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"There is a quote that I quite like. It goes like this; 'Those who don't learn from History, are doomed to repeat it.'" His voice was calm. Warm even. His steps calculated, his gaze relaxed and roving around in mild disinterest.

His existence a void I can only gaze upon and not listen to, as all I get back is just nothingness.

"This quote fits today's Hero Society quite well. Why, you may ask… That is because it's doing the same mistake that led to the Dark Age a long time ago." His arms were crossed behind his back, form imposing and muscular, with only me knowing the sheer amount of power that mortal body holds with laughable ease. "Anyone can tell me why?"

Despite the fact that he says 'Anyone', his gaze expectantly flicks towards me.

Despite my fear and my nearly shaking hands, I gulp softly and raise my hands, "Yes, miss Jirou?" Why are you interested in me? Why are you here?

I have so many questions. I am so fucking terrified.

"Because they still fear Quirks." His smile grows while Stelle and the rest of my class sends confused looks my way.

"Elaborate." The fucking Boogeyman playing teacher waves his hand towards me, a proud glint in his gaze.

I bite my inner cheek and breathe in, "When Quirks first appeared, the first answer to them was revulsion and fear. Those with Quirks were called 'Filthy Mutants' and hunted down, both to be dissected and studied and to be 'contained for the safety of others' as if they were a disease."

"As more Quirks appeared, those wielding them started fighting back, unwilling to be lab rats or just keel over and die. They fought and killed to survive, while others fought and killed to rule… Yet, they were both Evil – both Villains – in the eyes of the 'Normal People'."

"Now, nearly more than three centuries later, Quirks are very common. They are the norm. Yet they are still feared. Laws force people to suppress a part of themselves, to not show it off lest a fine is incurred, or a Villain F Rank is granted… Even for just showing it off to a friend."

"Accidental use? Fined. Self-defense? Still fined. A child showing their new Quirk off to a friend? Can also end up fined."

"In the Dark Age, those like us were hunted down. In this wonderful 'Golden Age'-" I barely hide the sneer on my face as finger quote those two words, "-We are instead ordered to not show a part of ourselves, are not given a chance to train it before enrollment in a Hero School if it's not through a sponsored campaign, and are basically told to stand still and get the shit beaten out of us as we are mugged by a Villain threatening us with their Quirk. Or worse- Let us be murdered, or even raped, because otherwise you'd still catch a fine or hell, you'll be a Villain too just for protecting yourself!"

I fucking hate this shitty ass world with a goddamn passion.

It is so revolting.

Fucking country dripping with so much filth and corruption that even sewers are clean in comparison.

The fact that you can find out about all of this shit through a short hour of browsing the internet and reading the Quirk Laws of Japan is so stupid. It's like they are proud of having made such a strict, controlling and overbearing system that is totally the reason on why-

"And that is why the crime rate in Japan is so high." The Boogeyman nods, pride overflowing out of his gaze as her smiles my way while the rest of the class stays in horrified silence. "It has been proven time and time again that Quirks have mental components, hence why Paths exist in the very first place- And yet, the Government is telling you to deny and restrain a part of yourself." The tall, imposing man sighs and shakes his head, "Well, at least they aren't hunting you down. So I guess that's an improvement?"

A series of gulps goes through the classroom before someone from the back speaks up, "B-But we have All Might…" I do everything in my power not to scowl or sneer at that. I know that voice, as it's owned by one of the All Might fanboys that are part of my class.

The Boogeyman has no external reaction to that, and I hate that I can't listen to his heartbeat or his small muscular contraction. "Does he?" He asks, tilting his head curiously, "I don't see that at all. He is this… 'Symbol of Peace', yet… Where is the peace?"

"It is much better than the Dark Ages, I'll admit that. But, I don't see much of that 'Peace' he brings when I have to walk past eight different Villain attacks to get here."

Walking around his desk, he takes a seat with a low hum, "You can't expect one man to save you all, especially when there are thousands of Villain attacks each day, in each city, across all of Japan." He shrugs and leans back, "Yes, his presence in a city makes some Villains go 'Nope, thanks.' and not show themselves, but the desperate ones – or the stupid ones – still decide to pop up."

He's got a point. The crime rate of Japan is a lie, but that is also the crime rate of the whole world.

Villain attacks are rampant, and while just one out of ten ends up with a death or two, that matters little when nearly five dozen Villains pop up all over the city within a single hour.

I, myself, walk past Villain attacks on my way to school on a daily basis, and I walk past them when I go to Himeko's place to train, or go back home. They are constant and everywhere.

It's like All Might doesn't even exist.

The title 'Symbol of Peace' means nothing.

"But then why give those with Quirks such an important job like Heroics?" A girl from the front asks, and the Boogeyman turns his relaxed smile in her general direction.

