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Chapter 3: A Cultivator’s Legacy

“Have you ever thought about Cultivating, Junior Sister Ying?” The question came so suddenly that her steps halted.

Her bright eyes blink a few times, fixed upon that tall and stalwart back of her Senior Brother before her.

Then, she decides to shrug and just answer the question. “I always wondered how it felt like.” She says honestly, earning a chuckle from her Senior Brother.

“It’s… an experience, alright.” Well, she can only trust his words.

Still… “Is it true sometimes you must sit down for entire months or years just to achieve a ‘breakthrough’?” And the chuckle turns into full-blown laughter.

“Heavens no!” Her Senior Brother halts in his steps to let out one last huff of laughter, “There’s a limit to how long we can Cultivate, and that’s about twelve hours. After that, our body can’t take in anymore Qi without resting, lest… Well, we blow up.”

Now that’s a terrifying mental image Ying Yueru wished she was never given.

“Rather macabre information aside… Why do you ask, Senior Brother?” Of course he also finds her rather disturbed face amusing.

Her Senior Brother shakes away his amusement, then regards her with his full attention. “Would you like to learn how to?” Her eyes widen, and her mouth hangs open in shock.

He can’t offer something like that and expect her to refuse. No mortal would ever refuse such an offer.

Something so simple that can flip their lives around. That can allow them, mere worms trying to get by each day, to sprout wings and soar free into the skies.

“I do not know if I have the aptitude for it, Senior Brother.” After all, isn’t the Cultivation world one of constant battles and cruelty?

Where she must constantly fight for resources lest she starts lagging behind?

Could she really bring herself to doall ofthat?

“Talent doesn’t matter as long as you work hard.” Her Senior Brother speaks up, seemingly quoting something or someone, his gaze distant. “It’s what my Master always told me, and it’s something that has stuck with me for many years.”

Ying Yueru doesn’t fully know how Cultivation truly works. She only knows of things through what she heard from her Senior Sisters at the brothel, and even then, the information might be wrong.

The only thing that is proven is that Cultivation is a cruel world, one where the whole world is your enemy.

Even those within your Sect. Even your fellow Apprentice Brothers and Sisters.

Dying by being stabbed in the back is far more likely than dying against an enemy.

Her bright eyes remain fixed on her Senior Brother, his form patiently waiting for her to make a decision. “Senior Brother, there’s another reason on why you wish to teach me, right?” It was but a hunch. Something she could see in his eyes.

The man blinks, then smiles softly and gently at her, “Junior Sister Ying is truly sharp.” His lone hand rises up to grasp his black robes, then pull the front open.

And her eyes widen in horror at the sight of the large gaping hole in his chest, right where his heart should be.

“I’m dying, Junior Sister Ying.” His voice was soft and filled with acceptance. “I’m simply using my Qi to keep myself going. To make sure you get to the Cloud Strider Sect safe and sound.”

A chill goes down her spine, and her eyes start to sting and burn. “Senior Brother, you-” He brings a halt to her words by raising his hand, a gentle look on his face.

“I’ve made my peace with it, Junior Sister Ying.” But she didn’t. Was she just supposed to watch her savior die after everything? “As long as I can take you safely to my Sect, then I can rest in peace.”

“If I cannot, then I can make sure you have the strength needed to walk the remaining road by yourself.” His form approaches hers, and his lone calloused hand comes to rest upon her head.

Now he seemed more like a doting older brother than a Cultivator.

“Alright.” Ying Yueru couldn’t bring herself to refuse his last wish, especially if it helped him pass on without worry for her safety. “I’ll accept Senior Brother’s teachings.”

His smile grows more serene as he pulls back, “Then come. Let us make use of this clearing.” Ying Yueru says nothing as she follows her Senior Brother. “The hardest part is always the beginning, Junior Sister Ying.”

“Once one enters a Sect, unless they have connections, they always start as Outer Disciples. Once one, you must work for points, and with those you can gather the resources and techniques you need to form your foundation.”

