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We reached 500 PATRONS !!

First of all, we want to tell you how much we appreciate all the support you guys have showed us during this 6 first months of Bite the Bullet.

Both of us (Elisa and Daniel) want to express again how HUGE it's for us that we have reached this milestone.

500 GOAL :

As we established on the 500 Patron Goal :

Depending on the feedback of this first Painting Contest, there will be a contest each season, from the 15th of the last month to the 15th of the next season first month.

By turning this into a seasonal feature, all the patrons that supported us for the entire season will be qualified to enter both the contest and the award on top of receiving the Season Reward Mini for Free.


Just before this post we published "MyMiniFactory Files Storage".

By using this new feature and linking your Patreon and MMF accounts you'll be able to keep all your previous Bite the Bullet files safe storaged on MMF cloud drive and this way you'll save a lot of disk space.

Discover how to Access, Extract and Organize the files: Here 


In Bite the Bullet there's a special free figure every 3 months following a Seasonal Reward System, that is, as now, everyone who supported us in December is already qualified to get the next special figure for free if you decide to stay aboard during the entire season (ending next month).
Last Reward (Autumn): "Victoria, the Beast Hunter"

Winter Season : December -> January -> February = FREE FIGURE !


Rememebr that the next months themes were already decided in our : Winter Season Poll 

February > Goblins
March > Tortles

Next month we'll post the next Spring Season Poll so all of you can decide what's gonna be the theme for the following season (3 months).


We wanted to remember you all that by supporting us during January you can enter our very first Painting Contest.

You can find all the information here: Contest Info

We have a 4K 3D Printer as first prize and also 3 community awards that you can still win even if you don't make it to the Top 3 prize winners.

And every participant is gonna receive an exclusive 15% discount code for all products in the Phrozen Store.


We have being working on our Discord and have added quite a few interesting channels.

If you want to join, you need to link your Discord with Patron in your "Profile Settings":

Then go to "My Membership":

And click: "Connect to Discord"

Once you're inside, you'll be able to acccess the most relevant information, links and files, share your prints/paints and get pro tips and advices from other patrons,  give feedback to us so we can keep improving our Patreon or just talk with other patrons and of course, with us ;)

We have also created a collaborative Resin Settings Spreadsheet

With this we're trying to help other patrons find the right settings for their printers to print our models. So if you want to help the community, feel free to click and fill your own row for everyone to try.


Time has come for us to start considering to do the famous leap of faith, leave our current daily jobs and go full time here on Patreon.

By doing this, we plan to improve both the content of the Patreon and the release times (and incidentally not do die from overwork '^_^).

We haven't set up a specific date for this, but we're already working on it, so even if we have set up a different goal for the next milestone, this is also coming ;)

700 Goal : Add a Bust to our Monthly Release (Decided by Patron Poll)

Let us know what do you think about this upcoming ideas!

THANK YOU AGAIN, let's go full swing to the next goal!

Elisa and Daniel,
Bite the Bullet.



Rob Leonard

March > Tortles.....Huzzah! Hahaha I forgot about the rest of your post when I saw that! Congrats on your success, and I can only speculate that success will continue and you'll grow more quickly than you imagined because your content is great and getting better. It makes me happy to see artists able to break away from life-sucking day jobs and make a good living doing what they love. I believe 2021 is going to be an amazing (probably record-setting) year for STL artists in Patreon and KS!


Thank you Rob! Haha, Tortles !! Well, you make it look like 2021 is gonna be truly awesome, and you know what ... we belive you! We'll just have to "bite the bullet" for a few more month and ... then we'll skyrocket this Patreon ;) We're gonna turn this pirate ship into a spaceship with all of you aboard :P