the script and spelling, I enjoy helping out with that stuff, no payment needed.


Sorry for the shortness of the comment comparatively to some of the others but I really enjoyed the game. Despite some of my misgivings with the demo the animations really did enhance the experience. I also really enjoyed Nero as a player character and protagonist for this one, maybe even more than Reed (also really did appreciate what happens with 'em in the epilogue, breaking the mold done right). Yes there were less girls and that's a bit of a shame but the scenes were still very high quality. All in all I'd say I liked it a bit less than 2 but more than 1, v good game.


Thank you for the offer. You’re not wrong, but if I was going to bring on a second person, I’d rather they assist with either the art/animations, or programming. It’d also have to be somebody I personally knew and trusted quite a bit. But as much work as it is doing things all by myself, I love doing this stuff, and I love having complete creative control.


Are you on Mac, or PC? Is it possibly the combination of a new character image loading with an animation in the background?


I Just finished Breedtown 1 , thanks for making the game!


Quick bug to report before you send this to itch.io. During the "final encounter" in the underground, I hit the boss and it moved on what seemed to be the same frame. The scene played out as if I hit the boss, but I had her "watching me" for the rest of the game (her eyes just stayed in the corner of the screen). If I then clicked on her again, it would soft-lock the game.


I'm on a PC. I was playing in fullscreen. That could be the possibility!


It shouldn’t, I developed the game on PC and usually play in fullscreen, and I never saw anything like that 😑 Would you say your PC is really powerful, or is it maybe underpowered? That’s the only reason I can think of.


Tried the old save and suddenly they are all good. The garbage shooting scene happened. I have no idea about how or why. Well, maybe it's an illusion.


I'm running a 2023 Asus ROG Strix laptop, so no haha. Too bad there isn't a log I can check.


Managed to brute force through it and got the ending. :) IMO I think it might be a firewall/security thing. My computer doesn't like the Dragonhouse gameboot strapper thing.


I have completed the game but still cannot see Shiori's sex scene. Is this normal? I had hoped to see that scene, but it was only mentioned through Helen and Mia's words. Hopefully, the official version will include it.


Althouh I don't like the abortion too, I think making Nero unable to have children is worse. Brandon cannot cum if he can't make his mate pregnant, that would render the last sex scene illogical.


My proposal is to make her have preparations, she would remove the fertilized zygote before the implantation. She found a surogate to carry it to terms (the baby's DNA would provide undeniable proof that the man in the video is Brandon)

Óskar Björnsson

After finishing the game, I would say that its a downgrade of 2 in it's girls, it's area and it's shorter and less interactable story. But it's good parts are pretty great, I enjoyed the sex scenes even though that outside of few, they weren't as great in concept as the ones in 2 but the great animation made them look a lot more lively. But imo, Nero and playing as her was imo the best part of the concept since it felt that you could have her be more of a developed character that could have more opinions and decisions than Brandon, especially if you had given her/the player more of a choice of how she would change throughout the story, her interactions with the other characters were pretty good and lastly her breeding scene at the end was easily the best one in the game and one of the best in the entire series, her shocked and then aroused reaction during Brandon breeding her makes it stand out so great. When you make the fourth game, I hope to see/play as her again. In terms of the other girls, I would say that most of them are fine but personally I didn't like Mia due to her overall appearance (mostly the face). The English girl was a bit disappointing imo as well (Though her scenes and model are great), and also in a less sense with the other girls in the game as well aside from the Yandare and the orange haired girl, It's always a bit of a shame when Brandon breeds someone and the girl doesn't show much change in her personality or attitude from it. The lack of interactions and Brandon multi breeding a girl was also missed when I played through the game. But overall, I would say that I had a good time playing the game, shame that the best part came only at the end and you can only have her get bred once, even when Brandon offers more... And the "A" happening at the ending list was also saddening but I do get why you did that. 7.5 or 8 out of 10 imo, Great but 2 has more characters, things to do and even while it's still little, more proper choices to make.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts! Though I think you're the first person I've seen say they WANTED re-breeding to return 😅

Óskar Björnsson

I'm the type of player that really likes to enjoy the map and setting of the game that I play


I like the re-breeding, but not when a breeding doesn't matter. I prefer when each breeding is guaranteed to implant.


I cannot find the 10th too, even after arrest the culprit. Have talked to everyone, even the guard. What did I miss?


Group A: Hellen Smith. Reason: BRI'ISH!!! as a frenchman, i approve.


Nice! Managed to correctly guess who was the culprit, and pretty early on, too.


"Guessed the culprit without spoilers" gang, represent! I didn't until the very end when the psycho killer is interrogated.

Tobias Weikl

i cant download i need a key ?


You need to copy the WHOLE line of text, not just the clickable part! Though now that the game is publicly released on Itch, this early access version will be taken down soon.