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Hello dear crewmates !!

Last month (after seeing a lot of you guys talking about your new 3D Printers on Discord) we decided that it was time for us to upgrade our own printer.

Having to test print all our Pre-Supported models each month before releasing them was very time consuming (and we were making all of you wait for the files), our printer couldn't handle it in time, we needed a faster one.

After doing a thorough research we decided to get the Phrozen Sonic Mini 4K, but then, we saw the Sonic Mighty 4K, and even though because of it's bigger size it lose a little bit of quality versus the Mini (having both of them the same number of pixels, but the Migthy printing at 52µm and the Mini being able to print at 35µm ).

We decided to change our selection and get the Mighty. For us the larger build plate made the difference since we need to print all the models from each release as soon as possible.

Why did we choose the Mini as the Prize :

Shortly after purchasing our Mighty we decided to host our first Painting Contest and for us it was obvious, the Mini 4K must be the first prize. We know most of you have being hoarding printed minis looking for the best time to paint them, with the Phrozen Mini 4K you'll be able to print faster and better without going crazy printing hundreds of minis trying to fill the entire build plate of the Mighty, the Mini has no drawbacks.

First Print :

After the Mighty finally arrived yesterday, we set everything up (not too difficult since it came fully mounted :P) and after doing a fast test print using the validation matrix and recommended settings, it turned out thre result was ... pefectly explendid.

So we just filled the build plate to the top, with 9 Characters, 6 Bases and 5 Sceneries (Almost our full release) and hit PRINT.

Normally there wouldn't be no need to print so many models at the same time and it would be better to have a better quality, but for us, this was perfect, and all the models looked awesome, more than enough quality to justify the purchase and half the printing time.

These 35mm prints ended up looking flawless without having to tweak anything.

As you can see on the image, we also got the Luna UV Curing Lamp, and we aren't gonna lie, even tho this reduces the needed curing time, we mainly did that because it looks way cooler than our trash can with UV lights glued on with tape '^_^ ... so ... this is not a required purchase but definitely a good companion for your new 4K Printer.

We have also created a collaborative Resin Settings Spreadsheet on Discord.

With this we're trying to help other patrons find the right settings for their printers to print our models. So if you want to help the community, feel free to click and fill your own row for everyone to try.

Instagram: @phrozen3d
Website: phrozen3d.com

(Phrozen) Sonic Mini 4K - The True 4K 3D Printer

Painting Contest :

We wanted to remember you all that by supporting us during January you can enter our very first Painting Contest.

You can find all the information here: Contest Info

We have a 4K 3D Printer as first prize (Phrozen Sonic Mini 4K) and also 3 community awards that you can still win even if you don't make it to the Top 3 prize winners.

And every participant is gonna receive an exclusive 15% discount code for all products in the Phrozen Store.

What to do now ?

We're certain the winner is gonna be truly delighted with this awesome Sonic Mini 4K

As for the rest of participants, if you're still craving for this fantastic 4K Printer or maybe you want to go bigger and get our new Mighty 4K ... 

You can always use your exclusive 15% off code in Phrozen's Store or ... if you're feeling lucky, now that the winner is going to be on cooldown until 2022 ... next contest might be your chance !!

Elisa and Daniel,
Bite the Bullet Team.




I'm going to have to try your settings, I'm haveing problems with models falling off supports


Well, settings depened of too many factors to just use "ours" but we hope if other patrons that are having sucesfull prints, decide to fill the table you'll be able to find someone using the same printer you own and then you can try those. We'll try to ask other patrons to fill a row each one so you can have more settings to choose from ;)