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So in case you guys haven't noticed, one new thing I added to the $5 reward tier was access to lineart PSD files, which I will try to elaborate on here. It'll just be a set of files for the sketches that don't end up being coloured for that month. My system is usually to colour the pictures from 2 months ago, so if I don't end up colouring them then this is at least a way of keeping the files archived for future purposes instead of deleting them on my computer to save space. At the same time since some people seem to be interested in colouring my older pics nowadays, if anyone wants to colour them themselves or make gasless alts then have at it too. 

As for colour PSDs they're kind of a mess honestly so I'm not willing to show that. The lineart files are more straightforward to label so for now I'll just post those.



How do I even view these? These just won't open for me.