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As mentioned in the last post, my cute upright pianino isn't tuned yet - and I really don't want to present it to you like it sounds right now, it wouldn't do it justice at all. But as it happens I got a Nord Stage piano at my place since last Thursday, initially it was planned to record a live session with it yesterday, which then spontaneously got postponed due to sickness... Hmmm, what a pity that I have this great instrument staying with me now for no specific reason, hehe. I directly recorded the audio of the Nord, so I wouldn't be tempted to mess around with what I play... I want to keep these Sunday improvisations real as they are. And it's sounding quite nice! In general I like the feel and reaction of the Nord instruments, for electronic ones, even though I'd always, always prefer a real upright piano, not gonna lie :)

We're in F#-minor today, one of my favorite tonalities for some reason. A (darker) green one as well. If this key would be a gemstone, it'd be an emerald. The connections my brain has sometimes are quite fascinating, haha. Fun fact about that - I am actually quite educated when it comes to gemstones, have a fair amount of knowledge about them and always had an interest about stones, since I'm a child. Last year I even worked for a short time in a mineral store here in Vienna, really liked what I did there, if the payment would have been a little better I could imagine doing that again, hmmm... Vienna doesn't have a minimum wage but so called "collective contracts" for each industry. And the ones for trade and gastronomy are probably the worst paid ones... Well, well.  Sorry for getting so off topic. ^^

Have a great evening and a good start into the week! May February treat you nicely. :)

All the best,




Ein sehr schönes Lied ,hast du das komponiert? Viele Grüße Torsten.


A calm start of a day for me with this one:)