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Same as we did last month with our Night Elf Concepts ...

We're releasing 2D Concepts of some of the characters before the month starts, so all of you can have an approximate idea of what the full release is going to look like before having to commit to a new month blindly (like it happened a few months ago).

Thanks to the new concepts we hope to reassure all of you at the end of each month so that you don't depend solely on your trust in us (which so far has been incredible) when deciding whether to keep your pledge at BTB for the next month.

In order to accomplish this, we required of external help (outside of BTB), a 2D Concept Artist who as you can see did an amazing job.

But do not fear!

This doesn't mean that our BTB Style is gonna change at all, these characters were designed by Elisa, all concepts approved by her and we were in permanent contact with the 2D Artist during the entire process.

And also, the final character doesn't have to be necessarily the exact image of the concept, our style will remaing the same and there might be some last minute modifications.

This is a new feature we're testing during November (Vampires) release, and the continuity of this idea will depend entirely on your feedback.


Autumn Season
November - Vampires

This month's pack contains:

  • HERO: Queen
  • Knight
  • Warlock
  • Rogue
  • Sorceress
  • EXOTIC: (Doesn't appear in the Concepts)
  • BUST: (Doesn't appear in the Concepts)
  • Set of Decorative Elements (Scenery)
  • Set of Bases
  • Set of Modular Weapons


Thank you and have a great weekend everyone!

Elisa and Daniel,
Bite the Bullet.




BTB could release a full month of Mr Hankey themed sculpts and I'd still subscribe, but I fully support the concept art approach, for me its an excellent added bonus to the subscription.


Mmm, esperaba algo más terrorífico. Seres abotargados y deformes, murciélagos monstruosos... En fin, algo distinto de lo que todos hacen. A ver qué encontramos.


Buenas Daniel! Vaya, nosotros pensábamos que ese estilo de vampiros eran los más comunes y queríamos diferenciarnos y hacerlos un poco al estilo BTB, después de todo nuestros personajes estilizados siempre han tenido personalidad y un estilo propio pero no solemos hacer criaturas deformes ni demasiado monstruosas haha. De todas formas, si volvemos a hacer vampiros nos aseguraremos de que tengan otro estilo más apropiado para Halloween, gracias Daniel.