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Okay, just an update to the last post I made about changing tier rewards. So starting next month, this will be the new tier system:

$1: Just a tip jar.

$5: Access to early high resolution pics, access to the smaller suggestion box where the suggestions are 1-5 panels, ability to vote in polls for smaller suggestions, the ability to vote on all sketches for colouring through likes (the most popular pictures get coloured), access to commissions slots when they open on Patreon, access to lineart PSD files for uncoloured pictures.

$10: Previous rewards + access to the bigger suggestion box, more likelihood for commissions to be chosen (I will guarantee some # of slots for commission requests from this tier though this doesn't mean your commission will be chosen), 10% off commission prices, ability to ask for minor edits to previous pictures (limited per month to prevent abuse), ability to vote in polls for bigger suggestions.


Also apparently annual memberships are a thing? I haven't really updated my page in a while but there's also an annual membership option now. You get a discount if you sign up (it's set at 10%) for an annual sub though pay up-front still applies.  There's a link on it in case people want to look into it: https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/360041721372. Still figuring out how it works but apparently partial refunds are possible so if it doesn't work out for some people then hopefully it can be fixed.

I'll try sticking to this starting in July. I'm not sure what the schedule will be exactly but I will probably work that out in the coming months. As I have stated in the other post, this will mean I won't be working on exclusives, but I will be more consistently active working on requests and colouring them throughout July.



Damn I should’ve got the $10 Tier