"Simple; At first they tried to treat us like cattle. Now instead, they want to keep us pleased and content." He leans back with a shrug as I narrow my eyes, "An outlet to unleash our Quirks as much as we want, a relatively good cause to do that, a lot of money, fame- So on and so forth."

"Despite the amount of money they are paying all the Heroes- Especially the likes of All Might, they bring in far more than that from all of their brand deals, low quality shows and movies, the horrid music and anything they can sell by putting a Hero's face on it."

I couldn't help it. The moment he said that, something came to mind. An old quote, "Keep your friends rich and your enemies rich and wait to find out which is which." One I say out loud and makes his gaze snap towards me.

And slowly, a large grin spreads across his face, "Not entirely accurate, but also not fully wrong either." Why is he always so proud when he looks at me?

"You see, they keep their friends rich, and make them richer. Those 'friends' that aren't useful, they pay them little." He cups his hands together and leans forward, his sleeves pulling back enough to show scars running around his forearms, "That's the whole reason the three Top Charts exist. The Top Ten, Top One-Hundred, and Top Five-Hundred. Those within these three charts are paid decently well, but for a Hero to gain more they need to grow in fame."

"And how do they do that? By of course going out there, receiving requests for help, answering such requests, catching Villains and stopping criminals, so on and so forth. The more they do, the more people talk about them, the higher their rating becomes, and the more money they receive- Which in turn motivates them to work harder…"

"But then, in a country filled to the brim with Heroes all working for that notoriety, there will always be some that do not quite manage to meet the required cut, that end up getting paid less and less for 'not doing their job well enough'… So when bills become pressing, and when Hero Schools do not give an educational level high enough to classify for other High-End jobs that pay more than a simple street corner shop cashier job with ungodly hours, what is that trained Hero with a potentially deadly Quirk to do in order to feed himself and his or her family, if they have it?"

Silence is the answer, but the grim faces around me and the heavy series of gulps tell me that everyone understands what exactly those people will do.

We create our own Villians.

That is something that I found hard to swallow, when I first found out about it. It's not hard to, as it needs some precise researches, but it's also something not covered by the media.

Or if it ends up on the internet or someone notices a once Hero now acting like a Villain, the media comes in to explain a 'tragic story' or some other bullshit that is entirely made up so to cover their asses.

But, after a bit of living in this world, I asked myself a question; Why are there so many Villains, when Society itself caters towards those with Quirks?

Yes, there are those like Dabi that break beneath abuse and horrid parents that deserve death, or those like Twice, who are broken by their own Quirks and actions after they snapped.

But outside of them, outside of the broken people, what about the rest?

The answer was simple; Some are forced to become Villains in order to live and survive.

If one graduates from a Hero School, as the Boogeyman said, they won't have a high educational level for other high paying jobs and the likes. They can at most join some menial jobs that will pay little through horrid hours- Hell, they can't even become police officers.

A Hero Certificate is really nothing in the end, because take that away and someone basically wasted years of their lives to train for something that, in the end, doesn't even pay you enough to sustain yourself despite your hard work.

Because one cannot control the amount of Heroes that are present in your city, and of course some don't really have the starting capital to move someplace else with less Heroes.

Hence, people break under the pressure and they just go 'Fuck it', and make use of their years of training, even if subpar, to make sure they can feed themselves or others.

The Hero Public Association mostly focuses on making the rich richer and the poor even more miserable, something that makes me understand Seele's desire to rise to the top, all so she can try and change this shitty situation.

"Hence why I said 'Those who don't learn from History, are doomed to repeat it'." The teacher leans back once more, imposing figure relaxing, "They are making the same mistake as back then, just in a different way."

Once more, quiet fills the class, until the teacher speaks up again. His tone is gentle this time, even his gaze his, something that I just can't quite understand. "I am not saying all of this to turn you all off on going after a career in Heroics. It is your own choice to make, and I shall respect it… The reason I have said all of this, is in hopes that, if you go and pick that career, you will also endeavor yourselves in making sure that if said career does not go well, you will still have another path for you to take."

Like taking additional classes for other job types, or for at least making it in the police force if Heroics does not work out.

Or like me, who once everything settles down and is all quiet, will give it all up for music and a life away from Japan with Stelle and our family.

Though, that would mean staying away from Seele and Sato. I can't fathom a day without the excitable ball of energy that is Seele, or without bullying Sato and visiting his family bakery.

The rest of the class goes by quietly, with me feeling very fucking put off at having a History lesson held by the goddamn Boogeyman.

A dude with a list of war-crimes longer than I am tall, is now smiling and teaching history to kids.

What the fuck is going on?

I am so glad that this is the last lesson of the day too, because goddamn… I won't be able to handle more after all this stress.

And so, when the bell rings and everyone starts to file out, I nearly throw myself out of the window out of the pure desire to simply get the fuck out.

