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Hi there, everybody! Part 2 of the comic is out! 

Comics always end up attracting pledge dodgers, so I sent out the link to it via PM. Please check your messages and do let me know if you didn't get anything.




Hello, I don't see a link. Can you send it to me? (with part3?) Thanks


Anyone else having problems with the link?.it won’t download the file.


Got it. You’re the man Leandro


From the look on sue’s face in the final panel,I’m guessing we can expect see a threesome comic in the future?


Got it


I don't see a link.


Hi there, Sunshot. Did you just become a patron? Patreon only charges patrons at the beginning of each month (starting on the 1st and going on for a couple of days). Until then, pledges don't really matter. Some people take advantage of this, pledge in the middle of the month, take the content, and leave before Patreon charges them. In order to avoid that, I now email the link to the patrons that have been charged. Hope you understand. You can shoot me a message at the beginning of next month and I'll send you the link. Meanwhile, welcome, and enjoy the rest of the content! :)


Can you send link