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BreedTown 3 Update 1/14/2024

  • Finish the game first, patch in extras later! 69
  • Add extras first, finish the game later! 79
  • 2024-01-14
  • —2024-01-21
  • 148 votes
{'title': 'BreedTown 3 Update 1/14/2024', 'choices': [{'text': 'Finish the game first, patch in extras later!', 'votes': 69}, {'text': 'Add extras first, finish the game later!', 'votes': 79}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 1, 21, 18, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 1, 14, 16, 32, 19, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 148}


Second update of the year! It's a day earlier than I'd normally do, but why not, huh? I have the power!

The base game is mostly done. All that remains is the final act, ending, credits, and potentially extra optional stuff.

So, I'm going to be doing one LAST poll. Some of you may have seen me pose the question on Twitter, but I'll reiterate it here:

I'm at the point where I could start on the final act of BreedTown 3, but there's also more optional stuff I wanna add (mainly an extra sex scene or two). Traditionally I've prided myself on putting out complete games, but I'm considering finishing and publishing BT3, then patching in extras later on.
If I focus on finishing the game now, then I expect it will be done early February. If I add the optional stuff I want, then it will probably not be out until March (similarly, if I do put out the game sooner, the extra content would probably come out sometime in March)

While I patched some updates to BreedTown 1 and 2 after release, those were more minor fixes. This would be new territory to me.

I've seen a mix of different opinions so far, so I legit can't decide what the correct course of action is. So I leave it to The People!

EDIT: The results are in.

It's not exactly clear cut, but regardless, I've been convinced to just add the extra things first before finishing the game. This is probably for the best anyways, because I'll let you all in on a little secret: I've been working on those extra s over this past week, and I don't think it will take as long as I thought. In fact, I expect I'll have been able to add everything else I wanted by the end of this week.

This means that we should be on for a February release after all! Woohoo!


Jared Wagner

If the extras are considered bonus content, you could put them aside, but if they add to the story in anyway or the sizes of gals like the previous games, I'd consider adding them in now

Profugo Barbatus

I'd add them in - The risk with this stuff in adult content is always that people play the whole first release, and then don't come back since replaying adult games tends to be a lot of burning through repeat content to try and get to the new updates. Better to have a complete release up front.


Ignore what I just said, now that I have post nut clarity I realize patience is a virtue fr fr. I can wait.


Honestly compared to the norm for western-created ero games, the Breedtown games have been released pretty rapidly. It's more common for them to languish for years without going anywhere.

Mike Jameson

Extras first, finish later. Cause people will find bugs after release, and depending on how bad the bugs are you will need to spend time fixing those. If you didn't add the extras in you'd have to deal with adding the extras and bugfixes at the same time after the first release. Better to get the extras done first, and after release then you can deal with the inevitable bug fixes.


extras second that way we con find the root bugs and glitches and prevent any thing from corrupting and affecting the game over all .. there is no point in adding extras if the base game is to bugged to progress or get to them