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Chapter 4: Legacy

She can feel it.

The time is drawing closer and closer.

His steps started slowing down. His shoulders were stiff with fear. He was less quiet and more talkative, a sudden burst of energy and brightness before it all fades away.

Like a beautiful firework.

A firework that hurt her deeply.

Her Senior Brother will soon die. Someone who, after the month they spent traveling together, she started viewing as her true older brother.

A familial love she had never experienced before. One she longed for.

One that will be stripped away from her right after gaining it.

She hated it, but what could she do in the end? She’s powerless, still a mortal. Not a God.

Then, without him, she’ll have to join his Sect. A Sect of Cultivators.

What should she expect? Cruelty and blood? Endless loneliness? Constant competition and thinly veiled threats?

Can she even have friends there?

The closer they got to the Sect, the more worried and scared she grew.

Both for the future in wait for her, and for the loss of her Senior Brother.

“This place brings back memories…” Her Senior Brother speaks up, making her come to a stop while he slowly walks up the grassy hill before them.

At the top lay a large tree, several large and full apples hanging from it’s branches, and all around them lay the remains of a great battle.

Fissures in the earth, giant craters, enormous mountain sized skulls and horns- Everything having seemingly decayed so fast, even though the battle wasn’t that long ago.

Everything returned to the earth in the end, with roots and grass growing over the bones and refilling the craters and cuts into the land.

Just what level of power did the beings who fought in this war reach?

Her Senior Brother told her about the first few Realms, but beyond that she needed to discover them herself through her own journey.

And now, she is starting in the Opening Realm, the first Realm of Cultivation, where the Mortal uses a Breathing Technique to open their Qi Palace and Nine Great Meridians.

The first step into changing her life.

“We’re here.” And fear instantly grips at her very Soul as her eyes fixate on her Senior Brother, his back to her as he rests against the large tree at the top of the hill, gazing at something in the distance. “As beautiful as always…”

Her lips quiver, and her eyes redden and fill with tears. “Senior Brother-” Her words choke from a sob. He had lied to her. He said they had another week together, but instead…

His smiling face turns to regard her with warmth and kindness. “Come on now, don’t be a baby.” He chides lightly, truly like an older brother looking out for his little sister. “Everything must come to an end. We both knew it was coming, and we both feared it.”

His gaze turns to the tree beside him, a distant gaze in his eye. “I used to come here many years ago, back when I was still an Outer Disciple. I trained for hours on end right here, in the shadow of this tree.”

A lone calloused palm slaps against the rough bark of the lone tree that survived a world-ending war. “So this is where I want to rest.” Glowing cracks suddenly spread all over his face.

“Senior Brother!” Ying Yueru nearly wailed at the sight, tears streaming down her cheeks, legs frozen with fear. “I can run to the Sect! I can get the Elders to come and-”

His hand comes up, and her words come to an end. “I’m returning myself to the Heavens, Junior Sister Ying.” She can’t stop it. There’s nothing she can do to save someone she grew to care about. So she can only watch them fade away before her very eyes. “So, come. Let me at least see you fulfill your dream before I go.”

Her tear-filled eyes widen in confusion, and her legs finally start to move, bringing her body up the hill, until she was right beside her Senior Brother.

“When you told me about your dream, I knew you’d love this place.” Smiling warmly and happily, her Senior Brother rests his hand on Ying Yueru’s shoulder as she took in the sight before her.

“These are the Dreamcloud Plains, housing the Cloud Strider Sect.”

Before her lay a seemingly endless valley, one that stretched all the way to the horizon. Small hills and trees here and there, all covered in bright sparkling greenery.

And enormous fields of flower.

Right in the middle of it all, encased in a dim yet glowing golden dome of light with strange symbols on it, lay an enormous structure that had clearly gone through a large battle, but is in the midst of repairs.

The Cloud Strider Sect. Utterly massive, seemingly taking up more than half of the enormous plains as it’s residence.

Her teary gaze turns to her Senior Brother, the glowing cracks on his skin and clothes having grown in number and intensity.

His lone hand raises, and Cloud Dragon appears within it in a flash of green light. “Bring it to my Master. Tell him that his Disciple, Liu Kang, passed with a smile on his face.”

Her trembling hands gently come up to take the offered blade, a mournful sword cry being released by the sentient weapon, one only Liu Kang could hear.

“Thank you for being my partner, Cloud Dragon.” The blade quivers, then falls quiet as Liu Kang takes in a heavy breath.

“Junior Sister Ying.” The sobbing girl perks up, clutching the quiet blade to her chest. “Find my Senior Sister, Jiang Fuling, if you can. And… giver her this.” In another flash of light, a worn out slip of folded paper appeared in his hand.

Once more, Ying Yueru gingerly takes it, safely putting it away in her robes.

“Senior Brother…” Liu Kang smiles, then reaches up with cracked fingers to gently rub Ying Yueru’s hand like a doting older brother.

“Try not to have any regrets, Junior Sister.” He gently suggests, “Live your life to the fullest.”

And with those final words, he draws his hand back, fingers crumbling and turning into golden dust that dispersed into the wind.

Weeping, the Junior Sister nods, her tears flowing freely as she turned around and ran down the hill.

Kind and warm eyes filled with regret and happiness watch her form rush through tall grass and flower-strewn fields.

Deep down, Liu Kang had to admit it.

Even though this is a cruel world filled with blood and slaughter… It really has some wonderful sights.

And watching as his Legacy runs towards his beloved Sect really isn’t a bad way to go.

Deep within the sea of flowers, Ying Yueru turns her teary gaze towards the distant hill.

Her glistening eyes take in the sight of the golden dust drifting away before she let herself fall down.

Resting among flowers, a lone sword and girl weep the loss of a loved one under the quiet gaze of the Heavens.

A.N. And chapter four, the last of the bunch. Posting it all so to let you all get a feel of the Novel.

Now ya gotta wonder... Is Liu Kang the only one who changed and grew better? Who knows... I do, of course. Muhueheheh.

Either way, this is all for now. Just gonna wait and see the final verdict on how y'all like or dislike this.



Holy shit. How in the fuck did you make me feel attached to liu in 4 chapters. And in a cultivation book!? What sort of black magic….


God forbid, I think I actually enjoy it more than the Danmachi one and I adore that !


This is great


I'm not crying your crying