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So this is the first recording with my new pianino, I decided to go for an instrumental version of a song I wrote about a year ago, it's called 'Weißt du' ('do you know') and I thought about recording and releasing it many times, but decided against it, because I felt to vulnerable to share it with the world out there. Especially because it's in German, my mothertongue. I think I might have shared the lyrics here with you, but I'm not entirely sure anymore. Well, it's one of these songs you write, when you're feeling heartbroken and devastated; powerless, because you can just watch, but not really do much - but you still want to show, that you're there to support and help no matter what. 

I still like this song quite a lot, even though it is a little kitschy, yes, from the lyrics and also the chord progression - and I think there might still be the chance to publish it after all, when these feelings are way in the past and not actually felt anymore. Could be good to let it out eventually :) 

Are you enjoying these structured, composed before-hand audios on Sundays more? Or do you rather listen to the fooling around, going with the flow improvisations? Or is there not really a difference to you? Would be interested to know :)

Also, we did record some piano at my place yesterday, for a song called 'True blue' which is also gonna be part of the EP that I'm working on since January. It includes the lovely melancholic theme (in F major) I wrote in Cork, back in October '23. I shared that one with you here as well. On Friday I had a first attempt writing the lyrics for it, apparently there's lots of creativity in my daily life at the moment... :)

Wishing you all the best for the upcoming week! I will sneak out in the rain again now, I'm going to a 'Nothing but Thieves' concert here in Vienna, quite excited about that one!


PS: And yes, we're sticking to the ascending scale of tonalities - I wrote the song in G major, so it fits perfectly for this week.



I loved it! I think that sometimes a deliberately kitschy chord progression might be used ironically or humorously in some genres or situations... I don't know if that was your intention or not. Anyway when you composed the song you freely opted for a formulaic approach rather than exploring more unique and expressive harmonic choices and that's fine with me. Good results and I don't need to overanalyze.


Are all your piano mediation originals?