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Hey again! Merry (still early but closer) Christmas! 🎅
Though I suppose this post is right on time for the last day of Hannukah! But even earlier for Kwanzaa 🧐
Regardless, happy holidays whatever you celebrate XD

Since I'm now in the back half of the game, working on spoilery stuff,  it's getting kind of hard to pick out pictures for these updates that don't give anything away 😅

The poll ended up being more decisive than I thought, so I'm afraid I won't be releasing a second demo. Apologies to those of you who wanted that; I was prepared to release one anyways if even 40% wanted one, but I don't feel I can justify it with the current results. Worry not however; the game gets closer to completion every day!

Last update I was mainly focused on writing and technical features, but the last few weeks now, I've been back on sex scenes; you know, the fun stuff!

Anyways, that's about it for now! See you next update, and thanks for supporting me as always! ^^




Thank you. Could you please let me know when you estimate the release date will be?


Nero lookin so hot as usual <3