I turn towards the doors and blink when I see a Seele shaped rocket bolt down the hallway and glitch through everyone in her way, which brings me to a momentary pause.

One that ends up with me hearing something.

"I'm a big fan, Interstellar." A low whisper tinged in amusement, one which makes my gaze flick towards the man still seated behind his desk at the front of the class.

He flashes me a grin and wink, and I just… What the fuck am I supposed to do here!?

I pick the most rational option. Getting the fuck outta there.

"So…" Stelle starts the moment we exit the classroom and I allow my shoulders to relax, "Any reason the new teacher scares the absolute shit out of you, babe?" Right, of course she caught on. Gods, I love her so much.

I bite my lower lip and look into her serious yet worried eyes. I must keep her out of this. "It's nothing." I force out as I take her hand in mine. "I'm alright." Her gaze grows more worried, and my guts churn with guilt at the look she is giving me.

"I'm here for you." She whispers softly, squeezing my hand with hers.

"And that is all I need." I assure her with a smile, one which she sweetly reciprocates. "Now, any reason I saw Seele bolt down the hallway like she had the Devil on her tail?" Was Ser Nom Nom chasing her again?

Last time it was because she didn't pay the 'Cheese Tax' by mistake and ended up doing a dogeza before an irate fat rat screeching at her.

Stelle tilts her head in thought, "I think it was something about Hook having somehow got her hands on a physics book and going 'Oh, I see.'. She sent us us a text warning us of a potential Nuclear Winter this morning." Right, I rarely use my phone in the morning.

Do I even have it turned on? Gotta check, in case Himeko sent me a message.

Also, "That kid fucking terrifies me." How the fuck does she build bombs out of fucking nowhere!? Last week she turned a squashed soda can into a pipe bomb and Seele told me she blew up the fucking toilet with the damn thing!

Though, even as I allow myself to relax and give Stelle nearly my full attention, I can't help but focus my hearing in his direction.

He is still there, a void of no sound, shuffling papers and simply wasting time. I do not know what his game is, and it fucking terrifies me.

He knows that I know, it's clear in his eyes and with his last parting words, but I just… I don't understand.

This doesn't feel like the 'Demon King' wannabe that is the All for One that I know.

"Hey…" Stelle elbows me lightly, gaze focused ahead of her, "Ain't that Blade?" I blink, then follow her gaze to see that yes, Blade is indeed here, waiting at the front of the gate and attracting quite a lot of gazes from other girls.

I mean, that's fair. The dude is handsome as all hell, and both me and Stelle agree heavily on that.

He is dressed in his usual robes, with his usual expressionless face on, though a light smile does tug at his lips when he spots us, making him straighten off the black car behind him.

And that's when I get an evil idea and let go of Stelle's hand to spread my arms and jog his way with a "Bladey~!" cheer.

I nearly keel over with laughter when he gives a disgusted full body shudder that swiftly turns into a murderous glare, his gloved hand grabbing my face and stopping me from hugging the taller man. "I will send you flying across the school." He growls out as Stelle walks up to us.

I just shrug and push against his hand with my head, "Ain't nothing Sam hasn't done to me-"

"Through the school."

"Damn, alright…" I know for a fact he's gonna go through with his threat. Sam just does it to talk shit. "So, what are you here for?"

I pull back and he shakes his head, scowl fading into a more relaxed look, "Take you to Himeko, for one." His gaze turns towards Stelle next, "Need a lift to your job?"

Stelle thinks about it, then shakes her head with a "Nah." She then moves closes and kisses my cheek before pulling back with a sweet smile, "Try not to annoy the guy too much."

"No promises."

"I'll just kick her out of the car while I drive." Blade drawls out, then gives me a look, "While going ten times over the speed limit." Jesus, dude… Why so vicious?

"That's illegal." He gives me a flat stare. "Right, forgot…"

He snorts, then nods towards the car as Stelle gives me a wave and starts walking away. I'm a bit miffed that I can't walk her to her job, but since Blade is here to drive me to Himeko's place, it means it's important.

Or perhaps related to their Boss being my History teacher.

I get into the car with a low sigh, and Blake soon gets in the driver's seat and starts the car. It's empty, but I can still smell Kafka's perfume around the seat I am on.

"How are you feeling?" The usually quiet man asks as he takes off down the road.

I give him a look, yet he remains focused on the road, fully relaxed. "Gee, ya worried about me or something-"

"Kyoka." His sharp voice cuts me off, yet his gaze never moves towards me, "I can still feel the sheer terror radiating off of you."

I bite my inner cheek… But allow myself to let out a shaky breath and stop myself from controlling the shaking of my hands. "Why was he there?"

I want to scream. Scream and rage and throw a tantrum. Yet I know that there is no good in that, that it's useless, that I cannot blame Blade and the others.

