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Hey guys. I know that I've been a bit quiet in the last few days, and I just want to start off by assuring you that I'm not dead. I'm very much alive but I have a more important announcement to make: I'm going on hiatus.

Been thinking about this for a while recently, and I've decided that I'll be taking a break this month (for information on what I'm doing, you can look here: https://patreon.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/214013323-I-m-going-on-hiatus-How-do-I-stop-charging-my-patrons). There are multiple reasons why I've chosen to do this:

  • Stress and fatigue: I guess that's the most obvious reason. Recently things have taken a toll on me both on here and in my personal life so I haven't really been in the best state as of late. I'm human, and I'm only one person, so for my physical and mental health it'll help me if I take some time off dealing with the community.
  • Gonna be going on a trip sometime this month: Won't be able to work on anything during that time when I'm out of the house, so I don't think I should charge you when I'm away like that.
  • Taking some time off to work on my art style: There are things that I want to work on with my art that I haven't really been able to get to due to working on updates and all that. It's hard to be experimental when I feel like I should deliver on a specific product.
  • Gonna be working on colouring requests: Yeah, that's sort of a growing problem that's been bothering me as of late. When you have six months of stuff behind you it's hard not to notice especially when it's affecting the pace of my public posts. Totally not intentional on my part, and I've thought about taking some time off in order to work on them, but I don't think I should charge you while I do so.

As for how it will affect you, you won't be charged for this month for the content that I've posted just recently during this month, so lucky you. Until I get out of the break you won't lose any money from this, so feel free to think of it as extra spending money. If you want to drop out then that's fine (just so long as you've paid for May this month I'll be cool with it) but it won't have any monetary effect on you.

With regards to raffle rewards, the May suggestions will be posted when I get back. I'll probably be working on them during the break based upon the patrons who paid up for that month and they should be ready and coloured when I resume activity.

I'll still be posting stuff publicly since they'll be coming out as I work on requests, which means that this announcement won't be public. And even though I'm on break I'll still be drawing stuff as well here and there. You can still contact me like normal through here (I think), or on my DA and Tumblr and I'll probably respond unless I'm away.

My guess is that the break will be at least a month, and I hope to get back on to things once I break down the request batch to a manageable form. Once I do, I'll think about what to do with my patreon going forward.

So in summary:

  • Gonna take a break for a while and won't be posting anything during that time on here.
  • You WILL NOT BE CHARGED during the time while I'm away which includes this month.
  • Monthly Raffles for May will be posted when I get back.
  • And I'll still be posting stuff publicly and drawing stuff here and there, just not for Patreon.

I guess now is as appropriate a time as ever, seeing as it's been exactly one year since I've started on here. In addition, it seems as though growth has been stagnating as well, so that's another thing. I hope you guys understand. And thank you for the support up until now!



Take as long as you need, you definitely deserve a break.


Thanks. BTW were you able to access the pictures I just posted in the past couple of hours? I'm honestly not sure if pausing my patreon would prevent people from viewing them, and it would really suck if the last batch of pictures I post cannot be viewed.


I can access them just fine, pausing doesn't prevent it


They actually weren't working for a hour or so, but their definitely working now.


Great. Apparently pausing for a month instead of pausing indefinitely has different effects for some reason.


Hey man, everyone needs a break every once in awhile. Go recharge.


Have a nice break! I hope it helps


have a good trip!


Enjoy your well-deserved break my good man


Enjoy your break, take as long as you need!


Have a great time off and safe travels!


Have a good break!

Kaiju ale

Take as much time off! Happy travels and be safe