Ying Yueru marks those words to memory. “I did the same, and Junior Sister Ying should too. It’s a good learning experience, one I should have appreciated more, but alas…” Her Senior Brother shakes his head and sighs softly, then takes a few steps ahead of her.

“Cultivation Techniques are also called Breathing Techniques, as we take in the Spiritual Energy of Heaven and Earth – or Qi– within our body through breathing.”

“And Breathing Techniques have differing grades, each being seen through how many forms these techniques have. The more forms, the more Qi one can breathe in at the end, facilitating their training.”

Ying Yueru nods in understanding, then tilts her head curiously, “Is going through each form a must each time?” Her Senior Brother smiles, seemingly happy with the question.

“It will be needed until you master it. Once you master the feeling, you can simply breathe in the surrounding Qi without the need of going through each form.” Which meant rigorous training.

Hence why ‘Talent doesn’t matter as long as one works hard’ seems to be something her Senior Brother’s Master would say.

“How many forms does Senior Brother’s Breathing Technique have?” His cheeky grin makes her stomach drop.

“One-hundred-and-eight!” Maybe she should reconsider this. She still has time, right? “And it’ll hurt. A lot.”

“On second thought, Senior Brother- This Junior Sister doesn’t feel right currently. Perhaps another time?”

But of course, her Senior Brother just smiles at her. Brightly so.

One of her eyebrows twitches. “Senior Brother is quite cruel.” His smile only grows at her words.

“It’ll be worth it, that I promise, Junior Sister Ying.” She still isn’t looking forward to the pain. “The Breathing Technique I’ll pass down to you is one I found in my travel. Far better than the ones Inner or Core Disciples have access to.”

Curiosity strikes her once more, “Will it just help me gather more Qi at once, Senior Brother?”

Her Senior Brother shakes his head, “That’s part of it. Let’s say you start with a Breathing Technique with only ten forms. Then, you pick up one with over one hundred forms. It’ll take you longer to master it because with each use, it’ll help further purify and strengthen your body, while also fixing any mistakes left by the previous technique.”

So the more forms a Breathing Technique has, the less faults there are in it, and the better her foundation.

Won’t her having such a good technique from the beginning draw a bit too much attention her way? Is her Senior Brother just attaching a piece of raw meat on her back before leaving her to the wolves?

“Why are you glaring at me now?” Ying Yueru sniffs and relaxes her gaze. She’ll find a way to make her Senior Brother pay. Probably.

“Nothing. I am simply waiting for my Senior Brother’swonderful teachings.” And there he goes, pouting again. It does make her feel quite a bit better.

He quickly recovers and straightens himself, legs spreading and feet digging into the ground. “I’ll have to give you precise instructions due to my missing arm, Junior Sister Ying, so please bear with me.” She nods, and watches as her Senior Brother begins to move.

“Remember this pattern; Breathe out on the first form, breathe in on the second form, breathe out on the third, breathe in on the fourth. So on and so forth.”

As her Senior Brother moved, Ying Yueru found herself comparing those movements to a dance, of sorts.

It looked like he is dancing, yet also training in martial arts. There was a reverence and passion within his movements that left her awestruck.

Seeing her expression, her Senior Brother smiles, yet his movements never falter, speaking of immense practice. “It is said that in ancient times, to gain the favor and blessing of the Heavens, Humans danced for them.”

“Those who danced the longest gained the best blessings, and many believe that somewhere out there, there is a Breathing Technique that takes twelve hours to go through.”

And her Senior Brother goes through all one-hundred-and-eight movements of his technique within just a few minutes.

His feet slam into the ground, his back straightens and his head raises to let his gaze take in the Heavens above. And then, he breathes in.

Ying Yueru’s eyes widen as she witnesses the air shudder and rumble, a wild current surging forward and flowing into her Senior Brother’s open mouth.

He seems to grow more rejuvenated before her eyes, color returning to his slightly pale appearance, making her forget about the hole in his chest hidden behind his robes for but a second.

Then the reality sets back in, together on the why she is actually seeing such wonderful movements and actions, and the wondrous result they bring forth.

It is because her Senior Brother will soon die, and he is passing everything he knows down to her.