I feel stupid, but I've always known that All for One knew about me since they started training me, and I feel even more stupid for coming to trust these people.

But I cannot help it. I like them. I like being around them, and bantering with them. Villains or not. They are mature people with a mind of their own, not Hero Media intoxicated brats like those in my school.

So I cannot bring myself to blame them for All for One's decision of just suddenly appearing before me, scaring years off my life and making me paranoid and whatever the fuck he is planning or what he wants.

"Among all the others, I am the one that has known him the longest." Blade starts, voice quiet and gentle. Soothing, even. "I never understood why he does what he does. Why he has all these plans, all these machinations, and simply play the waiting game instead of rule with force like he once did in the past."

"But one thing I do know about him, for certain, is that he loves all types of art with a passion." My eyes widen at that tidbit, a smile tugging at Blade's face, "He collected everything from before the Dark Ages. Any possible relic he could find and preserve… And then you came along, taking the world by storm with your music."

I flush at his words, a part of me, both Kyoka's and the Other, wanted to rebuke that. Say that we aren't that good. That it's not stuff we made ourselves.

But I find my words lacking, and Blade cuts me off before I could think of something, "Don't try to deny it, or be humble. Kafka adores you for the beauty you bring to life, and All for One cherishes you for gracing his ears with music he thought he had long lost the chance to listen to."

Heh, I have the most terrifying Villain in the world listen to my music and be grateful I even make it… Oh my God, he is that Demon King dude that has been doxxing every single fucking hater left and right, isn't he?

"So he… Just wanted to meet his favorite artist? The fucking Boogeyman?" Blade snorts, lips twitching into a bigger smile at how fucking crazy it all sounds.

"Pretty much." He nods, and I sigh through my nostrils at the insanity of it all, "So there is no need to fear anything evil. I only pity what will happen to those that will harm you in the future."

So… What is the reason behind all of my training? "So everything has been for nothing then?" I laugh, feeling like I want to put my fist through a wall or seven.

"What has been useless?"

"All my years of hard work? All the hard training, sheer paranoia, even sleepless nights in fear that no matter how hard I prepare it will all be for naught?"

Blade hums, then slows down a bit to fully turn and stare me in the eyes with his calm ones, "Do you think so?" He asks, and I frown, "Do you truly think that everything you have done is for naught?"

I bite my inner cheek, then sigh soft.

"No, because at least I got to meet you guys." I admit as I slump against my seat, faintly noticing the surprise on his face. "Of that, I am forever thankful."

Blade remains quiet, gaze falling back on the road ahead as he takes a turn to avoid a Villain fight down the street.

"You don't even know everything about us. If anything at all." That's fair, but I do not care.

"I don't need to know everything about someone to love spending time with them." Another rare smile graces his face, "Plus, telling me about yourself is your choice. I won't pry."

Silence once again, but one that didn't last long.

"I used to be like Stelle." He starts softly, and I give him my full undivided attention, "An Anomaly. Pathless. In this day and age, belief in your Path means everything for many."

I couldn't help but furrow my brows in confusion at that, "Why does that matter so much? My personality is a mishmash of Paths, and I don't really give a damn. Why do others care so much about that?"

It couldn't be because of that theory where the more one believes in their Path, the stronger their Quirk becomes, is it? It sounds so much like bullshit, to be honest.

"People can change Paths and beliefs on a whim, and giving themselves fully into those Paths may change their Quirks accordingly. The more they give in, the more they change… Majority of the time, it comes with a price. Your Quirk changes, and so do you." So it's like a double-edged sword?

You give yourself in for power, and you may lose parts of yourself. A price for a reward, which might escalate the more one loses themselves for that meager increase in power.

But I doubt that this kind of 'power-up' is easy to access or obtain, else I know for a fact that someone like Endeavour would instantly latch onto it to try and surpass All Might.

"Either way, as I was saying… I used to be like Stelle, yet I decided to join the career in Heroics even without a Quirk." That makes my eyes widen a great deal, "But I went into the Support Course business, and there I excelled, making weapons for others that soon became my dearest comrades."

There was a wistful smile on his face, gaze distant and longing. Nostalgic. "We were known as the High-Cloud Quintet of the Xianzhou Alliance. Good old days." A name to look up in my free time.

"Xianzhou?" That one, instead, sounds familiar. I think I've heard of it over the television.

"The biggest Hero Agency in the world, residing in China." Blade answers, his smile still on his face, "It took form during the Dark Ages, and was pivotal in leading China out of that darkness and unifying it all. You could say that the Xianzhou Alliance is to China like All Might is to Japan." So they are a massive effective Hero Group that works across all of China.

That sounds kinda bad-ass, I'll have to look them up later.

"What changed?"

