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Wasn't planning on posting this here, but given the recent suspension of my account on DA and the fact that I cannot post it on tumblr either, then I'll post it publicly here (no need to pledge to see this).

So yeah, for some reason, the administrators have suddenly realized that they don't like my content and now they've deleted alot of the pictures on there and suspended my account. I wouldn't have minded as much if it were not for the fact that they also deleted my sta.sh pictures as well, despite the fact that they weren't public on site. Had to edit alot of my pictures on here as a result of that. I'm not sure if I got all of the pictures since due to the way patreon displays posts, so if you find a post that doesn't have an image, please link it to me and hopefully I can update it.

Also, like I said on DA, I want to tell people that I am still on break. Just wanted to post a picture of a giant turtle dragon princess farting on an Italian plumber is all. Apparently it wasn't as simple as that.




Damn your style got better! Also I didn't know about your account suspension, I'm really sorry to hear that. Hopefully it blows over fast


That sucks, will you be posting all of your content on Patreon from now on or will you make a new DA and Tumblr accounts? And glad to see some more artwork from you after all these months!

Kaiju ale

Your work has evolved quite a bit since your break, I've missed your work, enjoy your break!


Not sure right now. DA deleted a lot of my pictures on my gallery with the reason that it was "unacceptable". I may have to look somewhere else for publicly posting Nintendo stuff like this.


I agree with everyone else! You’re style has really improved a lot, and that goes for both characters and backgrounds! I know you’re not fully off break yet, but you and your content have been sorely missed here, and it’s great to see what you’ve been working on recently, even it’s just this one piece. Hell, I practically had a heart attack waking up this morning seeing the notification you’d posted something! Keep up the good work, and I hope the break continues to be relaxing and fruitful!


Sorry to hear your stuff got hit too, to be honest i lost dozens from mine as well which sucks, im surprised they removed a ton from your stash as well even though its private. The pic is glorious though great job!


Really nice surprise!!!!! The picture's looking lovely, like everyone else said here, the break's doing you well, I hope you come back even better.


Holy fuck this image is AMAZING

Charles W

I'm still wondering WHY you got banned in the first place....


hell yeah man. and fuck DA