Her eyes sting once more, but determination soon fills them.

Her Senior Brother releases a turbid breath of air, then grins her way, “Quite cool, isn’t it-” His words halt, and his eye widensas he watches his Junior Sister replicate his movements.

Each turn of her feet, each spin and wave of her arms and swing of her long honey-brown hair, it all captivated him.

And as he watched her dance and replicate his movements, another figure flashed before his eye.

The figure of a stunning Senior Sister, one who captivated and inhabited his heart since their early days in the Outer Sect.

One he longs to see again before his demise. A wish that he doubts will be granted.

Feet dig into the ground, bright azure eyes stare up at the Heavens above, and pretty lips open wide to take in a deep breath.

Wild currents rush forward, yet they only lasted a couple of seconds before loud, pained coughing filled the clearing.

Ying Yueru keels over, face pale and covered in cold sweat, one of her hands resting upon her aching stomach, utter confusion filling her pained eyes.

“No, you didn’t fail.” Her Senior Brother warmly says as he helps her up, his Qi flowing into her body and soothing her pain and discomfort. “Even though I am missing an arm, you managed to capture and replicate the movement almost to perfection. You truly are amazing, Junior Sister Ying.”

Her cheeks flush faintly at the praise, and determination soon fills her eyes once more. “Where did I go wrong, Senior Brother?” The man smiles at the fire in her eyes.

“First, you stopped. Handle the pain for as long as you can. The longer you can last, the better.” Ying Yueru nods as her Senior Brother takes a few steps back, “Second, your final movements were too quick, and your hands too high. Keep the movements slow, and the arms at around chest level.”

Following suit with her Senior Brother’s movements, Ying Yueru replicated them, making sure to be just a step behind him so that she could keep her eyes on him.

But her steps come to a halt half-way through, a confused look on her face, one her Senior Brother did not miss. “Junior Sister Ying?” His voice snaps her out of her daze.

“Apologies, Senior Brother… I just-” Her words halt and her head tilts in thought, “I felt something strange while I was replicating your movements. Is it normal?” Her words stun her Senior Brother.

Then, the man chuckles softly. “Junior Sister Ying has quite the sharp senses.” He praises again, looking quite proud, “Concentrate and memorize what you feel. That’s the key to mastering a Breathing Technique.” Bright azure eyes brighten in realization and excitement.

“And no, it’s not normal. It took me ten tries before I actually felt it.” Shock replaces excitement, “But I’m not good at explaining the why, so… I have a Senior Sister who might help, though.”

An heroic and stunning figure once more flashes before his lone eye, sending a pang of pain and longing through his non-existent heart.

“Let us keep going for now. No point trying to explain something I’ve never been good at.” His Junior Sister Ying stifles a laugh at the depressed look on his face.

But she soon recovers and returns her attention to practicing the Breathing Technique movements under her Senior Brother’s watchful eye.

The man instead deep down felt guilty. A new emotion for him, who used to be prideful and didn’t care about those lower than him, let alone some mortals.

Now instead he finds himself caring about the girl before him. A girl he saved for no ulterior motive.

Or did he? Did he truly save her? Is there truly no ulterior motive to his actions?

He’s sending her to a Sect, putting her on a path to Cultivation. A cruel and horrid path filled with loneliness and blood, all of which he’ll take to the grave.

Sins upon sins piled upon his shoulders, blood dripping from his fingers and staining his clothes, the metallic stench filling his nostrils.

Perhaps, he saved her and is protecting her to alleviate the sins he committed in his life, but in the end, the Heavens will be the Judges and the Jury.

His verdict is up to them. They see all, and know all.

“Senior Brother?” A kind and soft voice brings him out of his thoughts, and a smile pulls at his lips.

Whatever verdict awaits him, he’ll be ready to accept it.

For now, he has better things to focus on.

Like teaching a Junior Sister and passing his Legacy down to her.

Perhaps doing so, he can assure her survival in this cruel, unforgiving world.

One can only hope.

A.N. Chapter 3, here three. Enjoyyyy.


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