Blade's smile slowly fades away, "A friend died during a battle. Me and another friend… We did something stupid, and I ended up dying too." My eyes widen in horror and confusion at his words, "And that's when I found out about my Quirk, something that I never managed to notice through all those years."

"No matter the injury… I come back whole. I come back tougher, stronger, better… Yet missing something." The gates to Himeko's large home come into view, and Blade turns to give me a look, "What I told you, about my past… That's what others have told me. I remember none of that… Especially since it was over a century ago."

Jesus Christ…

"That answers some things…" I mutter softly after a faint gulp, clicking a button on my keys to let the gates open for our car.

"Hm?" Blade hums, interested in my words, and clearly wishing for me to elaborate.

"Your suicidal." I state flatly, and his eyes widen in shock and flick towards me. "I… I know not how many times you have died and come back so far, and how much you have lost… But it's clear that you are tired."

"I can tell that you want it all to end." The car comes to a stop and is then turned off, the only noise left is the low hum of the heat coming from the front and Blade's slow breathing.

I pat his arm softly, then open my door and grab my bag to get out, and that's when he speaks up once more, "How did you know?" He asks softly. Curiously.

I blink, then send a weak smile his way, "Your eyes." Said eyes widen lightly once more, "I've seen that same look in the mirror countless times in the past."

Well, not anymore now. Not once in this world, surprisingly enough. Mostly because I have someone wonderful to live for.

And friends that, deep down, I really deeply care about.

I shut the door of the car, sigh softly, then make my way inside to probably get my shit ran by Sam. Because of course.

I make my way inside the main hall, then up the stairs and into the living room on the second floor, where I find the beautiful Kafka serving herself a cup of steaming hot coffee.

She perks up and smiles beautifully my way, and I send a look her way, "Tell the guy that after that jumpscare, he can expect no more songs from me."

Kafka pauses, then soon falls into a fit of beautiful giggles as she takes her seat, "Oh, this I shall gladly do, dear." I'm gonna bully the fucking Boogeyman, I swear to God.

Her laughter dies down, and she looks at me with a gentle and warm gaze, "How do you feel now?" I smile and take a seat next to her, then lean back with a sigh.

"Better now." I drawl out as she sips her coffee, "I've had a talk with Blade. He told me about his past. Helped me relax."

Kafka hums softly, "Now I feel like I've been left behind." I chuckle softly at that.

"It's not a competition." I tell her, and she hums and sips more of her coffee. "I know a bit about you through Himeko, the rest is up to you to share."

Her smile is sweet and warm, her gaze full of tenderness as she stretches out her arm to cup my cheek with her gloved hand, then run her fingers through my hair.

I lean into her touch with a smile, hearing a faint "You're sweet." coming from her before she slowly draws her hand back.

I stretch my hearing around and find Himeko in her office, while Sam and Silver World are nowhere in my range of hearing. Probably doing some odd jobs for their boss.

I hum, then stand back up and give Kafka's shoulder a gentle squeeze as I walk by, "I'll check on Himeko." The woman chuckles softly, but goes back to enjoying her coffee quietly as I make my way across the large living room to reach Himeko's office.

I open the large doors and smile when golden eyes flick up from the desk before the breathtaking woman, who is now wearing a very open tank top that might as well make me drool.

"Welcome home, Kyoka." Home, huh? This place might as well be a second home to me, I guess.

"You are making it very hard for me to hold back." I drawl out as I close the door behind me and lean against it, a salacious smirk spreading across Himeko's wonderful lips at my words.

"You are welcome to ravage me anytime!" She teases hotly, crossing her arms beneath her massive bust, making it bounce and perk up even more.

I gulp. Loudly.

Himeko giggles softly, "You hardcore lesbian." I shrug, very proud of being one. Plus, I never stood a chance with a beauty like her around, or with my adorable Trash Panda being… Well, my Trash Panda.

Trash Panda and Himeko together… Goodness gracious...

"Thinking about Stelle?"

"Thinking about you and Stelle, naked, and leaning against each other." I state and nod without shame while Himeko flushes and gapes at me with wide eyes.

Her teeth nibble on her lower lip as she leans back, gaze heated as she ravishes me with her eyes, her long and bare legs crossing over each other, showing the white shorts she is wearing beneath.

Gods, she is so beautiful…

Both in personality and in looks. She has done so much for me, has been so wonderful, and still continues to support me with everything she can.

I think she deserves a reward.

Mind made, I rest my bag to the side and drop my scarf on it, one of Himeko's brows rising up as I walk to her desk, then around it, her eyes never leaving my form.

Then they widen when I turn her chair towards me, and I lean down to take her lips in mine.

Her shock is momentary, then is swiftly placed by delight and desire as her arms wrap around my shoulders and she deepens the kiss, her lips parting and our tongues meeting.

She smells fantastic, probably having recently come out of a shower, and there's a faint lingering taste of chocolate on her lips as I savor her, gripping her waists and easily picking her up off the chair.

She gasps softly, but her legs soon lock around my waists as I set her down on the desk, her hands running through my long hair as she pushes her large chest against my smaller one.

Her heartbeat hammers in my ears, and her heated gaze never leaves mine as I hold her close.

Though, I soon feel her smile against my lips, and one of her hands comes down to rest on the back of one of my own, then help slide it up under her tank top.

Permission given, I greedily grope one of her massive naked breasts, feeling the soft supple flesh give in under my fingers and all but swallow the digits as Himeko mewls in my mouth, her body all but melting and molting against mine.

I lose track of time as I simply enjoy our kiss and her supple flesh, but when we came apart her cheeks were flushed and we were both panting heavily.

I lick my lips as I trace hers with my eyes, my hand slowly sliding out of her tousled tank top, "I guess this is to show you what to expect when we go out." I purr, my voice rougher than usual.

Himeko shivers and bites her lower lip before a hungry glint flashes across her golden eyes, "Then I better reciprocate!" She purrs right back, and I blink when she pushes me down on the chair, my eyes widening soon after when she sinks to her knees between my legs.

I gulp as she winks up at me and yanks my pants and underwear down with ease, revealing my swiftly hardening and throbbing shaft. "Y-You sure about this?" I may not be a virgin any longer, and I've been getting intimate with Stelle on a weekly basis since my birthday, but still…

This is Himeko before me. I can't help to be shy under all of her hungry sex appeal.

"Of course, I'd be a bad host if I let you walk off with this beast tucked away…" She breathes out, tracing her finger and nail along a vein, making me hiss lightly as my shaft twitches once more. She smirks and nibbles on her lower lips sensually, "Can't believe you've been hiding this puppy from me for so long."

Gods, she's thirsty… I've teased her too much, haven't I?

I can't retort, as all that comes out is a sharp hiss when she traces her tongue on the underside of my now painfully hard erection, dragging her wet and warm tongue all the way up to the tip before she swallows it whole.

Her tongues circles the head, then she maintains eye-contact and gulps my shaft down her mouth- A gag sounds out, and I see starts when she takes me deeper than Stelle ever has.

I hiss and grit my teeth, doing my best not to orgasm right then and there as her throat clenches around my very sensitive head, the wondrous tight feeling and wet warmth just further heighten my pleasure even higher.

Himeko pulls back with a gasp and licks her lips, thick layers of spit coating what she took in her mouth and throat before she goes right back in for seconds, gagging once more as she takes more down her throat.

I gather up her hair and grip them tightly, then feel a flame of desire burn inside of me when she gives me a look of pure desire, making me understand what exactly she wants.

So, I comply and roll my hips, fixing my position on the chair… Before I start fucking her mouth, thrusting back and forth with sighs of pleasure as her eyes gloss over and cross, hands gripping my hips as I listen to the wondrous sounds her mouth and throat make each time I plunge my cock deep inside of her.

With each thrust, I push a tiny bit more deep inside, the sensation downright heavenly and addictive, with Himeko's pleasure stricken face just making it all the better.

But this is something new, something downright divine, so of course I feel my orgasm draw close after just a few minutes.

Himeko's tight grip does not relax, so I refuse to pull back and quicken my pace, her gagging growing slightly louder as spit pours down her chin and wobbling chest.

Until, finally, I explode down her throat, my mind going blank from the pleasure.

The strength leaves my arms and legs, and I lean back, letting Himeko pull back to gulp loudly and swallow the cum in her mouth while a few shots are sprayed across her face and chest.

Something that she doesn't mind, as she locks eyes with me and slowly cleans herself up with her fingers, which she proceeds to slowly lick clean.

She's going to be the death of me.

I'm going to fuck an imprint of her into her bed one day. That I swear.

"Satisfied?" Himeko asks, voice lightly rough, hair tousled and appeared all kinds of messed up… Yet she looks so downright hot right now that it's just so fucking unfair.

"I could go for ten more rounds with you and I'd never be satisfied." Not until I've fucked her into a coma, that is.

Himeko's smile grows bigger, "I'll look forward to that then, hon." Slowly, she stands and pats my cheek, "I sure do look forward to doing this more often!" She winks, then walks away to get cleaned up.

I should also do that too…

And Kafka is right outside… I wonder if she heard or suspects anything, but I can't hear much of a difference in her heartbeat or the rest.

I shake away those thoughts and look at Himeko, now cleaning herself up with some tissues. A packet is tossed my way, and I grab it while keeping my gaze on her wonderful form.

Can't believe this is my life…

[Eight Months until the U.A. Entrance Exam]

10:07 - SpasticButterfly: Anyone free?

10:07 - LordDiabetes: I am now. What's up, Seele?

10:07 - LordDiabetes: ...Who changed my name to that?

10:07 - SpasticButterfly: Kyo is my best bet.

10:08 - LetTheBeatDrop: Whomst dares accuse me of something I totally did?

10:08 - GalacticRaccoon: Actually, 'LordDiabetes' is my invention. There's legit a Villain called that in Europe, look him up.

10:08 - LordDiabetes: I dare not to.

10:08 - LetTheBeatDrop: [ ]

10:08 - LetTheBeatDrop: Dude could give people diabetes for an entire day just by touching 'em! Hah! Quirks are so fucking stupid!

10:09 - SpasticButterfly: What in the absolute FUCK is that creature in the picture?

10:09 - LetTheBeatDrop: It's not a 'creature'! It's a 'Pug'!

10:09 - GalacticRaccoon: Seele, Kyo looks ready to punch something. I suggest you desist.

10:09 - SpasticButterfly: But… Look at that thing… It's face… It looks like it ran face first into a wall at Mach 10…

10:10 - LetTheBeatDrop: Leave my horribly inbred screeching creature be! They even went extinct during the Dark Age, so I'm fucking pissed!

10:10 - LordDiabetes: That's a weird fuckin' dog…

10:10 - SpasticButterfly: That's a DOG?!

10:10 - LordDiabetes: Anyway… What do you need?

10:11 - SpasticButterfly: Right, anyone wants to come to the mall with me? Now that the orphanage is bigger, me and Miss Cocolia thought it would be nice to create a room full of toys for the kids so that they can let loose in there.

10:12 - LetTheBeatDrop: So we are just gonna give Hook more materials to build bombs?

10:12 - SpasticButterfly: That is an unfortunate side-effect of this, yes.

10:12 - LetTheBeatDrop: Fantastic, let us give the bomb making brat the materials she needs to build a thermonuclear bomb using a squeaky toy, spit and a gum.

10:12 - GalacticRaccoon: Me and Kyo are together right now, and her house isn't far from the mall. We can join.

10:14 - LordDiabetes: I shall ignore this 'bomb making child' to say that… Yes, I can join too. My family bakery is just two streets away from the mall.

10:14 - GalacticRaccoon: Oh right, you don't know about Hook.

10:14 - SpasticButterfly: [ !]

10:14 - LordDiabetes: Who is that?

10:15 - SpasticButterfly: Hook.

10:15 - LordDiabetes: ...What is she holding with such a massive, proud smile?

10:16 - SpasticButterfly: Heat-Seeking bomb.

10:20 - LordDiabetes: Yeah, I'm just going to wait for you all in front of the mall…

10:30 - SpasticButterfly: ...I'll be five minutes late. Hook booby-trapped the front door.

I sigh and put the phone away.

So that's why Seele is running a bit late. Hook really is terrifying sometimes.

Still, this is the first time I've come to this mall. It's a bit too full of people, something that I am never a big fan off.

I can see so many shops selling Hero Merchandise too, both on the first and the second floor.

"Any reason it has this big dome around it?" I ask Sato as I nod towards the large glass dome around the mall, with the entire building being adapted into it and taking a circular shape of sorts.

It's big and large, with a massive middle area on the first floor and all the shops being on the left and right, while more are on the top and on the second floor, where they are everywhere instead of just the sides.

Sato perks up and turns towards me at my question, "Oh, it's a disaster shelter." He points out, making me raise a brow, "Usually for earthquakes, since we don't really get tornadoes or tsunamis here."

I guess they can work for nasty Villain attacks too, maybe. How it is supposed to help though, I do not know.

"Here she comes." Stelle calls out, and I turn towards her and follow her line of sight to see Seele rushing towards us, scaring the shit out of people when she just runs through them without care.

One day she will get in trouble for doing that so carelessly.

A call of "Scarf buddy~!" reaches my ears, making me fix my scarf before she tackles me uselessly, not making me budge even an inch.

Stelle is quickly given a hug too, while Sato gets a punch in the stomach that doesn't make him twitch one bit. Mostly because the punch glitches right through him.

"Sorry for being late!" The hyper-excited girl settles down, but her Quirk still makes her glitch profusely as she catches her breath, "I had to disarm a bomb." The fact that it isn't a joke makes it even funnier.

"It's alright, we know how Hook is." I wave off her apology with an amused smile before turning towards the large mall beside us, cringing slightly at the sight of the large amount of people inside it. "So, where's this toy store?"

Seele hums and puts her fists on her hips, "The layout changed since I last came here, but it should still be on the second floor somewhere." And we can't really find it well from below just by peeking through the openings that show the second floor.

Hell, some of the large pillars holding the middle area of the second floor are small shops too, or even food stands.

I shrug as Stelle takes my hand, "Well, we can just look around. Doubt any of us has anything to do." We've already taken care of our homework together, and today is Sato's day off from helping at his family bakery.

Hence we are all free for a good while.

"Then let's go in-"

"Greetings!" I blink when someone interjects in our conversation, making me scowl and turn towards a tall and strangely dressed man.

Long red and black robes with a hood over his head, and a weird red and gold smiling mask on his face to cover his features.

Behind him are two more people dressed the same way as him, and I narrow my eyes when… They just sound the same?

Their bodies are in sync, making the same sounds at the same time without missing a single beat.

That's creepy.

"The hell you want?" I ask a bit harshly, not getting a good vibe from this guy. A quick look around reveals more than a dozen people dressed like him, approaching people left and right and giving them… masks?

"Nothing much!" The masked man joyfully answers before he fishes out a mask similar to the one on his face out of his long sleeves, "We Masked Fools are simply going around, sharing the beauty of the Elation Path and it's wondrous pleasure to all those willing to listen!"

He gives a mask to each of us as he explains, "I hope you have a good laugh! Who knows, it might be your last!" And with that creepy statement, he hops away with his followers to go and bother more people.

I share a weird look with the others before I flip the mask around to see that the back was carved full of jokes of all kinds, both long and short, yet all of them stale and stupid. "Are these guys on drugs or something?"

"They are hedonists." Sato surprisingly answers for us, shocking me, "I've heard of them, the Masked Fools. They are fanatical worshipers of the Elation Path, willing to do anything just to amuse themselves." He sighs and shakes his head, and I can all but feel his disgust at having his Quirk be sort-of related to such people.

"Come on, let's just go in…" I pat his shoulder and stash the creepy mask away, at least until we walk by a trashcan where I can toss it in.

We soon enter the mall, and are nearly instantly directed towards a small food stall to our right due to the insanely good scent coming from it, and we all walk away with several meat skewers in hand a few seconds later.

I swear, people with cooking related Quirks deserve the goddamn world and more.

"Oh, I think I see it!" Seele perks up, looking up high and through a hole in the ceiling, showing the second story's floor and a colorful large shop right near it.

"'Squeaky Squeakers'?" Stelle whispers from beside me, drawing a snort from me and Sato. Some people really don't know how to name their shops.

We walk past more of those Masked Fools people as we reach the stairs, and we see even more of them on the second floor.

The majority of them sound the same as those guys at the front. What the fuck?

A cloning Quirk of sort?

"They're everywhere…" Seele whispers, gaze flicking left and right towards all of the wandering Masked Fools before she shrugs and leads the way towards the toy shop we took notice off.

Luckily, it was quite a big one, and it had all kinds of toys. Both for babies and for brats around Hook's age and a bit higher.

"Huh, they sell even baby carriers and pacifiers." Sato takes note as we walk in while looking around, and I instantly feel a strange change of atmosphere.

I raise an amused brow as old ladies and young women start whispering while glancing our way, and some of the things they are saying… Well, I can't help but snort.

Sato shifts uncomfortably, which looks funny as hell seeing as he is a hulking giant of pure muscles, "Why do I feel I am getting stared at with pure disappointment but also admiration?"

My lips twitch as I hold down another snort, "The ladies around us think you knocked us all up." He sputters and chokes, face going a dark red while Stelle bursts out laughing and Seele looks dead on her feet.

"Maybe I should wait outside?" Sato suggests, looking so embarrassed that he is close to covering his face with his large arms.

"That's just going to make them judge you more, papa." And he looks close to fainting right now. Good.

I now have more ammo to use to bully his ass.

Though, the amusement is short lived, as a loud explosion rings out far behind us, shaking the whole shop we are in and silencing the people inside and outside.

I narrow my eyes and focus my hearing in the direction of the explosion, hearing screams of panic and fear and horror together with… Dozens upon dozens of sharp, hissing sounds that grow louder and louder?

I feel a surge of heat from beside me, and I throw a glance down to my bag just to see the mask that was gifted to us quickly turn from a heated orange to a bright, near blinding white-hot color.

And it's not just mine.

Seele, Stelle and Sato's masks were doing the same. As were the masks in the possession of the other women in the shop, with one of them having placed the weird mask in the carrier with her baby in it.

My gaze flicks towards Stelle, things click in place, and my heart leaps in my throat as more explosion start ringing out one after the other, in quick succession.

"Throw the masks away!" I scream at the top of my lungs, tossing my bag outside the shop as Sato grabs his and Seele's, then chucks them away too.

I grab Stelle's and toss it away, only for it's glow to intensify as soon as it leaves my hand.

And I can only scream and toss myself over Stelle as pure heat and force wash over us.

A.N. Been a while since I last updated this.

So have a cliffhanger.

Yes, am evil. Muheheheh…



Absolutely love this story


Great chapter, but I'm irrationally irritated that I've gotta wait for more! Looking forward to more.